anal sex:
Stupidity's Peak!
Not really "sex", but actually a
fetish: An unnatural attraction to a non-genital object. Because it vaguely
resembles the mechanics of M/F sex - The act often appeals to low-IQ individuals that lack
informed discernment. A similar thing occasionally happens in nature
-threatening an entire species:

Pictured is a beetle
that was endangered because the males were preoccupied with trying to mate
with certain discarded dark colored bottles that the beetle thinks resemble females.
Just because you think that a thing or act resembles something else, doesn't
mean it is the same. Differences can be deadly!
Are you smarter than a
... in addition to causing physical injury resulting in incontinence at best
or requiring reconstructive surgery (if it doesn't kill you from other
complications resulting from herniation, blood-clots, etc.); - AnalSex
has the distinction of being the most dangerous fetish that humanity
has ever invented!
So, wise
the fuck up!

Just say
G0YS is a movement
for men who love men/too & in good conscience reject the perilous fetishes
promoted by a cadre of old fools who died as a direct result of their
self-inflicted follies - covered with bloody sh!t...
Stupid IS as
Stupid DOES. And just like those who use tobacco (or crack) - facts
will not sway the users any more than millions who joined destructive
politicos could have been talked out of doing so! Fools are hell-bent on
making hell on earth. Odds are you're one! No?
Seriously: A
person would need to be a narcissistic sociopath to do anything that would
hurt, sicken or kill the other guy in the bed! And yet, +100-Million corpses
made dead by "gay" men over the last few decades proves that the driving
voices within the gay community have been narcissistic sociopaths! And when
AIDS was discovered to be a virus - what did these man-fails do? They blamed
society for not having a cure! Rather than stop ass-fucking; - Society
"owed" gays a "cure" for the plague/s gays have predominantly spread at a
rate +4300% greater than the general population! Stop ass-fucking & the
plagues will fade away! G0YS told you so, & as men who love men, we offer

According to the Centers for Disease Control, AnalSex is a whopping +5000% more
perilous at spreading sexually transmitted diseases than even OralSex!
So when
you run the numbers, it is estimated that +90% of every sexually transmitted
disease spread within humanity has been done so via AnalSex! Among those
maimed or killed as a result of sexually transmitted diseases - AnalSex has
likely caused +95% of it all!
So, instead of using an ENDLESS (& I
mean without end) number of slurs, insults & associated derogatory terms to
describe the act & those who would foist the plagues it brings upon their follow man; - I have
decided to create this page (you are here), linked to the animation above where it or a
smaller version of it
may stand in for appropriately derogatory text throughout
the g0ys website. You'll notice that the smaller version also resembles text
that has been blacked out - such as when an expletive is covered up.
Upon clicking the link, the curious
will be transported here - where the explanation for the odd symbol
is given & hopefully, the visitor will comprehend how detestable g0ys
consider the act of AnalSex to be; - The act that has been the primary
vector for maiming and killing millions of people globally, & the single
reason why the gay-male community continues to be the butt of jokes
whispered behind the backs of those ignorant enough to believe that
political correctness can transmute the absurd into the rational any more
than repeating a lie enough times can turn it into the truth.
Many people don't realize that AnalSex
was extremely UNpopular early on in the "gay" sexual liberation movement.
People who did the act were referred to as "brownie-queens". It was the
right-wing media that promoted the idea that "anal-sex" was what being "gay"
was all about & the lowbrow elements of porn production capitalized on the
shock-value of the fetish for marketing purposes. And lots of people
believed the twisted marketing. So, anal-sex came to the
forefront of the sexuality revolution as "gay-sex" - being promoted by a media controlled
by the very people who were enemies of the "same-gender sexuality revolution"
exploiting the perilous fetishes of a bunch of men who, are ALL mostly - old
sickly geezers (or long dead) from the diseases that analsex caused to
explode into the "gay-male" population)! Following the behavioral models promoted
by people who hate you merely for existing or the actions of a group of ill, dead, old fools,
is not the template of a wise or desirable social movement. Isn't it about
time that you stop letting pornographers provide intimacy instruction from
an old manual written by a long dead & disgraced minority of bug-chasers &
lying religious clerics? For those particularly curious about
the many, many good reasons why men of sound mind & good conscience reject
AnalSex - simply click the animated image above and you will be enlightened.
For starts, you can listen to a very brief, but brutal summary of the
CDC's statement by clicking this chart:
The chart to the left models
STD infection rates based on CDC statistics & presumes a virtually
unlimited starting population with (1) infected individual at Year/0.
What should shock you is the fact a
logarithmic scale is needed to compare the contagion graphs!
This is because the contagion rate of AnalSex grows so explosively that
a logarithmic chart was the only way to illustrate that growth without
completely obscuring the other (2) comparisons! So remember that each
vertical block represents a 10x increase over the last & so on (on
the logarithmic chart)! Mouse over for a linear version. This
chart says all!
BTW: The only thing that
slows down the deadly progress of this virus is the fact it eventually
MAIMS & KILLS those it infects - slowing contagion!
There is a Deadly, Insanity Inducing Pathogen spread via
In nature there is a disease spread by cats called
ToxoPlasMosis that affects the brains of animals it infects
so that the smell of cat-urine becomes unoffensive. Rats - who
by nature are repelled by the smell of cat-urine (for obvious
reasons), oddly find the smell to be sexually arousing - once
infected. These rats are more often caught & eaten by cats & the
cycle of the pathogen's lifecycle begins again.
Based on observation & Occam's razor; -
I hypothesize that there is a
similar pathogen found in the feces of infected people that
causes people who are infected to fetishize shit - instead of
being naturally repulsed by it. In ancient Egypt, both cats &
scarabs were worshipped. This understanding may explain why.
I believe that this unrecognized pathogen is infecting society
at epidemic levels & explains WHY people lose all
semblance of common-sense & critical thinking in, what has
become, a growing societal interest in the "Joys of Anal- -Sex" (as
several authors ASSert).
Considering that major health organizations such as the
CDC have identified
to be some +5000% better at spreading diseases than even OralSex,
- That statistic alone constitutes the "Show-cause" basis to see
the act declared illegal in the name of public health as well as
creating the medical initiative to actively look for such a
pathogen! This hypothesis gains further credibility when you
consider that another STI called "syphilis"
is already known to alter the brains of people who have been
infected to increase libido (& thereby facilitate the spread of
the disease.)
Syphilis is a devastating,
long term
disease that can remain hidden for years in some people while it
causes mounting damage in the infected person, & via
contagion. So, to postulate that there may be a similar STI or a
mere variant of an existing one that causes the sociopathy I've
described is not a difficult stretch!
BTW: Syphilis is also making a covert resurgence. |
Critics often
say to me: "You need to be 'nicer' in your presentation."
My response is: "I stopped being
'nice' the day a lifelong friend put a gun to his head & pulled
the trigger because he'd been suffering in silence his entire
short adult life due to the hellatious lies pushed by
& religious fundamentalists!" |