It seemed prudent to put together a
blog or essay on the concept of prejudice & how
the GAY community is both causation & victim due to the spokespeople it chooses
to represent "who is gay". To help me illustrate my point: I'll tell you
that the African American in the photo to the left earns over $200,000 per year!
Can you pick out the African-American from the image on the left? Stoopid Questions: "Is he gay?", or "Is he a homosexual?". How many times in your life have you heard those questions asked? Excuse my vernacular - but what the FUCK do those questions mean?
Those detail-seeking-questions are valid because people tend to be so imprecise with their language -- ESPECIALLY with the use of the term "GAY" - that you can't tell by a person's commentary what actually is the truth about a guy's basic sexuality. "GAY" is a term of slang because it seems to be used -even when a much more precise term may be available. Dogs may have a more precise vocabulary! I.E: Why was "BrokeBack mountain" called a "gay" movie? Both main characters have wives & kids. Isn't it a "BIsexual" movie about 2 guys with wives - who also loved each other (& had an odd fetish for ass-sex)? Since this is so obvious; - why is it called a "gay themed" movie? Does the act of the Ass-Fuck make it "gay"? G0YS believe it sadly does - and for good reasons! For those who have spent any real time on this website, - the terms "STRAIGHT,
BI & GAY" are words often used by people who can't think, won't
think, or are simply unaware of the fact that sexual attraction is a CONTINUUM; -- & the minority
of people are at the end points of either extreme in orientation while
the MAJORITY of people are
somewhere in between.
Can you: Locate the "gay men" in the "pride parade" composite picture on the right? You find the task a little bit easier? Are these NOT the stereotyped images many people visualize when the term "gay" comes up? And you'll notice that it's men who self-identify as "GAY" who are pushing the "Fairies, freaks & gender-fuck" messages connected to the term "GAY". It's THEIR message! In the image at the page top, it's clearly obvious that it is the mass-media that is primarily responsible for people associating "dark" with "African" when the fact is that there are millions of white Africans and many of those have American (whatever American country) citizenship (making them TRUE African Americans). Elon Musk is an example of this very thing. But the media promotes a giant prejudice tying color with geography and the term "American" with the USA-alone (Canada is also part of America - as is Mexico and the other nations of Central and South AMERICA. And all of these prejudices are fueled by the small IQ's in media & "political correctness". You too? Prove me wrong! The prejudices associated with the images to the RIGHT are likewise media driven -- but with one key exception: It is the GAY COMMUNITY ITSELF that drives the message that "GAY-MEN are gender bending oddities". Other images that come into the public mind when the topic is gay-men are like these (Left/Below): Such images - created by the gay-pride & gay-porn -- give a shocking view into the minds of the gay-male paradigm. The image on the left is not some fringe publication. It is an ad that arrived uninvited - in an e-mail box. It is a site on the Internet that will sell streaming video, etc. Men - who are by nature sexual & many who have bad habits like watching M/F porn-fantasies -- see advertising like that on the left - to represent a real threat. "How wide is the dividing line between fantasy & reality?", they ask themselves on a subconscious level. It is a fact that men who are raped by other men have an extremely low rate of reporting the act. What man wants to be at a party & accidentally drink too much around a group of men who extol the title of "gay" in light of material like that on the left (& knowing what male sex drive is like). For comparison: How many parents would approve of their daughters passing out drunk around a bunch of drunk college Frat boys? Do you understand the subconscious threat? AnalSex by its very nature is a TORT. The "Gay' male community advertises that TORT as it's hallmark. It is this precise subconscious visceral connection that is the root-reason for most of what is labeled "homo-phobia". And if you don't understand how dangerous that TORT is -- then you need to do the fucking math! The image of the gay-pride event above is quite surreal. Anyone watching has to ask themselves: "Is this what the gay-male community is all about?" The same question rings true of the image on the left. Critics may argue that there are lots of "nice gay people". Perhaps. But if you're locked in a cage with a bunch of snakes -- how many need to be venomous to make you prejudge them all? Of course -- the primary act that the gay-male community holds up as their "defining sex" is actually a fetish involving a non-genital organ: AnalSex. Seen by civilized society for thousands of years as a crime against nature (because it IS) -- the majority of people find the act repulsive and many societies have labeled it criminal (because it should be criminalized). Despite the fact that research has shown that this act is the key for the explosive spread of sexually transmitted diseases (+5000% more frequently than even oral-sex/per-contact), the gay male community has so defined itself (defined itself) in terms of this fetish that the media now routinely substitutes the term "gay-sex" when they mean "anal-sex". Although practiced among mixed gender couples, -- it previously represented a mere minority of sexual contacts -- but is slowly gaining social acceptance because of the message for "tolerance" pushed by the gay community regarding "their sex act" is being hammered into the public psyche. This gradual acceptance of what was once considered a form of moral decadence parallels (interestingly enough) the explosive spread of sexually transmitted diseases into Africa & Asia -- populations that often lack antibiotics & other medicines -because of poverty. The result is a self-inflicted death toll unparalleled in human history - with an origin that can be clearly linked to the unrepentant "gay male" community & the explosion of pornography depicting "anal-sex" as an acceptable act. It has been estimated that anal-sex is depicted in over +95% of gay-male pornography - especially obvious in "GAY" advertising of "gay-porn". This is precisely the reason that "GAY-SEX" is used interchangeably with the term "ANAL-SEX"! The bias is set so concretely in the public psyche that the prejudice generally goes unrecognized; --For the same reason that people think "BLACK U.S. CITIZEN" when they hear the term "African American" -- despite the fact that "African Americans" can be of ANY COLOR and live in North, Central or South America! Because of human nature being what it is; -- Once people adopt a form of behavior as acceptable to their own consciences, they seldom change or modify it -- despite information that paints it in the actual negative light it deserves. Instead, people tend to justify their behavior - rationalizing it. This is why drunks keep driving & drug abusers keep abusing, - long after they've destroyed their own lives & negatively impacted all around them. This is why the smoker keeps smoking despite the mountain of evidence as to where it leads & who it effects. Once people's consciences have been hardened, our prison statistics show that they rarely change. That fact is true of all behaviors -- even those not statutorily labeled as "crimes" -- even when they perhaps - should be. Likewise, -few people ever take serious steps to clean up their sloppy thought patterns & correct their misuse of language -- even when those who have a skilled ear hear them as offensive, uneducated & vulgar. The gay male community extols anal-sex as if the human body was built to
accommodate the act (when it clearly was not). The gay male community
marginalizes the devastating effects of anal-sex as a conduit for pathogenesis.
Instead, they sloppily attempt to justify their vulgarity by claiming that many sexual activities can spread disease. Such a
half-assed-claim is like saying that, "Because many people get hit by lightning every year;
--Holding a long metal pole in your hand while playing golf during an electrical
storm is of no real consequence..." - as if such extremely perilous acts bear the
same risks as those more benign! Consider this fact: If anal-sex was not
acceptable in the "gay" community -- then STD's - like AIDS - that ravage it
- would
have never made a statistical dent! In other words: It is the very act of
anal-sex that made ALL of the "gay-plagues" happen! But rather than weigh the
EVIDENCE & embrace reason; -- The gay male community will continue to navigate
the same mindless course & criticize anyone who draws a distinction - as being "homophobic"
(as if
& gender bending have anything to do with same gender
affection anyhow)! As I have noted before: I often hear from "GAY" men who claim that "Not all gay men are into analsex". They're correct! They also inform me that "Not all GAY MEN are into x-gender activity." Again: They are correct! Men who love men/too & who are not involved in anal-fetishes nor x-gender activity are called: G0YS! Among men who call themselves "GAY", -g0ys are far, far under 50%. Although, when you cross-section the general male population, --g0ys are well OVER 50%! Kinsey pegged it in 1948! Labels DO Matter... Men who self-identify as "gay" constantly ask the same dismissive question: "Why does the g0y label truly matter? If you're a guy who likes guys - it means you're "gay", right?" Wrong. As Kinsey the researcher discovered - the majority of men are amBIsexual. +53% like guys too - to some degree. And the majority of those men and even guys who exclusively like guys - find the notion of AnalSex to be absolutely repulsive - wanting nothing to do with any association that might suggest otherwise! The "Gay-Sex" stereotype has been (& still is) the act of the Ass-Fuck . So why should a guy who happens to like guys/too label himself with a term that falsely implies something about him, - something that he absolutely detests? So, the term G0Y is most important to the men who label themselves with it. It is a term that tells every ass-fucker: "Go fuck yourself" (quite literally). And because the term g0y is also (by definition) testosterone heavy - it sends the message that the guy wearing the term isn't interested in girly-men, nor chicks with dicks nor any other guy who wants to dismiss the effect of testosterone on the male body & psyche. And, since every major health organization on the planet has confirmed that the act of the ass-fuck is +5000% (real figure - not an exaggeration) more perilous than even oral-sex; -Men who wear the g0y label & shun ass-fuckers immediately gain the advantage that comes from eliminating the single most dangerous peril among men who love men. Statistically - that position lowers the risk of catching ANY STD (STI) by +4300% (Source: American Red Cross). And only a certified FuckTard ignores that sort of safety advantage. So, the importance of wearing the g0y label is most important to the men who label themselves with it and secondly, - men who are looking for likeminded men and need to quickly filter out the FuckTards (who believe that having no standards for healthy human behavior somehow constitutes a "virtue" that they mislabel as "tolerance"). G0YS know that a man who puts the rabid dog in the same kennel as the family pet is a FuckTard. "Gays" label such discernment as "discrimination" & "dogophobic". Dear reader: You decide. And if you really want to piss off people who think their's is better than someone-else's (such as racists, & olde-Mormons, etc.); -Get the theology from the g0ys-website in front of their reading-glasses! It'll wreck their entire decade -or so. Studs 'n Hunks come in all colors and the same is true of decent & indecent people. Skin-color like all other external traits is morally-neutral. It truly adds variety -the spice of life. If you went to the buffet & white-rice was the only dish, -I suspect you -like most people - would be disappointed. Race adds differences -from appearance - to innate behaviors resulting from nuances in brain-circuitry - also wired by genetics. Like any trait: it simply just IS... But I thought that it still may be necessary to add this subsection because there are people "out there" who assert that g0ys is some sort of shallow "prejudice club". Well, we do "judge" ourselves, prospective members & those who stand against our core values. However, -that discernment is not based on any mere "trait" like race or nationality. Simply, -our hard-line-stance is based on behavior and we oppose those promoting philosophies that: maim, spread disease & kill. And we're easily UNimpressed with people who aren't thoughtful enough to consider the results of their actions & the philosophies they promote. People are impressionable. If you run off at the mouth & spew a mantra that convinces others to debase masculinity, men or humanity in general -by promoting perilous or harmful behavior/s; --Then you're no friend of anyone "g0y". And we'll tell you so. It should be clear in light of those principles that g0ys do not support the current state of the "GAY MALE PARADIGM", - whatsoever. Some people assert that our posturing makes us a "hate" group. Well, -I'd have to say that "HATE" may be under-rated if it's aimed at the irredeemable scoundrels & sick-tickets of society. No apology is offered for the fact that g0ys loudly exercise healthy discernment & denounce people who push perils that end in pall-bearing! But, -that guy I'm wrapped up with in bed who has an arm & leg across me as he sleeps soundly in my gentle half-hug ... THAT guy knows that I'd never do nor promote anything to hurt him or give him a disease. If he got back late from overdoing it at a party, --he knows that he'll NOT wake up with a sore, blood-encrusted arsehole - nor discover a "mysterious STD" a month or so from now. He knows that the color on the outside means nothing to me, --but I value greatly the shape of the man beneath the skin. G0YS are all about character, friendship & respect of masculinity. Love works no ill. And that's the hard-line g0ys expect men to toe. And most men know that it's morally-wrong to hurt other people in the name of pleasure. And most men care ... except for sociopaths. FACT:
The Vast Majority of Same-Gender-Attracted Men are This fact should be self evident - but there is a prejudice based on nothing but a gigantic lie that asserts that men who like men are threats to children on a sexual level. The men who molest children are most often considered "straight". Why these FACTS simply are - becomes obvious to anyone with a brain. Men who are attracted sexually to men are attracted to the post-secondary effects of testosterone. Namely: larger muscles, facial/body hair, deeper voice, larger penis, larger skeletal proportions resulting in bigger hands, feet, prominent facial bone structure & a mannerism steered by a nervous system guided by testosterone's influences: Aggression, competitive behavior, & temperament more prone to physical engagement. THESE are the things that men who love masculinity are sexually attracted to (see image). "SIDES" This shouldn't surprise anyone. The term "sides" comes from the group of people who have so little ability to think outside of top / bottom dichotomy (which is "gay"); - That when they needed a word to describe men who liked men but did not engage in AnalSex, they chose the term "SIDE". This term (unlike the others) has NOTHING to do with a sexual position but seems to be the only term left in the top/bottom dichotomy box. It's a "leftover". And it's a fitting term because it tells you about those who use it. It's a movement populated by idiots as its spokespeople. You can almost visualize someone in the "D" English-class trying to reason it out. "Hmmm. They're not a "Top". And they're not a "Bottom". Golly what's left to choose from that's like "Top" & "Bottom"? Hmmm... There musssst be a word I can come up with. Not a "Top". Not a "Bottom". Not a "Top". Not a "Bottom". Not a "Top". Hmmmm. Not a "Bottom". Not a "Top". Not a "Bottom". Not a "Top". Not a "Bottom". Hmmmm. OMG! I'm some sort of a genius! "Side" it is!"... Let me cue you into a better term: It's called "G0Y" - spelled with a zer0. You see, G0YS tore the "A" out of "GAY". And we let the hole remain unfilled. This has been the G0Y position for decades! The term "G0YS" has meaning on several levels! But "SIDES"? WTF! If there ever was a term thought up by someone who failed the verbal part of the SATs - it's "SIDE"! However, is there a difference between "Sides" & "G0YS" other than the term? Yes! G0YS NEVER ASSFUCK! NEVER. And we shun those who do! Why? For the same reason we don't hang out with career criminals! But, none of the writings I have read published by "sides" seems to take a firm moral stance on the top/bottom position. G0YS applaud the personal preference of "SIDES". We question their resolve to maintain it when pressured by the buttfuck crowd. Contrast that uncertainty with that of G0YS. The difference is obvious. Without a firm resolve, - "SIDES" are simply another version of "Gay-light". NOT G0Y. These facts are simply acknowledged for what they ARE -- because there was a social need & moral imperative for the formation of a group of men who were affectionate toward other men -- but completely repulsed by the imagery, stereotypes & stigmas promoted (-not only by mass media - but by the gay-male community itself). To us, the "gay spectre" is so reprehensible & gilded in filth -- that something needed to be created as an alternative for the majority of men who genuinely love & respect masculinity (& reject acts that deride it). Simultaneously - recently developed apologetics needed to be made available to same-gender-attracted people who have been devastated by the widespread misreading of the Hebrew & Christian Scriptures. As it turns out - those Scriptures NEVER condemned same-sex intimacy! The SPECIFIC CONDEMNATION was against anal-sex (for extremely good reasons)! Because of these giant issues affecting untold numbers of men ... G0YS.org was created.