
 Value: High Testosterone, Higher IQs, & the Highest Ethics!

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+60% of all men experience some SameSex attractions. You know that +60% is NOT a "minority", -right?
G0YS is testosterone driven. Our basic philosophy is simple: "Love works no ill.", & "No victim; -No crime". If you can't wrap your brain around those principles, -then you're in the wrong place!
Prude Warning: In order to illustrate adult subject matter, -this site contains explicit images/language! This G0YS website thanks all of our media-content, BLOGs & editorial contributors! You made it possible!
If you're among the MINORITY of men who do not understand or relate to same-gender affections, then we invite you to stay for a while & learn how the majority of men see the world, - or encourage you to go elsewhere for your lack of basic empathy.



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BTW: If you think that all nudity is "porn", then you need to go back to middle school & grow up.

ATTN: Zealot Zone!

This website contains content authored by people who actually have passionate beliefs that matter. We don't tolerate fools well, -nor do we make light of life/death issues. We don't giggle at mindsets that downplay perilous philosophies, actions, or the effects of such. I.E:  Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis is one of our  role-models. Like Semmelweis's common-sense approach to hygiene, -G0YS simply point out the well known perils about playing in SH!T; --Perils that the GAY "" community desperately seems to want to ignore & make light of the cause/s. Of course, -being a g0y involves more to a guy's personality profile than a natural revulsion to using soiled diapers as a picnic spread. But, sanity is always a good place to start. If you find yourself being "offended" at content on this site, --simply ask yourself: "Are these g0ys denouncing a group or act that is dangerous, disrespectful, demeaning, disease-spreading or deadly?" -&- "Is the tone of the site appropriate to the seriousness of the subject matter?". If the obvious answer is "YES", -then you're experiencing a variation of the "Semmelweis Reflex"; -& G0YS are not the cause of your offense ... (Your own warped worldview is). 

"There is no amount of fact or truth that will sway the depraved mind. The depraved mind revels in the excrement of lies." - D. Champion

Hate truth?

"Here's a thought: If LITERALLY and ACCURATELY describing what you advocate & condone sounds like an INSULT, -maybe it's because you're advocating and condoning irrational, immoral crap. The proper solution is not to bitch at the people pointing that out. The proper solution is to STOP advocating and condoning irrational, immoral crap." - Larken Rose

HATE Truth!

In ALL of the time I've spent editing this site and fielding e-mails & criticism, -I have noticed (1) glaringly loud subject that the avoid above all others. will not discuss the FACT that ALL major global health organizations have pegged as the single most perilous sex-act a person can engage in +5000% more dangerous than even oral!  HATE the FACT that, today, +95% of virtually ALL sexually transmitted diseases can be rapidly traced to the act of the in virtually every contagion chain! This FACT weighs more than ALL of the other FACTS that VALIDATE G0YS position on the matter, - & this FACT is the one the avoid discussing more than they avoid the plague. Literally. AIDS is one (of many) such plagues that spread especially well via ! So rather than address actual substance, the crowd falls back on slandering g0ys with accusations; -Calling g0ys names like "homophobic", "misogynistic", "trans-phobic", etc. Anyone who spends actual time on this website knows that those assertions are bullsh!t; -but even if it was all true (& even if g0ys kick a puppy every day); -NONE OF THOSE SLURS CHANGE THE FACT THAT THOSE WHO WILL NOT ADDRESS THE WELL-SETTLED TRUTH THAT IS THE MASSIVE DISEASE-SPREADING & TRAUMATIC, PHYSICAL, REAL-WORLD OUTCOMES OF ! NO APOLOGY!


I discovered around the age of 13 that I really enjoyed the close company of a select number of my male friends.  Because home life was so sheltered, I had no access to adult material -so I did not make any connection with my feelings being "sexual", -nor was my interest in my buddies directed at their genitals to any degree whatsoever. I was simply the friend who'd wrestle with a buddy and then bust into massaging him - often during the wrestling.  The massage would almost always subdue the guy immediately and then I'd have what I wanted: close contact with a buddy stripped down to his shorts.  If it was a stay-over, -I'd take steps to be sure we ended up wrestling right before bedtime so that I could end up wrapped around the guy rubbing on him throughout the night.  I greatly enjoyed the close contact.  As I got older, I eventually made the connection with the sexuality component of my feelings.  And it turned out that a number of my peers were experiencing similar patterns of social development.  As we now know - this is a very common pattern of development among men.  Not any part of this pattern was any semblance of gender-bending nor any effeminate behavior.  And there was absolutely no place for AnalSex (it didn't enter our minds) -as that notion was -& still is- a completely offensive thought process.  The battle that many guys experience is the implied notion broadcast by the "gay-community" that "" would have fit into our early male/male affection paradigm.  G0YS know instinctively that AnalSex does not fit nor will it ever. is a highly perilous gender-bending act that proxies a man in the stead of a woman's anatomy and debases the participants on a number of levels. also spreads diseases +5000% faster than any other act (according to the CDC, WHO & ARC)!  This distinction (the lack of anal-fetishes) is what distinguishes g0ys (+55% of the male population) from morally-soft gAys (<7% of the male population).  And most men feel such a moral revulsion at the thought of that they do not disclose the same-gender aspects of their pasts for fear of being lumped in with the gender-bending, - tolerating crowd called "gay".  The sexual expression and core values of g0ys are fundamentally different from the "" crowd and g0ys do not feel any camaraderie with guys who act like woman-wanna-be's in their mannerisms.  G0YS now know that we're part of the MAJORITY of men. Shocked? Some guys feel a great sense of separation from others over time as they live with the FALSE presumption that same-gender-affections make them somehow different from average guys.  You see, most guys have same gender attractions! Over 60% do! The MAJORITY! Yeah! But, many of us got the 'message' all of our lives (post 1950) that guys who were into other guys were ("gender inverted")...  Our families, churches, friends, enemies, schools, etc., -- often painted a language of hate speech aimed at all 'socially forbidden attractions'.  There were also stereotypes about same-sex activity that were often disgusting distortions of some type of fetish (I.E: : Most guys want nothing to do with that sort of dangerous & debased behavior).  Most of us could not identify with the way 'gay' was portrayed in the public psyche, so we adopted the same 'anti-' rhetoric as our friends, families, churches, schools, & even our enemies - all in order to stay hidden because we did NOT identify nor relate with what the term "GAY" implied: !  But, as we got older, we also begin to realize that maybe, other so-called, self-professing 'STR8' guys weren't what they projected, either! Something was missing: A conscious articulation of our  innate G0YS' perspective vs. "GAY"!

The 15 year-old says!
(Editorial contribution)

"They fuck'n do what!" - was the phrase that exploded out of my mouth into our biology class.  I was 15 years old at the time & my friend, Tom, had just told me about the disgusting things that the "gay guys" did - who lived next door to the rural high school I attended.  I wasn't sure where Tom got his information, but the Biology teacher (Sue) explained that "When a guy has (1) orifice down there - what do you think!".  Living in a rural northern state in the mid 80's - I was naive. I didn't scope porn - so I didn't know about the whole GAY= stereotype.  This new information suddenly made it much clearer to me why the "FAGS" had such a sh!t-tainted reputation. I honestly felt sick to my stomach - because I had realized since I was 12 that I liked guys & at 15 I still liked guys (women did nothing for me in the desire dept).  However, I HAD NO INCLINATION WHATSOEVER TO ASS-FUCK ANYONE NOR BE BY ANOTHER GUY! Tom's info about the activities of "gay guys" created a great deal of concern & disgust within me.  I had always thought that the girlie guyths who acted like their aunts or sisters were repugnant to my sense of being a guy; -But the news that Tom broke that day now indicated that gays wanted to  men as a proxy for women, too! And that information was simply too demoralizing to let slide. I was a guy who recognized the fact that I preferred guys. But, I had no inclination to be a woman, be like a woman nor treat any other guy like a bitch!   And I was seriously distraught that anyone might think for even a moment that I would ever a buddy or receive myself - simply because I loved guys; - So I reinforced the closet I had been living in and ramped up the anti-fag, anti- rhetoric.  In light of Tom's information (confirmed by our biology teacher), - I knew that there must to be a different kind of  guy who loved guys but would never a guy! And whatever that "kind of guy" was called - I was it.  (Today, what I was can now be classified as a straight-acting Kinsey-6 G0Y.  But at the time, the g0ys movement hadn't happened.) And this g0y thing nails it! And the fact that gAys have the highest rates of sexually transmitted diseases, while g0ys are among the very lowest - speaks huge fuck'n volumes regarding the behavioral differences!  Long since I was 15, -I have discovered that lots of so-called straight guys are actually "Bi" - and behaviorally g0y. And when you form a tight friendship with such - the benefits of physically connecting with a guy who is emotionally secure in his male gender identity as well as having an ethos that would never expect a man to play the role of a woman; - It is vastly superior to the compromises made by men who want to be with a man while not seeming a man themselves - but some plasticized gender morph who thinks "testosterone" is a 4-letter word.  Having had DECADES to observe the differences between regular guys who happened to love guys too - compared to the alphabet soup of GLIBTQGAY, etc: That 15 year-old is still absolutely right: G0Ys are morally superior to the 's! No Apology!

The Real Reason for so-called 'Homo Hate':

Most men loathe the concept of ; - even being associated with !  Men who rape men use that form of assault for a reason: It is the ultimate statement of disrespect. 

The original use of the word  "FUCK" was a 'cuss' insinuating penetration.  It is the verbal approximation of the nonverbal noises ASSociated with .   So then, the term "fuck-you" has a very specific meaning when spoken man to man!

Since the media, (& now society), - generally ASSerts: That "All Same-Sex Affection = , & since the media asserts that "GAY*sex*" = ; -- Most men logically connect the term "gay" with - a complicit act - completely degrading & repulsive to masculinity, health & common sense; - something that they'd never do to their buddies! 

And, like it or not: Guys who wear the "gay" label make themselves guilty by ASSociation w. a group that loudly TOLERATES EVERY perversion under the sun -& calls that clusterphuck: "gay pride"!  G0YS, however, believe that pride should be earned. 

The real issue is not male/male intimacy; -- But the dirty, disrespectful & even dangerous attitudes towards masculinity such as .  Most men want absolutely nothing to do with such forms of moral turpitude.  The term "GAY" is generally shunned, -not because it implies tender, physical male friendships, --but because the term is solidly welded to the notions of , Gender-Bending & other forms of abuse in the public psyche. Most men find those implications grossly offensive to their own ethos.

Understand AntiGay's "Why":

Contrary to the anti-samesex messages that so many guys continuously broadcast (out of terror of being associated with a group of ); --The vast majority (+63%) of men recognize a certain degree of internal, same-gender affection for certain other guys. However, when given the chance to act on these feelings, -the expression does NOT resemble the types of stereotypical behaviors that the "" have made themselves notorious for. Most guys know instinctively that is a grossly perilous & shameful fetish; -A crime against health itself in the practice. spreads diseases & is disgusting. Using a man's arse as a proxy for a woman's vag is a massive act of disrespect & incredibly perilous from a medical perspective.  And yet "GAY" is a term that has been WELDED by use to perilous acts of shame. And for that set of ASSociations do men of good conscience shun any connection to the term "gay".  A person may say "GAY" meaning simple "same-gender affection", --but the world around them hears "". So, quite literally, --ethical, discerning men avoid association with the term "gay" like they avoid . Most guys have a few buddies that they'd enjoy a long bout of nude physical contact with. However -these same guys would never a bro. That offensive concept doesn't even enter their mind. So, while outwardly they're "anti-gay", --they're actually "anti-".  They'd NEVER . And they don't want any ASSociation with any group who would. Get it?

"You bark - like dogs!"

Dogs lack a full vocabulary. They have 1 word -for everything. And that word doesn't bode well in print to explain anything. To understand them - it's all context based (not what they "say" but "how" they "say" it)!  My point is that sloppy use of words results in the vague conveyance of ideas.  If you want to have a discussion or debate, --your terminology needs to be precise. But I hear lots of people barking like dogs on the issue of human sexuality (& lots of these people have college degrees).  Once your vocabulary is precise, -terms like "Gay", "Straight", "Bi", "Lifestyle" & the like, -all begin to sound like a whole lot of barking. Why? Because they are inherently meaningless & describe fictional states that are constructions of prejudice, vagaries, ignorance & dogma.  
I.E: When the term "GAY" was coined, --it originally meant "Same Gender Attracted".  G0YS have no issue with THAT simple definition. However, -as time passed, the term "GAY" became connected with cross-gender behaviors (which is why "intersexed" & "transgender" ride in the gay-pride passenger seats) & perilous acts such as
. In most places, the term "GAY-SEX" has come to equate "". G0YS completely reject that notion and find the ASSociation repugnant to our innate morals.  Please keep those distinctions in mind whenever you read a G0Y commentary critical of "The GAYS".  It is not the original use of the term, --but , -that g0ys find reprehensible (& "reprehensible" is perhaps, -too soft of a descriptor).

G0YS: ...A "fad"?

It seems quite obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than a parsnip - that AnalSex is the "fad"; -One promoted by people who are soft between the ears and think that a fetish with a non-genital organ constitutes "sex" (because they don't know the difference between the real thing vs. the mere appearance of it).  's think that the act of penetrating something equals "sex". They're dumb fucks - in every sense of the slur.

So, Squeal Pig! Squeal!

Exposing 'rs to the g0ys men's movement can be like casting your pearls before swine. Despite the fact that every major health organization on the planet has long identified AnalSex as the single most dangerous fetish - by far; -The 'rs will cuss & squeal at you in their indignation as they follow each other over the edge of any number of proverbial precipices. Be sure to keep a far enough distance so that they don't trample you as they rush to their rank, rancid destination.

The scarab is not our mascot!

G0YS don't play in shit, -nor do we fetishize its origin. It's possible to be a guy who loves guys without having to live like a dung beetle. The shit-smeared act of (- the primary erotic focus of the "GAY-male paradigm"), -makes it the most sexually-debased movement on the planet evidenced (Say "evidenced") by an unparalleled history of disease-statistics proving this assertion beyond any shadow of a doubt!" - Gimmel Yod

The Real Message of Prejudice:

For so long, society's continual message ... to the guy who loved guys -even if he didn't openly identify with the term "gay" ... to the person unsuspected as having anything other than 'straight'  feelings ... What that ultimate message really said was: ...that the real person (the one with the real feelings kept behind a mask), was unacceptable by virtue of his very nature.  After all, if you have close friends & ties with family all based on an incomplete projection of who you are, -- AND these same people openly cursed, loathed & demeaned people who openly have the same types of feelings that you so carefully concealed; - Then the implied message can only be: 'You are hated for who you really are; - despite the fact that you may have even seem to be the most popular person in the room'.  That has been MY experience - even till the present day.  This is why many people who deal with strong same-sex affections have a suicide rate much higher than other demographic groups.  The realization that "Everybody who loves me - actually hates me." is too brutal for many guys to handle.  So, without being armed with the g0ys' powerful counter-argument; - drinking, drugs, disease, & depression become a fatal dynamic for many men trying to "cope" w. their feelings.  And, for many men who do not 'gay-identify' (maybe even have a wife & kids), coming out to the world may not seem an option because you simply don't identify with the vast majority of what "gay" has come to mean.  However, if you read on, you're going to reach the startling conclusion that you were never as alone as you suspected, and that society has built a tower of lies around sexuality that they hypocritically call "morality" on one hand, & "liberation" - callously on the other.  Guys who love guys & aren't 's?  We're G0Y; & we don't play by 'their' shifting, foggy, obtuse rules any more (hence, this site)!  You're N0T alone!  You're N0T a freak.  One size doesn't fit all!  And the thing that is really going to bake your noodle is that there are probably lots (L0TS) of guys in circles that you frequent feeling the exact same way, -clueless that they're surrounded by normal guys feeling the same way!  What do have in common with the religious-reicht? Both groups of liars hate the g0ys movement (because they're actually opposite poles on the same evil magnet)! Think about it. Read on!

Wow! Decades...

"As I write this it's difficult to believe that decades have passed since the philosophy of being g0y went online.  In retrospect - it has been an amazing journey - with growth beyond anything I'd have imagined. Many people from many places around the globe have identified with the concept and implemented the term "g0y" in their own cultures, languages & media-forms! It humbles me - honestly. I know that some may have an impression of me via my pen -that "humility" was an attribute I could have used more of. I write forcefully for the sake of men who have the attributes of g0ys & don't have knowledge of the term yet. For them, the imperative is getting the message out in adequate time.  I've seen so many NON-g0y groups speak lies & promote half-truths as deadly, condescending hollow speech, -- that I wanted to break step with the politics of soft-spoken nonsense (that often kills anyone who follows the path that repeatedly spoken lies make).  Where I may have gone too far  - I whole-heartedly apologize. An where I did not go far enough - likewise.  However, what WE did together was to spread a message of masculine love & respect that ancient Greeks, Hebrews (2Sam 1:26) & the Spartans  would have supported!  It's a message of respect, dignity, love & health that has literally saved the lives of men in despair; -men who had been made to feel that they were worthless by sh!t religion & hypocritical politicians, merely because they happened to love men /too.  G0YS has shown that you can be a man who loves men and live life with masculine respect, health, & dignity - without the need to embrace affectations, fetishes or gender-bending practices that are opposed to our testosterone-tending core instincts as men. G0YS believe that "morality" should not be an abstract set of rules, but predicated on the outcomes of actions.  By its very nature: Love works no ill toward others. This message seems all too obvious. However, there are many people (especially of the GLITQetc identity), who loudly promote sociopathic, debasing messages of hedonism that have resulted in over 100-MILLION dead "gays" since 1970 from diseases (& still kill over 1-MILLION annually)!  And because the fallout is so devastating, --G0YS' tone becomes serious, brutally un-compromising, shaming, harsh, & condemning, as the literal health & lives of men are at stake.  Wrong messages lead to actions that maim & kill others. This is well documente4! G0YS naturally recognize these adult issues & we are a mentoring voice for  sexually mature teens & m6n; - & our tone must relay the stakes. Thanks to all of you who have made this vision a global reality."  - The G0YS Founder.

"A word of advice: Hear all men out, but don't let someone dumber than you lecture on metaphysical subject matter."
 - I.Q. Guru

The entire notion of "TRANSGENDER IDENTIFIED" is outside of the scope of the g0ys movement. We realize that it exists but do NOT attempt to integrate it into the g0ys paradigm. G0YS are MEN who respectfully celebrate testosterone's effects.

Q: Where are your footnotes?

A: Most of the references to related facts are simply hyperlinked throughout this website. Consider: Footnotes are an olde-school means of referring to information sources outside of a document. If hyperlinks had been invented before footnotes then footnotes would have never happened! Welcome to the 21st century.

You may have noticed: This website does not exist to reinforce prudery.  Neither does it exist to support the damned - dangerous, deadly fetishes of the gay-male community! What we DO exist for is to shame both of the former while offering support to men who have been abused by both & showing how ancient history strikes a perfect balance between masculinity, dignity, love, health & honor!

"Gays" critical of g0ys?

Every time "they" point & hiss at us, - our numbers grow! And that's hilarious! This is because most of society realizes that people who play in sh!t, are usually full of it!

When the term "GAY" was coined, --it originally meant "Same Gender Attracted".  G0YS have no problem with THAT simple definition. However, -as time passed, the term "GAY" became connected with cross-gender behaviors (which is why "intersexed" & "transgender" ride in the gay-pride passenger seats) & perilous acts such as AnalSex. In many places, the term "GAY-SEX" has come to equate "ANAL-SEX". G0YS completely reject that notion and find the ASSociation repugnant to our masculinity.  Please keep those distinctions in mind whenever you read a G0Y commentary critical of "The GAYS".  It is  not the original use of the term, --but what it has morphed into, -that g0ys find reprehensible (& "reprehensible" is perhaps, -too soft of a descriptor).




G0YS:   Because Honorable Men Embrace Sound Principles, Esteem Respect, & Reject Perilous Acts in every form!
By voicing that simple philosophy: G0YS do NOT assimilate within the GLITQetc-culture component that calls itself "GAY"!
So: If you hate the effects of testosterone, masculinity, rational-thought & legal-ethics; - Then you're gonna hate this website!

FACT: Those who talk "sh!t" about g0ys are most likely playing in it!

Read the material herein carefully. Take the time to consider WHAT you read as you read it. Hyperlinks are there for a reason! Knowledge can free you from a mantra of lies. Usually, YOU are not the problem! Map
Left: Each red dot represents a region that has internet users who have accessed this website recently. G0YS - an explosively popular awakening among men in general -  sweeping the globe (as seen from periodical articles, public broadcasts, etc; - from all over the world). Our well reasoned positions regarding basic, male/male sexuality have taken to task both: religious "fundamentalists", -and- the "liberal gay leftists". In addition to providing answers that make complete sense from a medical, spiritual & historical perspective; -G0YS are among the healthiest men of any demographic on the planet, & sexually transmitted diseases are a virtual non-issue. How can this be when the gAy male community is up to its collective arse with STD's at a rate +4300% higher than the general population!? G0YS, by our very nature, reject ALL related acts!  G0YS generally think that most mainstream "porn" - particularly "GAY-porn" - is unappealing & often - highly offensive! We strongly discourage physical intimacy with anyone who rejects our philosophy regarding the importance of M/M respect.  This behavioral filter lowers a g0ys risk of perilous sexually transmitted diseases to less than: .0003%  (vs. the men who call themselves "gay")!  Our statistics are derived from figures provided by the C.D.C, the W.H.O. & the A.R.C. regarding the extreme perils of fetishes: +90% of ALL sexually transmitted infections among men (STD's/STI's) are spread via ANAL VECTORS!  Demographically, G0YS tend to be libertarian or anarchist, pro-life, soberly-minded, culturally rounded, analytical, logical, sigma (occasionally alpha) personalities & intellectually - above average.  And that's a great group of men to identify with! Contrast g0ys traits against the group of pseudo-men that ancient history records as: "[semiviri], who call each other "girls" [puellae] and have sex with young men, both as active and as passive partners (tops/bottoms). Clement of Alexandria said they lived "lewder lives than the most uncontrolled heathen." Does this description sound like any group of people you can think of today?  When such "diversity" foists plagues & injury upon society, honorable men will say: "Fuck your genre of diversity"! G0YS' life-philosophy is: "Love is interaction which seeks the betterment of the other (& does no harm)."; --An Ancient, Obvious Truth. So, if you're a part of the former group - & respect masculinity with a mindset that values the character, strength, reputation, health, integrity & overall wellbeing of other men; - Then we welcome you to the g0ys primary website. Let us astonish you. If you're among the ass--sex group - considering men to be mere objects for your own pleasure - we have only (1) message for the likes of you.

The issue g0ys raise isn't about WHO you LOVE, - but HOW such LOVE manifests. G0YS value Masculinity, Integrity, Safety, Strength & Self-Discipline.

G0YS IS: Male Normalcy; -NOT a "Sexual Orientation "

Contrary to many pronouncements by the so-called "experts" in various media, the g0ys movement is, technically, NOT a unique sexual orientation! The G0YS movement covers the entire range of male, same-gender attraction as documented by scientific researchers such as Kinsey.  G0YS promote the fundamental fact that most men are, according to such research, selectively AmBisexual. That's the truth: Most men are "discretely Bi" & reject the bizarre spectres/stigmas promoted by the mass media over the last 50+ years  surrounding the term "GAY" and all of the alphabet-soup GLITQetc variants! Again: Most men do not  wish to be associated with the "GAY cultural clusterfuck" due to the extremely negative stigmas (such as Analsex & the explosion of diseases it spreads)!  Goys are statistically normal men who esteem & promote the positive effects of testosterone in the male human body and believe that the social virtues of masculinity are desirable and can be celebrated without apology nor any compulsion to proverbially water down masculinity by emulating the effects of estrogen.  G0YS represent the majority of men (+60%). It's true! Most men actually (& discretely) love masculine men/too - while completely rejecting the notion that doing so has any x-gender dimension to it. G0YS - as a movement - draws on over +3000 years of history. That is far longer than the recent emergence of the 'GLITQetc' spectacle.

The 'gay-male' community lacks basic male empathy.
"The ass-plungers refer to me as a 'Side'.  'Side'? WTF! Low-brow Mo-fo's do the ass-po! I'm off their 'sh!t buffet'!

Never had ANY desire to ass-fuck with anyone; - But a guy's freckles may end up on my tongue." -FRANK G0Y BRO

Are most guys actually [am]BIsexual? Shockingly "Yes"! /{Click}

In 1948, Alfred Kinsey published paradigm-shattering research that indicated that about half of the male population had experienced one or more sensual/sexual encounters with other men.  Despite minor controversy surrounding some of his methodology, -- mounting evidence continues to reaffirm that his scientifically conducted findings were indeed, - accurate.  Likewise, since this website went on-line (2003), it has drawn the fire of criticism from many directions & has been misrepresented by ethically--bankrupt people who would rather slander, than offer apologetics for their posturing.  And yet in 2017, an article by The Independent reports that over 49% of British men between the ages of 18�24 identify as something other than �heterosexual� when asked to place themselves on Kinsey�s sexuality scale. So, the question is: WHY don't these men consider themselves "GAY"?  When you say the word "GAY" to most men, a series of images connected to stereotypes flash through their minds. Most of these images are connected to odd, gender-bending spectacles such as cross-dressing or anal-sex. And most men find this imagery (provided by none-other than the gay community itself) to be ethically repulsive.  And most men want nothing to do with that type of association.  However, those same guys who shun the notion of wearing high-heels or being "b!tched" - have also had experiences with a buddy or three that was so natural yet simultaneously affectionate - that they would NEVER apply the term "GAY" to the event. This is because the reality of loving another guy-friend from balls to brows doesn't fit into stereotypical "gay imagery". It does NOT fit. It's been decades since g0ys began to loudly denounce traditional "wisdom' about basic male sexuality, -and the proverbial amBIsexual-cats are rapidly getting out of the straight/gay dichotomy-bag very quickly.  And, when anyone takes a long serious look at history - it turns out that the g0ys' phenomenon is very well documented - garnishing laurels of praise stretching back over several millennia; - While a subculture-minority of -deviants (the odd stereotypes of semi-viri that modern society labels "gay") has also been given due negative commentary in ancient writings as well!  The tragedy is that modern society has lost sight of the extreme differences that results from behavioral patterns.  G0YS is a movement that educates men to realize that the cluster-fuck of "anything-goes regardless of the outcome" group called "gay" probably doesn't represent them - primarily due to ethical considerations (based on the outcomes of behaviors).  So, g0ys coincidentally, divide the moral from the immoral (using the outcomes of group behaviors as the clear litmus-test between the two).  In simple terms: If you treat other men in such a manner where your behavior results in sexually transmitted diseases that are thousands of percentage points higher than in the general population (so men suffer trauma disease & death as a result); - Then you are IMMORAL -- & G0YS unapologetically denounce your meat-market mindset.  This g0y phenomenon is not about pettiness, -but about matters of life and death, and what it means to be a civilized man (regardless of who you love).  And if you can't acknowledge the clear Black/White distinction: Then you're dumber than most .  Indeed, -it has been clearly demonstrated that the lower a person's IQ is - the more likely they are to get coerced into engaging in perilous behavior such as AnalSex. This also explains why people who are on drugs that impair mental function (even alcohol) are also much more likely to engage in extremely risky behavior such as drunk-driving or the aforementioned.  "Stupid is as stupid does." - F. Gump

"With both the anti-gay & pro-"AnalSex" groups opposed to the views of the G0YS, -it makes you wonder why neither group can rationally accept the g0ys' time-proven message of: love & respect - framed in honesty, dignity, health & self-control." - Unbekannt

The Mind Job: You Thought that You were Virtually All Alone!

You may be here because you feel completely alone in your situation.  After all, you're basically a regular guy who behaves like any other regular guy.  You may even date women or be married.  But, deep inside, you also deal with strong feelings of real warmth + genuine affection for other guys too.  You've seen the media's take on the "gay" community; & you do N0T relate to that image, AND you find many of the practices of so-called "gay-men" -repulsive to your basic values system.  The truth is, you're a guy who really loves masculinity & appreciates those traits in other men, while simultaneously finding actions that effeminize men to be grossly distasteful.  You probably look forward to holidays with your buds -- especially those times when you can horse around, wrestle & even be a little tender -- like when you've had a few beers (or maybe just got done pinning the guy down wrestling) & you find your arm around him - in a casual, reaffirming hug. You're the definition of "respectful", but you want to be closer, too. At the same time, the notion of ass-sex is the farthest thing from your mind; - An act absolutely repulsive to your masculine ethos.  The mind-blowing truth is - that the odds are greatly in your favor - that the majority of your buds feel the same feelings for a few guys they know - in various degrees! Your peace of mind will actually come by understanding what's truly good & natural behavior, -as opposed to "shameful disrespect" masquerading as "progressive gay-culture". Are you ready to live a more abundant life by learning to apply wisdom to your thought process -while rejecting the fool's errands society's educated fools task the naive with?

"Incompetent people in positions of authority damage or destroy ALL within or near their sphere of influence!" -Veh

G0YS stand apart ... I.E: We TOTALLY REJECT the AssFuck!

The appearance & overall nature of g0y-friendships are naturally casual & not stereotypical of the specters of the "gay" community. It's because g0ys see the fundamental nature of male/male relationships as friendships that simply include an intense, personal aesthetic appreciation of a healthy, developed male physique. This perspective is also the proven default, natural inclination of most men.  And more men would be naturally comfortable & at ease with other men physically if it wasn't for the reputation of the bizarre & dangerous fetish  freak-culture that identifies itself with an ever growing list of concatenated letters "GLITQetc". G0YS offer no apology for our hard-line perspective because millions of people have died due to the consequences of participating in perilous acts such as AnalSex ()! And it is the lack of discernment & absence of denunciation of perilous acts such as - that has destroyed much of the credibility of the GLITQetc movement. Only a fool turns a blind-eye to perils in the name of political correctness!
AND, on the other side of the isle, for the same reasons, G0YS denounce the theological half-baked doctrines (that condemn same-gender intimate relationships for no reason other than the gender composition) of the so-called mainstream ecumenical & evangelical church/s & every similar cult that leverages the same reprehensible twisted theology!
True morality has always been about the real-world consequences of actions ("A tree is known of its fruit"); - Not some sloppy, nonsensical-interpretation of mistranslated religious texts; - Nor the virtue-signals of people who want to embrace every deadly act in the name of "tolerance"! The g0ys movement is for men who are truly concerned about what makes right, right & wrong, wrong! G0YS: Brain & spine both required (a JD in Law helps too)!

G0YS: Far safer around children than straight or 'gay'?!? [Click here]

"Bromance" is a term that is G0Y at its very core.
 93 Percent of "Straight" Men In
This Study Said They've Cuddled With Another Guy

Contrary to the beliefs of the "gay-press" in ref to so-called "straight - men" who are "suddenly cuddling with each other"; - This is not new behavior, but is normalcy "coming back out of the proverbial closet".  The reason it went into the closet was because men of solid moral character (who simply happened to love men / too) sought to avoid any association with  perilous sexual behavior stereotypes (I.E: AnalSex, "drag", "scat", "fisting", etc.) that established extremely negative reputations early on in what many call the "gay revolution".  Male closeness is now becoming more visible - not because these men have any compulsion to label themselves "", - but due to a desensitized social view of relaxed male intimacy in general.  Make no mistake; - Many of these "bromantic" friendships are & will eventually manifest privately as G0Y because when +63% of the population is same-gender-attracted to some degree (as is the claim of based on Kinsey's numbers) this behavior will appear more often as the "shock-factor" of same-gender-intimacy dulls & starves those outlets of the media that have capitalized on bizarre portrayals of it for so long.  The contemporary exposure of the term "Bromance" in the media is giving a dramatically increased low-profile opening for g0y relationships among men. The current stereotype of "Bromantic" friendships does not generally include "sex" as a component in the definition; - To which I say - "Of course it doesn't - because if it did - people who lack discernment might call it 'gay' (& the Bro's giving their Bro's a 'helping-hand' aren't talking)!".  "Bromance" is the PERFECT (& I mean "ABSOLUTELY PERFECT") G0Y smokescreen!  This is because what is being called: "Bromance" is and has been the very model for g0y friendships since men were invented! Here's a simple riddle: "When +63% of the population is same-gender-attracted to some degree, how many "Bromances" will become sexual?"  You don't need much insight to realize that the answer is: "About +63%"!   I don't know when the traditional Greek model will become the social norm again; -But I do know that human nature does not change, - so what the Greeks knew about male sexuality a few millennia ago will - eventually- become the rediscovered standard. And as that time approaches - the "loud, queeny, disease-spreading spectre of " will be pushed back into the marginalized shadows of dismay & disgrace - as men quickly rediscover that they don't need condoms, lube or a proctologist-on-speed-dial (because the best emotional and sexually satiating intimacy between men does NOT involve jack-hammering another man's ass like a proxy for female genitalia)! See Article...

"As a G0Y: Loving Guys never involves fetishizing sh!t-holes." - AllG0ys

So, once a guy discovers that many other guys are also receptive to M2M intimacy - (rejecting the spectre of ) -- he often has an extreme epiphany, - in which he realizes that his feelings of deep compassion for some of his peers are totally normal, ethical & part of natural, masculine affection.  And, these same guys generally do N0T relate to the bizarre alphabet-soup (GLIBTQetc...) culture they see the mass-media portray as: "GAY"!  Such men are 'G0Y (spelled with a ZER0)'; -- & the mind blowing truth is: We (g0ys) represent the historical male majority experience! And because that's the truth - you won't need switch off your higher brain functions, nor compromise your ethics, nor accept gender-bending behavior forced on you, nor abandon your faith (as some men have been falsely led to believe).

For those with questions along Theological lines -
see the "
God Hates" section to the left! 

G0YS - making waves in the media that matters!

G0YS is currently a rapidly growing GLOBAL phenomenon. That's a documented fact -as many people are translating the simple, core g0y philosophies into their own languages and impacting their own cultures. Major "GAY" publications are taking note of the G0Ys movement (such as the South African "GAY PAGES" as shown to the right).  Some are curious; -others confused & yet others even welcoming (especially in areas where STD's like HIV have ravaged the population).  Some "GAY" publications & commentaries are outright hostile toward g0ys --especially in those regions where "GAY" has been welded to the specter of AnalSex (a fetish that g0ys totally reject)! The term "G0YS" has even been "shadow-banned" on a number of social media platforms! More & more people are reporting that their social-media posts containing the term "g0ys" are being deleted silently and without any explanation! This proverbial "smoking gun of censorship" proves that the opponents of the g0ys philosophy have absolutely no valid arguments against the g0ys movement - so they stoop to the lowbrow attempt to eliminate any discussion of the term whatsoever! Now might be a good time to read "1984" by Orwell

You see: Whenever the opponents of the G0YS movement criticize us - we grow - rapidly! What men all over the world are discovering is that g0ys are -and have been- the MAJORITY of "normal guys" all along! That's the real, astonishing story! 

If the term "GAY" merely meant "Same-Gender-Attracted", -g0ys would not have needed to create a different term for ourselves. However, since the 1970's, the word "GAY" has morphed into a gender-bending & disease-spreading, circus-show with no sense of healthy self-restraint (hence spreading STDs/STIs at a rate +4300% of the population at large)! G0YS stand against the herd mentality of narcissistic, callous, masculinity-debasing behavior & offer no apology.

+60% is +3 out of Every 5 Guys!  Not a "Minority"!

You love the contact & would like to be closer, but you have these fears that people might think you are a "homo".  However, unlike the most common stereotypes about what "gay men do", you have absolutely NO desire to put anything up another guy's arse, but the fact remains that you'd really enjoy cuddling up with the dude; - slow rubb'n on him & generally make him feel good from brows to balls.  You're into masculine guys but you're not ... "gay" -- at least not like the media portrays "gay" as!  You don't care about any media programming with the word "Queer" in it; nor do you relate (at all) to men who prance about with the same mannerisms as the guys in movies such as the: Bird Cage. Statistics show that over +60% of the men around you deal with similar feelings! That's 3 out of every 5 guys (and it may be as high as 2 out of 3)! Whatever the case, -it is the MAJORITY of men. Take a few moments to meditate on that last point. MOST GUYS FEEL THIS WAY. It's not a "minority" as you've been so often told (The minority consists of the guys in high-heels with dildos stuffed up their asses)!   What has occurred is that the stigmas & negative stereotypes surrounding the term "GAY" (a product of a vile, shameless & vocal minority) have shamed most men (via the mass-media) into denying the scope of their actual feelings for certain other men - and obscured the fullness of their sexuality (hiding it behind relationships with women).  Virtually ALL men are amBIsexual to some degree. Repeat it until it sinks in and changes your world view.  Yes. I'm saying that virtually all guys find attractive men to be desirable as close friends (& more ... I.E: FR0T)That is the FACT that most guys are lying about. "I'm straight" - says a prepubescent 11 year old boy.  And his peers believe it! Why? They're  naive! An 11 year old knows nothing about sexuality (his nor anyone else's). +2 years from now, -he'll probably be doing a circle-jerk & FR0T with a few of his close male buddies.
Wake up, brother! People lie all the time; --& in this matter of sexuality --they often lie when the truth would serve them well.  The terms "Gay", "Straight", "Bi", "Lifestyle" & the like, -are inherently meaningless; -& often describe fictional states of mind that are constructions of prejudice, vagaries, ignorance & dogma.  The MAJORITY of men who profess to be "TOTALLY STRAIGHT" are lying. Read that to yourself until it registers.  It's that simple. 
MOST GUYS FIND ATTRACTIVE GUYS TO BE ATTRACTIVE. Did I say "MOST". I actually meant, "MOST"!  Pick 5 men at random. Statistically, 3+ of them (by their very natures) are g0ys (selectively amBIsexual & completely disinterested in gender-bending in any way, shape or form)!  I've got a friend named "Todd", a guy (& vet) I deeply respect; -Who once commented to me in private: "You know that phase guys go thru when you're trying to figure out if you like guys or women...".  His honesty stunned me and to this day & I've never outed him despite the telling comment. What he presumed was that his experience was normal for everyone. He was only 53% right! As a Kinsey-6 guy, I've never had that dichotic dilemma.  But, I now understand the perspective of Kinsey-0 guys who think that "straight" is the default. That's their experience.  The fact is that most guys are BI, -while the men on the endpoints - even when their numbers are added together, are still the minority!    

FAKE G0YS? ( is the real deal. Beware of spoofs.)!

Another fascinating observation is of the number of groups (especially porn oriented) appearing on the internet that exploit the term "g0y" - spelled w. a zer0; --without actually holding to the core g0y-philosophy! What a bunch of "0xyMorons"!  Remember, -we warned you about their existence! Sorry, but the pure-light of g0ydom was bound to attract the proverbial "bugs"...

Also be aware that it is virtually impossible to keep accurate definitions or resource links about g0ys on any public platform such as WikiPedia. This is due to the fact that the "gay community" has so many passive-aggressive queens that they simply cannot tolerate the fact that a health-centric group of pro-masculine men such as g0ys exists; -And they continuously edit & vandalize any detailed Wikipedia submissions & introduce gross unfactual inaccuracies. Interrorem.
SHA-512 the Wikipedia G0YS page & if it doesn't contain the sequence "A628BC29AF" in the HASH - then you can know the page has been defaced

"Haters gonna keep on: ..." -

The locker-room trash-talk about ''
isn't about basic masculine affection! 

This website examines many stereotypes about guys who are affectionate on other dudes (M2M Male-to-Male Affection); -- & it smashes the "gay" stereotypes with a line of thinking that is backed by an ancient paradigm; - The astonishing truth being that guys who luv guys are in the majority & most often do N0T identify with the cultural thingus labeled as "GAY" by the media!  You see, there is a growing body of study (I/E: above Kinsey stats) showing that it is completely natural for most men to feel warmth, affection & compassion toward other men.  However, in a society where the modern-media almost exclusively shows men who "love" men as effeminate, milquetoast, nellie, & into , -- the LIE that is loudly broadcast is that "Normal men feel affection only for women, but men who are tender on other men are into ""."  That message (a gigantic fukk'n lie), is relatively new - since the post-mid 20th century.  And it is the Gay-Male media that is the loudest promoter of that lie. And that message - the LIE - causes a great deal of social confusion. And most men actively avoid any association with the " label" for that very reason! 

So, -what are these protesters actually protesting?

Consider the image to the right: It was taken in Latvia at a demonstration and the sign says: "Homosexuality is immoral" across the top. But, what is the IMAGE associated with "homosexuality" on that very same sign? AnalSex! And WHY is the the "gay mascot"? It's the mantra of the gay-male community. The image of is so morally objectionable (for many sound, rational, medical reasons) that people often completely forget about the existence of LESBIANS while engaged in the debate about "GAYS"! Consider that fact for a moment. LESBIANS (who, generally, don't anyone) have the lowest rates of STD's of any demographic (except - maybe, g0ys)! And the signs displayed in the image to the right certainly do NOT seem to be targeting lesbians. Hmm.   

Prior to, & well recorded in history, are cultures of men who loved masculinity, - and were N0T into nor the feminization of other guys.  And the truth is, that there are lots of guys who luv other guys & would love to cuddle up (not with everyone, but w. the buds they appreciate) without anyone ! However the stigma of "" & the media images around what "they" say about men who luv men "do", - scares the social-balls off of most guys, & prevents them from being openly affectionate toward other guys! Ironically, the "gay male community" has become the loudest icon AGAINST male to male intimacy!  It's what happens when society lets frame the argument.  And men all over the globe in a movement called "g0ys" are declaring the harsh distinction between "g0ys" vs. "gAys".  And when people hear about that distinction - amazing changes occur in the behavior of entire populations!

Sadly, there is a paranoid section of society (eternally on the proverbial witch-hunt) that has become so disconnected with the reality of natural affection, that any demonstration of same-gender-affection is seen to be some sort of 'foreplay' & a precursor.  The proverbial inmates, -for a major part, - have indeed, taken over "the asylum"!  G0YS stand as a firm reminder that most men reject the "gay-male paradigm", -- especially among men who happen to love men/too!

"Scouts?" Yeah, for a lot of guys!

Without the divisive & fictional concept of a 'heterosexual-norm', - modern fallacies like "sexual orientation" become as farcical as the medieval concepts of a sun circling a flat earth!   The vast majority of the male population is amBIsexual (a/k/a "BiSexual") to some degree.  Deal with it. It's OK. Renew your mind!

Aren't you g0ys just being "Homo-Phobic"?

The term "phobic" comes from the root "PHOBIA" - meaning fear.  Being guys who love guys/too, it seems fairly obvious that we're not afraid of guys who love guys. And this is made clear when you find yourself in the nude & kissing balls to balls with a buddy while the mingled spunk of your recently shared orgasm is matting the hair & crevices between your sync'd, heaving abs. Nope ... no fear of male/male intimacy here.

What g0ys see as a paramount issue is the SELF-INFLICTED-REPUTATION that has smeared the  "gay-male identity & made the imperative need to distance ourselves from that self-inflicted reputation. Why?  Stigma  For example, what does x-dressing have to do with being a guy into guys?  Clothing is a cultural thing, so why do so many people associate cross dressing with "gay"?  In other words: If "gay" is merely about who a person is attracted to - as so many people blindly assert; -- then why make the connection with Drag, or other x-gendered behavior/s?  The glaring implications of this common association mindset are obvious.   The psychology of many "gAy" men into "drag" is a fixation on what is perceived to be feminine.  However, the fixation is more often about "form" than actual function.  This MISPERCEPTION, -- that places "form" on a pedestal, - invariably leads to sexual expression that is likewise - more about form - than function: .  This is a psychosis - & an unhealthy, fetish-driven fantasy-life.  To reiterate: What does being a guy who is sexually interested in guys - have anything whatsoever to do with gender-bending in any way shape or form?
Answer: Absolutely nothing; - & g0ys find the mixing of the concepts to be offensive.  We are men who love men[.] It has nothing to do with the feminine.  Implying otherwise is simply a LIE. Human nature being what it is -- we don't expect many gAys (up to their collective arse-holes in lie-based fetish-fantasy), -to embrace what is g0y: Quite the opposite... And you know ... g0ys really don't care. After all, this group exists to better explain & edify men who are by nature: G0YS (not to placate nor enable the delusional mindsets of half-men who desperately want to be their own sisters)!

All G0YS detest the concept of !  We're not the only group that feels this way;  -And you'll notice I used the gender-neutral term "group", & not "guy", -- because whether male or female, ass--sex is a very dangerous fetish.  Many people consider it immoral because the practice is, by far (Meaning: There is no close 2nd!) , the primary vector for spreading STDs globally.   This gigantic point is made in multiple places on this site because the stigma around the peril is predominant in the public psyche, -- butt guys into the practice of it seem oblivious to that fact & exhibit a general, criminal callous disregard for the safety of others by their acceptance & even promotion of such dangerous actions.  The language such guys use to address other guys into AnalSex is likewise gender-degrading: "Girl", "Bitch", "Queen", etc.  Simply: more evidence that there are elements in '' culture that deride masculinity, & do not know how to treat/be men with basic respect.

One writer observed that the 'gAy male culture' seems schizophrenic: On the one hand idolizing hyper-masculinity, & on the other hand seeming preoccupied with drag & ''.   Bizarre role models result in bizarre group behavior -- hence the preoccupation with -fetishes.  However, just a great meal does not involve a bowl of shit for dessert; -- Neither does making love to another guy have anything to do with .  G0YS realize the common-sense fact that penetration only equals sex when with women & only when genital-to-genital; -- Never .  G0YS reject association with a culture that is framed in the mind of the public as a bunch of shit-tainted, No apology

We choose the term "G0Y" because we are men who reject all of the 'self-inflicted baggage' ASSociated with the " community".  G0YS -by our very natures- find most gay-stereotypes ethically offensive & derisive to healthy masculine psychology & behavior.  

Human nature being what it is -- I don't expect guys into -fetishes to embrace what is g0y: Quite the opposite... And you know ... g0ys really don't care what those with a hom0cidal-feces-fetish think about us. What many g0ys believe is the real truth of the matter is that g0ys are a group of men that value virtue, ethics, masculinity (that thing that happens naturally when the testosterone dial is set high); -while g0ys shun those who would debase & belittle our virtues (such as the disrespectful, rancid attitude that has been enshrined in the current "gay-male paradigm"). G0YS is a massive kick to the collective "GLIB.ETC..." alphabet-soup manginas: G0YS - a group of masculine, ethical men who love men/too while rejecting the nondiscerning-sleaze that calls itself "GAY"+ever-growing-list-of-letters

As Fresh-water is to Sea-water so is G0Y to GAY.

There is a fundamental syllogistic fallacy (reasoning error) that can be described by following generalization: "Two separate categories are said to be connected because they share a common property."  That flaw in reasoning is promoted time & time again by people who insist that: Because (2) groups (g0y & gAy) share a common property (M2M sexuality), that they are connected (Ergo: Both "GAY").  G0YS insist that the common element of same-gender-attraction doesn't make G0YS any more part of the "GAY" community than "ice-bergs" can be called "sea-water" merely because both contain "water".  Ice, even when formed from sea water - is actually fresh; -Having crystallized-out the salt & other impurities.  You can consume it and live - whereas the raw seawater will eventually kill you if consumed.  Likewise, the fact that the term "gay" is nebulous (lacking a clear social definition), -constitutes the basis for the distinction g0ys needed to leverage; - Because the inability of the gay-community to police itself or set any behavioral standards within, constitutes a caveat that is the basis g0ys needed to make the distinction between "US" vs. "THEM". Today, many people (both from within & without the gay community) associate the term "gay" with forms of behavior that every major health monitoring group on earth has identified as extremely perilous (some +5000% more perilous in fact) & many people also find morally reprehensible - even criminal. And if you drink the "GAY" sea-water of indiscretion; - it will make you ill and will eventually, probably kill you.  G0YS unapologetically filter that sh!t out! 

Some people, (who cannot seem to understand our sense of incredulity & disgust about the reputation that "gay male" community has brought upon itself) accuse g0ys of being "self loathing" or words to that effect. So, once again - I'll clarify our position to those who make such assertions: We don't loathe ourselves. We loathe YOUR complicit .  If you don't understand the difference between "us" & "you", -I'm sure that there are several great books for preschoolers available -with big colorful pictures that will help explain the difference between those pronouns. 

So then: G0YS are not "phobic" at all.  It's a healthy aversion away from the group that calls itself "GAY" ("GAYs" wanting to claim all same-sex affections as their collective own, and then, coincidentally, submerge them all by ASSociation into a moral-cesspool of perilous-fetishes & genderfuck). Most men happen to strongly agree with g0ys on a gut level -whether or not they're open in admitting it. The bottom line is simple: What degree of respect does a social movement that has killed over 100-MILLION of its own members (+ others) deserve?  If you feel some need to defend "all things ", then you're in the wrong place. Click here to exit to something "GAY"...

Hypothesis: There is a Deadly, Insanity Inducing Pathogen spread via AnalSex!

In nature there is a disease spread by cats called ToxoPlasMosis that affects the brains of animals it infects so that the smell of cat-urine becomes unoffensive. Rats - who by nature are repelled by the smell of cat-urine (for obvious reasons), oddly find the smell to be sexually arousing - once infected. These rats are more often caught & eaten by cats & the cycle of the pathogen's lifecycle begins again.
Based on observation & Occam's razor; - I hypothesize that there is a similar pathogen found in the feces of infected people that causes people who are infected to fetishize shit - instead of being naturally repulsed by it. In ancient Egypt, both cats & scarabs were worshipped. This understanding may explain why. I believe that this unrecognized pathogen is infecting society at epidemic levels & explains WHY people lose all semblance of common-sense & critical thinking in, what has become, a growing societal interest in the "Joys of Anal--Sex" (as several authors ASSert). Considering that major health organizations such as the CDC have identified to be some +5000% better at spreading diseases than even OralSex, - That statistic alone constitutes the "Show-cause" basis to see the act declared illegal in the name of public health as well as creating the medical initiative to actively look for such a pathogen! This hypothesis gains further credibility when you consider that another STI called "syphilis" is already known to alter the brains of people who have been infected to increase libido (& thereby facilitate the spread of the disease.) Syphilis is a devastating, long term disease that can remain hidden for years in some people while it causes mounting damage in the infected person, & via contagion. So, to postulate that there may be a similar STI or a mere variant of an existing one that causes the sociopathy I've described is not a difficult stretch! BTW: Syphilis is also making a covert resurgence.

Most men keep some of the aspects of their best friendships extremely private:
(...& Yet Another Editorial Contribution) 

I've had a the opportunity to experience first hand what so many men won't admit happens among themselves & other guys.  Since becoming sexually mature, I've realized that I bonded emotionally with other guys & I enjoy the physical aspect of close relationships.  I'm attracted to an honest, masculine personality.  "Effeminate men" are a turn off -- no matter how good they look (If I wanted a girlie, I'd date one).  Associating with athletes regularly, -I was always around "tough guys", & in the mind of most of my peers, -- I was one as well.  My experiences with so-called "straight guys" (who turned out to be "g0y") are fairly numerous, & started early on.   Unlike the 'gay culture' (portrayed in the media as all about "painted nails" & the next piece of tail), -- my private, physical relationships with my buds was never considered "casual"; --& the level of friendship's bonds remains the deepest & most intimate even till this day. I consider them all members of my extended family.  As a contributor to the article on this site about "G0YDAR", I can tell you that this is N0T about "seducing straight men".  It's about befriending another guy so deeply that he drops his guard & lets you discover that he was g0y all along.  I'm amazed at the number of "gAy" guys who will accuse the G0YDAR essay of being a "manual to seduce straight men", -- and in the next breath they'll insist that sexual orientation is "fixed".  Yeah: They'll insist that you can't make a gay-guy - "straight"; -- while suggesting that the article on G0YDAR helps make straight-guys - "gAy"!  Hypocrites!
What g0ys understand by instinct - is that we don't embrace the stigmas surrounding what society says "gay" is; --Quite the contrary. Most g0ys are in 'deep conservative cover' & many are ironically, oblivious to the fact that there are so many other men like them on the planet.  It can be a painful existence feeling isolated - believing that you have nobody on earth to talk to about how "you" feel.  0ur's is the group that G0YDAR shows how to find.  Kinsey hit on the 'g0y' phenomenon when he compiled his statistics in the 1940's.  When you read the statistics about men who have had at least one sensual encounter with another guy ... well, that's the mere boundary of G0Y (& it substantially exceeds 50%)!  It's a complex psychology, but so many g0ys are afraid of the 'gAy label" that they feign to be "totally-straight" -- that is until they meet another guy who overwhelms their feelings.  Such guys are simply g0y; -- & until this movement - many simply haven't had a term or a group philosophy they could identify with (the majority of so-called 'bi-sexual' men are indeed, g0y - because the truth is: Most men are, indeed, amBisexual to some degree).  And I want to drive that point home by adding that
ALL of the men I've ever had a close physical relationship with are considered "straight" by everyone who casually knows them.  It is my experience and firm belief that the number of men who have physical relationships with other men do so in an environment complete privacy and far outnumber men who call themselves "gay". 
Most men are, indeed, amBisexual to some degree.  Get that FACT between your ears.  Society constantly tells a LIE saying: "Most people are straight and a few have same-sex attractions."; - But G0YS say: "Most men are amBIsexual to some degree and therefore G0YS outnumber 'gays' 5:1". Once you realize this fact, -it'll change your entire view of male sexuality. 

Attraction is not a simple thing.  It's multi dimensional.  Graphed (Yes, the mathematics now exist to graph an analog of the frenzied electrical connections in the brain), ATTRACTORS look like the image to the right. The complexity is almost infinite, however, brain structures create similar attractors -virtual circuits -- although no two are identical & they can slightly change form over time as nature & nurture influence them.  Within the brain, this virtual object is the electrical storm-front that triggers a flurry of action, responses & reactions.  It even spawns more attractors that cause more activity!  Although this type of abstract analogy may be beyond the intuition of most readers, - let it suffice to say that actual mathematical models now exist to explain everything from variances in sexual attraction -- to why some people hate broccoli while others like it.  

G0Y -- is an attractor set - that many, many men understand intuitively without knowing the first thing about Kinsey, or chaos mathematics.  This website examines the 'shape' of being "g0y".  If you don't understand, -- ok.  Countless men already experience this kind of attraction, & the current social labels & group paradigms are ill-fitting to them.  We can help them to understand.  We are the G0YS! 

"The fact remained that despite the media's reporting of gay-pride & related events, -- despite all the images & the strange ways that  same sex relationships were painted by the press: I never saw a single broadcast or read a single article in any paper that came close to describing the tenderness, intimacy & mutual respect of the relationships I'd been having with other g0ys on & off throughout my lifetime.  For the most part, the mass media -- traditional & so-called 'gay', - completely misrepresent the reality of most intimate male/male relationships.  Society as a whole has swallowed the lies so completely that in order to begin to understand the truth, you must first overcome a massive paradigm of deceit projected from nearly every media source." - a G0Y

G0Y: Our natural condition. There are N0 written rules:
Just Reasons, Revelations & Raw Testosterone!

One particularly odd phenomenon I have observed since g0ys became a global term - is that many people (usually "GAYS") seem preoccupied with what they call the "Rules of G0YDOM" - as if g0ys has a set of bylaws.  Apparently, many "gay" men can't imagine that there are men who find the notion of AssSex to be completely antagonistic to masculine behavior.   Apparently, many "gay" men can't imagine that there are men who find the notion of gender-bending to be repugnant to their basic sense of being a man.  Apparently, many "gay" men can't imagine that there are many men who find the notion of casually spreading STDs/STIs to be the hallmark of a morally-bankrupt character.  Those "gay" men must believe that men who don't do those "stereotypical gay" things only abstain because they are following some set of rigid "G0Y rules".  Such "gay" men simply can't fathom the notion that most men simply don't want to jump into the flood of abuse that the "gay" male community paints itself (say "paints itself") as being the embodiment of.  "G0YS" as described in this website (& this website is the very origin of the term "G0YS") - are simply men (in the statistical male-majority) who share a common set of typical characteristics.  You either share these ethical values or you do not.  Those who share these views - we refer to as G0YS.  No "Rules"; - But simply the innate reality of being G0Y.   Remember that simple fact. And, whenever you read an article, essay or see broadcasting in which a series of "Rules for being a G0Y" are presented; -- you'll know you're seeing something authored by someone who doesn't understand even the 1st principle of being a normal, ethical man who happens to love other men /too.

The Greeks already know:

Once guys discover how awesome (yet how safe & natural) it can be to work off sexual-tension with a best bud; - women lose the ability to manipulate them via the male LIBIDO. That's freedom! "Many women merely want an attractive well-established man whom they can destroy with female emotional incontinences!" - Many Experienced Men Exclaim!

Religious Abuse?
"Consider: It was a religion given standing by the state that conspired with the state to murder Yeshua Ben Yoseph (Jesus)! Think!" -Veh

"Wow! Parts of this site look/feel retro!", you say? Yeah. We've been around for a long while, but if we spread out the numerous blogs, essays, posts & other content from various contributors in order to feel more "modern" - the site would span so many pages that your finger might bruise accessing them all! So, instead it's laid out in a hyperlink-rich, scattershot fashion - not unlike many small print publications. is currently the most information dense & accurate related resource about male sexuality on the Internet. So enjoy the "blog'est nostalgia" & be thankful that the content is aggregated so densely. HINT: The left column is generally narrow & consists of links & shorter commentary. The right column is much wider & contains deeper commentary. While the sure-secret to success has never been found; - the surefire way to failure is to try to please everyone.

Pressing the [Ctrl] key with the [+] or [-] keys will expand & shrink the website within your browser.

"Generally, when you hear the terms 'Gay', 'Straight', "Bi", or 'Lifestyle' being used; --You're usually listening to subjective gibberish." - Unbekannt

This website contains lots of citations, statistics, stories, anecdotes. Statistics can change over time. Some of the accounts are actual; -Some are fictional.
I leave the due diligence to the reader to judge what is fact & what is fiction and what statistics may need a fresh look.
Why use fiction to make a point? Because a wise person once observed: "Artists use lies to tell the truth, but evil men use lies to cover up the truth."
Think & Judge for Yourself. Govern Yourself accordingly.