"I asked a clergy
member to check out this G0YS site. His excuse for NOT: He "didn't
like the tone". Imagine! Religious vipers have been twisting the
Scriptures for generations to falsely condemn a group of people with such
severity & guilt that many (even teenagers) killed themselves or were
murdered by others because they believed the lies pushed by Satan's seminary
spawn! Then, when g0ys
take the pains to exhaustively address the huge body of Scriptural evidence
(including germane disciplines) against these callous clerics; - The
imps try to dodge the double-damnation of accountability by claiming that
they "don't like the tone"! They probably won't like God's "tone"
when He casts them into hell, either!" -CS
"I read a few posts and I am so relieved to know this is NOT a "gay" site.
Yes, WAY too much pressure and left feeling "labeled or trapped" by that
term. This moment has taken such a weight off my shoulders. I had a buddy
once many, many years ago and it was truly the best male-bonding type of
friendship that I felt could never be duplicated. Now I find, joyfully, that
I could have been wrong." -Nathan
"Plain and Simple: The g0y philosophy goes far beyond simply opposing
Anal 'sex'. The aspects of Brotherhood, Camaraderie, Trust and
Respect, Spiritual and Moral Strength, are all aspects that share an
equal, if not greater prominence aside from the issues of
Responsible Health and Sexual Practices."
"I've never heard
of this group before. I grew up in a very conservative Christian
home, but feel attracted to guys. I don't fit in to the gay scene
and so this post answers a ton of questions."
- Tony
"I enjoy men who are masculine and drama free...men who you have to
wonder what their preference is...and what a nice surprise finding
"I am a doctor at UC** and recently came to terms with the fact that
I am attracted to men but not in the same way most gays are. Joining
this group will help me.
"You ... are a True
Christian! (a term I do not use lightly) God bless you! Seldom is a
prophet recognized in his own time ..I recognize you ... you have
found the truth in "The Word" - RB
"The g0y website brought me back to God... It was a building block
that brought me out of the World, in the biblical sense that is."
"Reading the g0ys.org page totally made years of feelings make sense.
I want to be able to discuss with others and network/meet similarly
situated guys.
"Thanks for the link to the FROT site. Thought I was a complete
anomaly - not wanting anal sex. Thank you my friend." - Erik
"I am a 53 yo married man who thought he was crazy--I want
closeness/intimacy with another guy but do not have any interest in
gay sex (anal)."
"Have you ever noticed how the 'gays' preach about
'tolerance' up until they meet someone who's g0y? Then the truth
about their alphabet-soup group comes out.
Evil, murderous fucks!"
"Always looking to meet more guys like me: masculine, hard working,
outdoors oriented who are looking more for a gym partner and a
hunting buddy than a hookup."
"I have never been part of the "scene" I'm just a dude that's into
other dudes."
"I'm Nathan T, in Chicago, IL. I'm also a collage student. As a g0y,
The reason why I'll join this group is to be free, to be my true
self and never have to live a lie again."
"I've incredible appreciation for my fellow man and enjoy very close
bonding and more with him. I do not "get" the gay thing. I've a
military background and very private about what I like."
"I'm just a Christian guy who loves another Christian guy and knows
that there can be good and decent love between guys."
"I have always felt I was bi because that was the only label that was
close to describing how I see myself. I am, in fact, very G0Y. It's
nice to know that I'm not alone in my attitudes."
"For a long time, I thought I was gay. But I've come to realize that
I'm actually g0y. I would like to meet others like me, so I'm
identifying and joining g0y networking groups."
"I am a masculine man that detests and is completely repulsed by the
sign of anything effeminate or gender-portraying oppositional chosen
"I identify with the g0y philosophy rather than the weirdness of gay
men, and I live in the Las Vegas area."
"I was directed to this group from another site, and I have to say I
think it's freaking fantastic that there are guys out there who feel
the same way!"
"I have always felt MM affection should be something easy, profound
and delightful w/out being faggy, anal, or in exclusion to healthy
MF relationship."
"I'm a g0y teen guy who is looking for other g0ys to talk to about
everything. I'm really interested in psychology and politics. I've
read all the content on g0ys.org and know what g0y means."
"I have been looking for this for 25 years. I knew I was not a QUEER!
I am married + have had a best buddy all that time." Bless u.
"I've have never identified with being "Gay". I despise anal
interaction and crave a real respectful connection with anyone I'd
want to get intimate with."
"I just stumbled across this group today and was hugely relieved when
I read the description. That is me to a tee. I think fit guys are
hot and I think germs and shit are gross." - Hank
"I have to say that I LOVE this group. I had never even heard of the
term "g0y" before stumbling onto this group one night! It's
amazing." - DaveT
"This group describes me and my feelings." - Butch
"Hi I enjoyed because I find your site awesome! Yes I'm bisexual but
has to repress those same gender feelings because of the leftist Gay
movement why I prefer to be more straight instead." - MikaO
"I'm from west Los Angeles. You are right about this website being
unique. Long overdue for honoring each other's being. It is like
honoring any wildlife animal or plant giving their space. I do feel
more relaxed now and will search for friendships." - coati14
"Hi guys,
When I read about your site I new I had to join, I feel the same way
most of you guys feel." - Sean
"Dear Friends,
My name is Abb*, and I am very happy to become a new member of this
group. I teach psychology and anthropology at the University of *,
Brazil." - Abb*
"I just learned about this today--I've been trying to find
like-minded brothers out there in "gay" groups and I just wasn't
finding it. This is an awesome site--thank you a hundred times to
its creator." - Rick
"I have been very blessed also to have found this group and have made
a dear friend in KY. I am a 40 year old happy married man with 4
children from the state of Pa. USA but have felt attracted to the
male body as well. Was not able to find what I was looking for until
I came across this group." - Jon
"I've been attracted to other guys since an early age. I've always
backed away from any relationship because I didn't want anything to
do with "anal." One day at work, I walked into a guy and almost
knocked him down ... I put my arms around and hugged him and asked
if he was ok. He was fine. He did not reject the hug and seemed to
enjoy it. I know the hug felt right to me." - Al
"I am a normal guy, who has a bud who is straight. I would like to
hold him and kiss him and massage him and love him but I have no
desire to poke my dick in his ass." - Greg
"Hi -- I think this is an awesome movement -- totally what I think I
might be in to." - John in ND
"Sure glad I came across your post. Like what you have to say, and
have checked out the g0ys site - all looks & sounds pretty good to
me!" - StudP
"The first time I stumbled across your site, i was awe-struck, as i
read further, i honestly started crying...i no longer felt alone!" -
"I can't say I agree with everything that the site presents, but I am
one of those dudes that is attracted to dudes, but pluggin a
butthole is the furthest of my interests. While I like a nice phat
booty, the thought of sticking my thing in there isn't appealing.
It's nice to know I'm not the only one out there who sees the
degradation in that act."
- T
"I agree with everything you said. I got married to be "cured" and
after 27 years of marriage I decided the "cure" did not take. I wish
I had the information this site provides prior to thinking the only
option I had was to get married and hope the desire to have sex with
another man would go away." - DT
"I never considered myself gay and after finding what g0y is, I
thought that better described myself, although I still throught
myself more on the straight side of g0y." - Pytn
"Portland Metro area here. New to G0yz group. Delighted to learn of
other men who can be trusted in understanding that your male bud is
NOT to be used as female." - KKM
"I thought i was gay. turns out not so.
there is a niche of other gOys just like me."
- lj
"I thought I was pretty much the only guy I knew that had feelings
like this. This is amazing and very cool." - Ray
"I am honerd to join you all. my dream to be free was made possible
by U!"
"All I can say is "incredible". Thanks so much." - PM
"Wow, i really enjoyed reading your profile and website, i'm a g0y!
Never heard of that til tonight i live in la and meet almost
no goys yet i don't have anal sex. Well, take care." - Bob
"Thanks a lot for answering man. I put the
in my profile and I already got like 4 responses!" - J
THAT." - BILL (a new g0y)
"I really do think guys are bi by nature. I've never had anal sex and
never will. I finally read what I've been thinking about for years.
Thanks" - Ed
"wow.. I just read the website... MAN.. this explains so much in my
life! i wish I knew about this when I was 20... Would have saved
alot of hell living as a gay man... which.. I hate." -KC
"hey m8!!!! i read ur post and what a sigh of relief!!! i finally
have a label for how i feel.. i hate everything about what
"gay"means because i do not identify with that... im a normal str8
guy whos into being affectionate with others" - Bill974
"thanks so much for the site hook up bro! its kind of really awesome
to know that im not fuckin queer for just diggin aspects of other
guys. i think its important to let others know the same deal!" -
"I am glad i found they g0ys. I have
sent the arguments to my old church, and they couldn't refute it!"
"....a site for sore eyes!" - JFV
"This is absolutely fascinating to me. I had no idea this movement
was in existence. It makes so much sense, and frankly gives me
relief to know it. Thank you for introducing me to the philosophy.
It makes perfect sense, and it's what I've felt. I agree with all
its premises from what I can tell."
- Jay
"YUP, this is and was me back in the early 70s when I came out. This
is why I am still alive today. Never got the.... need to get or fuck
a guy in the ass. I LOVE to wrestle, LOVE masculinity, snuggling and
touching, being affectionate."
"I have been G0Y aware only about three years. That said, I have
always followed G0Y principals without knowing of the
classification. Could never stomach the gay Scene or what it stood
for. It was difficult for me to come to terms with SGA, especially
as it was a sackable offence in the Military (Navy) when I was
younger." - NX
"I just wanted to say that I totally respect your whole group. We are
so afraid to realize that we can be attracted to other handsome,
good looking guys and want to share affection with them in ways that
take the "romance" into new realms. Why shouldn't we feel that.
Everyone does. I believe that words like "brotha," and "dude" are
basically ways of showing true affection for other good looking
guys. Its the same thing as essentially saying, "you're adorable and
good looking" thanks for your group. Im married. Have an attraction
towards guys but have no desire for anal sex etc." - Scot L.
"I just wanted to say how awesome I think your site is and how much I
appreciate you putting up a site like this to help other g0ys like myself
come to terms with what makes them "different" from gays. I had been
struggling with that issue for many years, and upon finding this site, I've
finally realized who I am." - J Rilling
"For 12 years I have been begging God for an answer to this issue that has
not gone away, and now I am finding it. I say "finding" because I'm
still learning, still digging, still researching. But I can tell you
right now that from what I have read on g0ys.org in regards to anal sex, in
the bible, in history, and in the present today - the g0y thing is RIGHT
ON!" - David
"As I was reading the intro page to g0ys.org I was stunned. Here is someone
putting down in words exactly what I have felt for all these years - giving
words to the feelings that I struggled to get a grip on. He described me and
immediately I felt "discovered". I am not lost anymore - I am found. I could
almost not believe that there are other men in the world who feel what I
feel. And as I continued to read the intro again and again and read over the
pages of information on the site, I could fell myself being transformed -
literally. I experienced a growth/reawakening of my masculinity, a change in
the way I view men and myself in relation to other men. Man I became whole
again." -
Louis H
"The 1st
love of my life was a guy I met as a teen at a Christian camp. He
was jaw-droppingly handsome, friendly, a little-bit naive (& I
he must have
pissed testosterone).
Many years later, he's still in my prayers & periodically, I send
him birthday gifts. So glad the apologetics on this site destroy the
mantra against same-sex love that so many lax, lazy churches spew;
--While making it so clear why AnalSex is what Lev 20:13 & 18:22
specifically forbid. Love is the only "WHY", and it conquers
all." - S
get great e-mail. Here's some of the best. Might we add yours?
"I read your post and took a look at the
website you listed and I can actually say for the first time that I
feel like I have a place bro. Thank you for the post...man, this is
huge for me today. I now know where I fit and that my feelings are
normal and pure...dude thank you so much. I connected with
everything on the
list...the idea of a deep friendship with a guy has always been most
important to me. And also the physical display of compassion and
love for one another in a brotherly sense...man, I'm totally
stoked." - TL
"It soon became very clear to me the the author of the g0ys site had
done his homework, because I couldn't refute anything that he said
- Dan
"I always knew I was not a straight man. But I never did fit
into the gay scene either. There just had to be another word I
thought. I have found it. You renewed my faith. Thank you."
-LW |
can barely explain just how important the bible part was for me. Every
Sunday in church I used to just
read the bible, kinda to pass the time. But the one chapter I read most
frequently was
Romans 1.
Each time I read it, I thought," Here it is, right from the bible's mouth,
condemning my existence!"
To put it shortly, it was horrible spending about 2 years believing that.
But then I found the main g0ys website and
theology completely did it for me. Eternally grateful for finding the
site that made it clear that I, myself, am not the
abomination; -Just the
act of anal sex."
-Ryan O
"after seeing how many different men are
adhering to this philosophy and seeing that all you really have to do is
liking the fact that you are a guy, being an appreciator of true manhood,
wanting to create true, deep and meaningful friendships with other guys and
most of all, not doing anal, I thought to myself: Well, maybe this is the
right thing for me since I was never really a fan of the stereotypes
associated with the Alphabet Soup Community, I have always praised true
manhood with values such as strength, compassion, honesty, respect and many
other values I have always associated with true manhood and most of all, I
have always hated anal, just the smallest thought of it makes me sick and it
really sickens me and disgusts me how the Alphabet Soup Community is
constantly failing to realize how bad that thing is and that's just the tip
of the iceberg, that whole community is completely messed up top to bottom."
- UnK
"Hello, I'm writing to thank you
for your website g0ys.org. Two years ago, in my early twenties and before, I
was an evil legalistic and religious bigot suffering in extreme self-denial
of same-sex desire, but about a year ago, the self-denial began to collapse.
I sought a place in gay Christian culture, yet as blind as I was, I still
couldn't reconcile their theology with logic. I had come across g0ys.org on
multiple occasions, but I dismissed the site because it looked like more
homosexual lies. Eventually, I read through the content. I didn't
the theology
articles, for I was blind at the time, but the idea that I could experience
physical, emotional, and sexual fulfillment together with another
guy---without anal penetration---stuck, and that piece of knowledge led to
the whole dam failing. Now, a year later, I truly know Christ Jesus and am
content and even thankful to have same-sex desire (Kinsey 5), despite the
foolishness of my church, so thank you for spreading the truth about
same-sex desire. I hope that your message will reach many more guys who are
like I was and lead to God changing their hearts for good.
What God gave you
to write helped me, so I'm giving you what God gave me to write in hopes
that you might find it useful." -
"The g0y
philosophy basically
4 lies
which I had believed for a while, which were:
The scriptures condemn all same-sex stuff between men.
(Doubt this?
Click HERE)
guys are 100% hetero.
+63% of men are same-gender attracted to some degree!)
have to choose between either living as a 100% straight man or getting
involved in the LGBT world
(G0YS happily dispel that myth.)
men can't love each other respectfully and as men, [someone has to play
the female role].
G0YS happily dispel that sick myth.
Getting all
that past me was extremely freeing, it was a lot of information to process
at first but then I felt relieved that I could live an authentic life
without compromising on my morals or getting more than I bargained for. I
now know that I can enjoy an extremely deep relationship with another man
without sinning or either of us surrendering our masculinity or having to
chose between a false dichotomy that over 50% of men don't fit into.
Thanks for making this happen, whoever that may be!" -CM
"It's a big distinction - finding a group of men that
love men/too, - who DON'T Ass-Fuck, & as a result - do NOT suffer from the
plagues of sexually transmitted diseases that the 'gay-male' community oozes
at a rate +4300% higher than the general population! Imagine - guys who
don't need PAP smears, nor anal reconstruction surgery & don't care about
the growing clusterfuck of alphabet soup letter groups all generally
starting with "GLTQetc"! G0YS! Men who actually enjoy being
male & give the flying-finger to the various groups of androgynous puss-pads
who want to suppress & deny the natural effects of testosterone! False
religion masquerading as "Christianity" almost destroyed me with their
corrupted Bibles.
The theological take on the g0ys.org website reframed the entire issue &
totally made the difference - delivering me from the false guilt so many
sects project. Finally, the FACTS of Scriptural, medical, legal,
historical & sexuality-research ALL work together to
make a completely, harmonious doctrine! Anyone who claims this perspective
is in error had better be prepared to decouple a mountain of
well-established facts! G0YS: The ethical, masculine high-road." - GY
my despair during one Sabbath prayer, I wondered aloud again why I
//REDACTED\\. That week, I stumbled across the G0Ys.org website and
felt something click as I devoured page after page. I found the
arguments well reasoned, the testimonials realistic and empathic, and the
convincing medical science matching what I knew about Leviticus and hygiene
laws. I realized I wasn't alone and maybe G-d wasn't as cruel as I had
first thought. I had an epiphany as sixteen years of regret came
crashing down." -RP
"Hey g0ys, new guy here. It's great to see that there is a space for
men who really love and admire masculinity in other men out of that
horrid Top-Bottom bullshit dichotomy imposed by the LGBT+ community,
never in my entire life have I ever dreamt of doing such a horrible
thing to someone I'd deeply love and care for.
I hope everyone's alright here, take care!" - JT
"This definition is definitely the missing link!!!!! A lot has been
discussed about gays, soul mates, brothers, etc etc , but the
definition of a guy, wanting to have a close friendship with another
guy, and yet not to be stamped as gay, because that has always had
some sort of a trans-sexual tendency, is now clear!" - S Shah
"I had NO IDEA men like this even existed! It's such a profound thought, you
know, that men can love men without having to disgrace themselves, their
masculinity OR their spirituality. I gotta tell you, it's somewhat like
being reborn, you know?" -JABD
I realized after spending time reading about g0ys is that there is a
huge difference between regular guys vs. the androgynous sociopaths
that populate the so-called "gay" community. G0YS have a genuine
attitude of care & concern regarding other men. The lying blowhorns
in the "gay" community clearly care only about themselves & their
fetishes - evidenced by the diseases they spread & the body count of
their dead! Those stats from the CDC, W.H.O. & ARC make it clear:
It's deadly to be "queer"! But that's totally different from a guy
who'll take a bullet for his bros or give a kidney to a buddy. Every
parent with a same-gender-attracted kid needs to know there is an
alternative to the "GLITetc." alphabet soup group. We're called
"G0YS"! - GV
"Hey I was just looking around the site for other g0ys and after
reading your page was wondering where you attend worship service at,
if any, if you don't mind my asking. Also can't thank you enough for
your activism on behalf of guys everywhere tired of being labeled
gay for loving other guys."
"Hey guys! Just found the g0y movement recently and was I ever
relieved! I hate the gAy lifestyle, attitudes and stereotypes and do
not want to be associated with any of that... As a masculine
Christian guy I am excited that there is something m2m that makes
sense morally and spiritually and feels totally right." -JoshK
found out about this site just a few months ago and it's been a God
send. For the past few years, I've had an attraction to guys in
wanting to find one as
a real brother I can love on all levels. But
they guys Im into are guys like me, who like their sports, red meet,
beer ect, not prancing queens. I am God fearing myself but am put
off by how people twist their beloved bibles into whatever makes
them feel better, and also by the gay community which I find gross
and surface level. I didn't know what to make of myself. Now I do: I
am g0y." -Ra2chi
"I LOVE this group. I TOTALLY relate... I have a GREAT difficulty
understanding gay guys, and just YEARN for a normal guy-guy
relationship that could include honest intimacy." - John K
"Someone told me about this site on Friday and I've spent the whole weekend
on it - I completely had an epiphany. I feel like my salvation depended on
me finding this site. I can't thank you enough - YOU NEED TO WRITE A BOOK ON
THIS! Granted I bought into the anal sex thing and have been doing that for
the past 10 years w/my partner but NO MORE. I always found it gross but I
thought that is what you did, geez I didn't know but I do now I always felt
awful about myself b/c of it. Again thank you..." - Will
"Hi there, at last, what a liberating experience it has been reading through
this site, glad to hear that there are so many other guys out there that
share the feelings that I thought were exclusive to me, it used to disturb
me that so many people were not in touch with this form of love making, I
was introduced to
Frot a long time
ago, by accident, well perhaps not now that I have discovered this site, I
had a wonderful experience and relationship with a guy when I was a very
young 18 year old and this went on for a year or so, I always have
remembered this time of my life with this man as the best physical
relationship I had ever had, never have I enjoyed anything as amazing as
that again, I know what it was now and will strive to achieve it again now
that I know that there are so many others like me and that wonderful man out
there. Thanks to my new buddy for introducing me to this site. I live in
Zimbabwe." - G
were you 20 years ago? What an amazing discovery for me. I am so
glad to have stumbled upon your site. I am in my early forties and
have always been attracted to men; women have never done it for me. My
attempts to meet other men have always been failures. I tried the bar
scene when I was younger. The majority of the guys were too feminine
acting for my taste (if I wanted someone feminine I would be attracted to
women I reasoned). I 'never fit in'. If I did strike up a
conversation with someone, it always led to the inevitable question 'top or
bottom'? How I hated that question." - Bill
"...finally, in the small hours of the morning on 5th September 2005, I
stumbled across the “G0YS” site while searching the internet (yet again) for
some explanation of my feelings. I read through the theological rebuttal on
the site (http://g0ys.org/newthang.htm)
I was dumbfounded and then elated. The theological ruminations of the main
apologists for the Gay Christian movement are so hollow, that I could never
accept them as the basis for my Christian walk. But the
explanations on
the G0ys
actually open up Scripture and tear away the centuries of cultural
Christianity that has nothing to do with what God is actually saying."
-Maksim P
"I heard about the g0y movement right on time. I was on the verge of having
my first same-gender experience & I know it would have led me down the wrong
path. I am elated to see this group show up on facebook! We are getting
somewhere!" -Leroy T
from Lima, Peru. just joined this page a month ago after finding the g0y ...
website. don't remember how I found it, but it was one of the happiest days
of my life, just go crazy reading each line. finally I had found people that
think exactly like me, in terms of sexual attraction and share love." - GP
"As I read the ever-lengthening list of men who, like me, have had an
epiphany upon reaching this website/webgroup, I cannot help but experience
several rather intense feelings:
not alone. After ~40 years of confusion, I am starting to finally recognize
who and what I am. I realize that I am not alone, and I am not an
aberration. There are others like me;
DISAPPOINTMENT---I lament that this discussion (or concept/opportunity) did
not exist when I was younger. I could have saved myself a tremendous amount
of heartache, despair, and self-destructive behavior; Ah well, nothing I can
do about the past. I need to look forward now;
Let's talk it up! How do we meet? Nothing would please me more than in a
short time, have the term g0y mentioned in the same breath as "straight,
bisexual and gay";
You folks who are spear-heading this movement cannot possibly understand how
grateful many of us are. This may sound trite, cheezy, or just plain
difficult to believe, but you are changing lives. You've help change mine,
and I will be eternally grateful." -Hem
"Thank you very much, your site... it's pretty damn amazing. I come from a
somewhat religious family comprised of many different religious beliefs
although I myself am not religious. least not with
modern day mans version of the bible as it has been re-written so many times
and "updated with current English" that to me the modern day bible is a
forgery and meaningless on all fronts... BUT the examples of original
scriptures prior to translation loses... touched me, which is a rare thing
to say the least... the essence of theology fascinates me but many times is
beyond my understanding or comprehension but still I am hungry to find those
answers which SHAZAM! ( ha-ha) there they were on your site! Damn good
feeling!" - JaG
"Whew....I'm sure you've heard it 1000 times before but thanks! I read your
entire website and I can't describe the feelings that rushed through my mind
and body. As several of the comments there mentioned, you hit the nail on
the head. Then I read
the stories....how erotic. I was
by the end of the first. I am a very masculine, great shape kind of guy...as
well. I've had these feelings you describe for years but have not had the
balls to let them out. What I'd give to find a buddy close to me that felt
the same way!
How do I find guys near me that share
these feelings without blowing "my cover"? Thanks again" - Dave
religious torture,
self denial, self torture, counseling, prayer, fasting, crying, weeping,
sobbing before God and the compulsory exorcism - until I totally broke down
before God to say "Father, this is me. Please accept me as I am." WOW what
incredible peace washed over me and filled me. For the 1st time my turmoil
was gone and I was free of the torture. Not long after that I discovered
g0ys.org. Truly a God-sent."
- GG
"Since becoming aware of g0ys, I have reached out and have found more love
in the world of men around me than I ever imagined I would. A bit more
touch, a bit more feelings, a bit more bonding, more friendship, I notch it
up at every reasonable opportunity and it just keeps growing. Even at home,
the conversation reflects a new level of male intimacy in my life. Certain
parts I share with my wife - the appreciation of masculinity and positive
male role models. (Example, we both agree that Adam L****e is hot and exudes
male sexuality.) Certain parts I do not. Overall, I feel more love than I
ever did. Romantic love. Loving friends. A loving attitude." - LL
"Hi, I am guy from Zagreb, Croatia and agree 100% with your opinion. Haven't
known that such "g0ys" are in the world, even that I feel always that kind
of love to the guys. Thank you for let me know about this. Take care."
- ZG
"Hi, I was just surfing this site after having not been on it for some while,
and noticed your comments on one of the discussion boards and then read your
profile. I was really interested in your comments - I agree entirely and
went into the G0Ys website. I just wanted to say thanks for drawing this to
our attention. I live in London and it really is difficult meeting guys who
value true friendship, compassion, etc. Most guys I meet just want anal sex
for the night, and thats it - which is certainly not what I am into. If you
have any
suggestions on how I
can meet like-minded guys here in London - or even in the UK - it would
be great to hear. Take care." - Trev
"I was a
teenager in the 2000s, but I attended a boys' boarding school in
Switzerland, where activities of the g0y kind were still common. We had a
chap in our class who was very effeminate, and he was the most
systematically excluded one from this type of relationships going on quietly
between the rest of us. I have no doubt that he finished school and went on
into life thinking that his peculiarity was same-sex attraction. So I have
an idea of how the concept of the gay could get started. Well, if you think
about your G0ys, they have no need of political mobilization. As a g0y, you
can have a fulfilling life just by improving yourself (physique and maybe
personality too) and by acquiring some knowledge such as the one in your
website; no need of "activists" or political patrons. But gays do need
political activism because their personal lives are a mess and their own
dysfunctional behavior causes backlash, so they are made to think that they
can have fulfilling lives only if they defeat supposed "enemies"
(=conservatives, which would include G0ys also). The worse their behavior,
the more conflict in society, and the greater the power of activists and
political patrons" - Blsss
on you! Do you know how long we've been waiting for this!" - BigW
"Hey man- I checked out your site with the link you put in reply to my
message. WOW! I really don't know what to say. First of all- your site says
everything I have felt...that guys
are Bi by nature and have a genuine desire to be close with/to
other guys. In fact that is the point I try to make on the - Board. I never
had anal sex and I never will.....I'd be interested in helping you out in
anyway. I think this is a message that needs to get to all of the "goys" out
there who don't feel gay, but suffer in secret because they think they are.
This is AWESOME!" -Nnj
"Wow... that is one helluva basic message! I have been a g0y all my
life and just never knew there was a name for it! Thanks a million...
I have often thought I was the only person who truly felt that way!
Thanks again... have a great day! Later." - Carlton
"Thank you for having this site! I am a Straight guy who loves male
companionship! I don't like being identified as "gay" because of how the
media has portrayed that life style. I consider myself hard working, -
definitely an asset to my community! I am active in politics, social
concerns for the whole community, - not just the "homosexual
concerns". I totally consider myself NORMAL! I am all man and will not act
any different fro ANYONE! THANKS FOR YOUR TIME! I hope this site grows
beyond your wildest dreams!!!"
for the email I received from you in guys4men.com, I am so happy and
relieved. I am a g0y. I edit my profile in guys4men.com and put there
that I am g0y. Now, I want you to help me increase my exposure as a g0y.
So I humbly ask your help to me find other g0ys." - George
"0h my word! This is what I've wanted all along, to be with another man as a
man, to have him close, to be with him naked, to have him hold me, to allow
me to cry when I'm hurt or support me when I'm on top of the world. Thanks
for taking the initiative in setting this up. I'm shaking a little because
of how excited I am, but how many out there are like this? Check out my site
now; I've added the g0ys." -Tim
"like your style man in what u said, maybe i am a g0y... for sure. am young
dude from alabama, and a jock, i have done frottage, not any fuck and stuff,
would like to talk to dudes like u" -WC
"Hi I'm in my 30s and have never been able to explain my sexuality to myself
never mind anyone else. How could I be gay but abhor the though of anal sex,
(giving or taking). Therefore I could not be gay - but then how come I am
attracted to men? Puzzled me from when I can remember. Read ur profile and
you have it figured, I dont like labels and I am what I am, but there seems
to be more like me out there and I am not alone. Thanks for that, going 2
look at ur website." - David
"Thank you so much for sharing your site. the information on it is exactly
what I've been trying to communicate to people for a few years now, and I
felt like i was the only person that had those feelings. At least now there
is that feeling of support and that I'm not alone. So, thanks :)" - Brown EB
my friend. Thank you for the website g0ys.org. I have been reading it and it
has really clarified or put into words what I have been trying to say for a
long time. Again thank you and I hope that we become friends." - Lenn
"Hey bud, I meant to be studying for my final exam tomorrow but I can't get
over how excited I am about this whole idea of frottage and about g0ys.
I've been in the male sauna in the gym locker room twice today to just be
surrounded by men. I'm planning on posting something g0ys in a
discrete place where guys in the college go" - Tim
"Right on bud!!!!! Just went to goys website. Love the website. Im right
there with ya! Finally there is a group of guys that represents me too!
Previously the closest thing I could relate to or catoragorize myself with
was bisexual, which, I prefer to refer to as simply sexual. This follows
those lines very closely." - Jon B
"Hey man, what's up? I know I live in NY, but I'm writing to ask some
questions, if that's alright. I just finished reading the g0ys website and
realized that it's exactly what I'm feeling. I had that experience once with
a friend of mine and have wanted to do it again. He thinks that it means
he's gay so he's opposed to the idea. I know I'm jumping around but I'm so
confused right now. Anyway, how do we
find guys who are like us? It seems like every guy I meet on these
websites only wants anal and/or has no interest in making it a loving
experience - basically just hump and leave. No holding, rubbing, touching,
nothing. If you could hit me back I'd really appreciate it. Thanks a lot
man." - John
just wanted to say thanks for helping me find this site: g0ys.org. I felt
"lost" before. I just don't fancy anal whatsoever. I'm not effeminate or
promiscuous, and I'm certainly no coward. It's really hard to find someone
like myself in the UK. Most guys are after a fuck and that's it. I want a
relationship. One with kisses, closeness, and monogamy. Going on the scene
doesn't help. It makes me depressed! G0ys.org cheered me up loads. Thanks!"
- Anon
"I applaud you for this site, well done. I’m 100% G0Y and loving it. I
couldn’t agree more with your viewpoint. The time for a change in how men
loving other men see themselves is NOW.
The BPT is literally killing millions of men and women worldwide.
The infection rate of HIV continues to climb, we know that the spread of
this scourge (HIV) in the “gay” community is associated with anal sex, it’s
a proven FACT.
As men who identify as being G0Y, the road ahead can seem sometimes lonely
and daunting. As such, I’ll leave you with this quote from a famous Roman
Emperor, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121 – 180 AD) and his writings know as
his “Meditations”.
Book 4 – 49 “To be like the rock that the waves keep crashing over. It
stands unmoved and the raging of the sea falls still around it” |
Grace and Honor!" - David
"hi! i am totally the type of individual you just described! the anal sex
part is vile to me and all i like to do is appreciate the man next to me for
who he is emotionally, mentally, and physically...i thought i was the only
person who felt that way but now i see i am not!" - HandI
thought I could try and change how people thought about gays, try and show
them that just because someone liked another guy doesn't mean he is a
flamer. I really tried, but the stereotypes are too deep rooted. I've always
found myself disgusted when a guy acts girly, or is in drag, or even the
idea of anal sex. I finally understand why." - Jon S
"Hi, Just a quick line to let you know that I REALLY enjoyed your web site.
What a refreshing breath of fresh air that was. Always thought of myself as
gAy but, now realize that I’m really gØy! I feel so much better and just a
little less alone in the world knowing there are others who feel like I do.
Thank You!" - J.M.
"And now
there is "Monkey Pox"! And what group is it spreading in? "GAY"
men! WTF! Looking back over posts on this site - I can honestly say that the
G0YS warned them! Hey, "Gay men": Want to stop the spread of STI's like
monkey pox? Stop ass-fucking each other; -& (Patient zero): Stop ass-fucking
- Veh
"Well dude, I think you’ve saved my
slowly withering sanity. I’ve never come across info about G0YS,
and, trust me; I’ve searched, and searched, for something, anything that
made sense. After reading your ad, I checked out the GoYS.org
site and have been reading for the past 3 hours. Awesome, exactly
the affirmation I’ve always needed. I’m so pumped up; I hardly
know what to do……. First off, thanks for putting such a thoughtful
and smart message in your post. Take it easy. If you’d like to
talk sometime, please let me know. I’m in CA" - Dr. G.
found a link to g0ys.org this morning on guys4men. I am so grateful to
the guy in LA who told his story and led me to that site. This is what I
have been wanting for so long. I have tried being str8 and that didn't
work well...I was married for 8 yrs...I have tried being gay...and that
didn't work...never had a good relationship. What I want is what I read
about on the website...that male intimacy that strengthens
relationships. I like men who are men, but I have no desire to make them
my phuck buddy...just my buddy with whom I can share intimacy." -
"WOW! I read your ad and explored the g0ys web site. Man, finally,
somebody "hit it right on the head." In a nutshell, it fits me exactly.
While I absolutely no interest in anal sex (the thought of it upsets my
stomach), I has always harbored a great desire to touch, cuddle, massage
another guy who happens to have a super body with silky, soft skin. You
obviously get the picture. Buddy, thanks for leading me to your site.
Nice! Thanks once again." - SAM
"This site is so awesome! I can’t remember how I came across it but I
have not been able to stop reading. I have printed out every g0y story
and have been reading at least one a day. I am so there. The only
question is, do you ever hear from older men that are just now finding
their place? Most of the stories are of young hotties in school. Thy are
awesome but I am
years old and want someone my age. I was married for 13 years. I
very much enjoy being with women but I greatly enjoy being with a man to
be truly free and not have to prove anything to him, not have to worry
about doing the right thing with him, just being a man with a man in
what ever fashion we want wither it be in the nude, hunting, watching a
movie just as long as we can hold and touch each other like a real man
needs and wants. I have made myself try the gay thing to try and fit in
some where but it did not work. I felt dirty, disgusted and very
degraded. It won’t happen again! I am a man, an attractive man, I try to
stay in shape and I will be no ones bitch. I can get as many bitches
(women) as I want but that isn’t enough for me, I want a man too." -
I've identified myself as a gay man for a long time because I thought if
I had feeligs for another guy I must be gay. I didn't fit into the gay
scene and never tried. I was just a regular guy who was attracted to
other guys. I always knew that is wasn't about the anal thing. It was an
affectionate bonding that my soul was thristing for wiht another man.
Your site is refreshing and affirming that two men can respect, bond,
and love each other faithfully without anal sex. Thanks!" - Curt
"This is all amazing to me. I have been bisexual my whole life. I never
married as I did not want to lead a double life and cheat on my wife, or
ending up in in court. I stopped dating all the woman that I loved ,
hoping someday to meet the right guy for me..... I am masculine and need
to be accepted by society, Effeminate men do not turn me on. I have just
turned 33....I still have hope. I am not into a bar scene either...I do
have a membership at the gym." - Hwe
"My name is Keith. I'm 34 and live in NC. I was told about both the
website and this group by some guys. I was floored when I visited the
site. It really spoke to me. This was how I had always felt. I never had
fit in with the gay community. I didn't consider myself a part of it.
When I found out there were guys who were like me and liked to do the
things I liked to do, I was really happy." - Keith
everybody i found really the honest male in the g0y group. i have
even felt the joy we feel with the sence of touch is really very much
than the conventional so called gay s are doing -thanks to g0y group for
enlightening me . i call all like minded to share and echange" - Sanjay
"I can just say I totally agree with that message. I'm a 'gay' guy, (that
is I really LOVE guys) but I could never indulge into sodomy. My love is
skin to skin, giving each other joy and pleasure in many ways but never
through something degrading and humiliating for my friends. Respect and
friendship, cleanliness and discretion (no showing off in the type of
so-called gay prides, etc) Thank you for sharing your ideas." - Raphy
"I've had these feelings all my life, but knew I wasn't gay. I've been
married twice and did very well in the love life department...but
something was always missing. ... Thank you for your words and your
site...it HELPS to know there are other Men who understand." - Pete
"Hey guys, just wanted to say hello from New York.... One day people will
get it - that a man can be with a man - and it's just as manly and
natural as anything else a man is supposed to do. I been thru the whole
ex-gay thing, myself.. ... but at the end of the day, my feelings are my
feelings.... so - that's that. been somewhat involved in a g0y type
relationship for the last few months, but it's a difficult and
complicated situation - - i don't like to label it but yea.... i have no
doubt God is blessing me and asking me to wait for his timing..... To
all the g0ys out there, you have a bro here who understands. take care"
a 21 year old South African dude, and for the past few years i've been
beating myself because of the feelings that i had. (I'm a Christian to
so that made it more difficult for me) I thought I was gay, but that
couldn't be, i wouldn't believe it. I struggled on, i would never accept
it. Then i found your site. The feelings i have is not have analsex with
a man, but to be real intimate and close with other men. Today i
realized im not gay im g0y. It is a huge relief.." - Vern
"So I was in a gay chatroom, always looking for someone like me, someone
who enjoys the intimacy of being with another man. But Someone who is
not interested in all the gay stereotypes, I met a man in one of those
chatrooms who told me about g0ys.org, and from there I made my way here.
WOW! I never knew there were so many men like me." - Guy
"just wanted to drop a quick line and say hello, been looking for
something like this site for a while, i glad to know that my best friend
and I, his a jock all the way, we never felt comfortable in the gay part
of hollywod, we just wanted to be with others that didn't need to go to
gay bars,etc. But we liked to be close with men.....well I'm just glad
to be a part of something like this group now.' - Carl
Wish I had stumbled across this group earlier, then I wouldn't have
"relationships" which never worked out. The emotional waves I'd been
riding up & down before this group cleared up everything for me. Before
I stumbled upon this group, I used to think of myself as gay, but a
"weird" one, in the sense that while gays usually liked anal &/or oral
sex, I liked neither, but preferred jerking off, touching, hugging,
smelling, showering & sleeping with guys. Of course now I know there's a
term for people like me - g0y. So glad that I'm not alone in being the
way I am. Had always felt that I would never be a "normal gay" like all
the other guys who love guys. I'm so happy to know that there're people
who like guys in the way that I do. Stories/anecdotes like this let me
know I'm not alone in struggling with my sexual identity. Thanx g0ys!" -
F Fire.
"I coincidentally found this group when searching for lists to discuss
certain movies, such as LATTER DAYS and BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN. At first I
was intrigued by the term "g0ys" but when I start reading, I
'recognized' something of myself. Most of my sexually conscious life I
have felt slightly misplaced." - DJ
"My God! I am an "old fart", and married. I have been confused my whole
life, I guess. I felt I was completely "alone & different". THIS (g0ys)
is JUST what I am. I have known for a long time that the male
does "bond", and one thing leads to another, but (this sounds strange)
we are NOT gay." - Vash
"I Totally agree with you. I just found out about this group today and
couldn't beleive that someone out there feel the way I feel even though
I'm totally and completly gAy because I can only imagin myself with
another fellow not with another girl but I've always found butt playinbg
really disgusting but all that porn all over the Internet made me
beleive that's that what gAys do. Now after I found out about this group
I don't beleive this lie anymore." - Raz
only been "out" for about 6 years now; though, I've always known I am
gay. Unfortunately, growing up
Southern Baptist and
being in the US Air Force for 8 years can postpone
many of lifes to-do's. Suffice to say, I met a great guy and we've been
together for just over 6 years, but to this day, we have not done
anything anal, mostly because...I don't like it! Now, this doesn't make
me straight, I just think the whole act is repulsive and I've
never been into that." - JT
"i want to thank you for this..., i'm turning 21 in three monts, and i
now know that the way i feel is no shame. For too long have i suffered
under the
burning eyes of condemnation of the
church, i never let any guy came close to me, because of the
selfhate and disgust i had of myself. I now know beter, your story
inspires me not to be afraid any more, im going to take a chance, live
and love" - Vern
"I can't explain how happy I am to have run across your site (thru a
friend's reference). I would be honored to let you use any pics from my
website on yours, and even give you a free membership at my website just
for helping me out of my misery, because I've been telling people I'm
"gay" when I'm actually "g0y"...never knew the difference 'till
yesterday, and my friends are already accepting me more than ever since
I have a basis for explaination! (i don't hang in the gay community very
often anyway - all my friends are straight)." - Paul
"I just found this group by chance and joined up. I'm a guy living with
another guy, deeply in love and have been together for 21yrs now. When
we first found each other we were two lonely 20 yr olds, stayed to
ourselves and did not fit any of the so called "gay" stereotypes.
Butt-fucking was out of the question and still is, we can't stand
being around swishy fem guys and instead found friendship with straight
guys/couples who when they found out that we were a couple, blew their
minds because we weren't "gay". Well I've come to really hate that word!
I love another man, as masculine as I am, we kiss, hold each other,
frot, and caress each other - in private. Outside we're just like two
other everyday guys you'd meet with careers and lives. I was not aware
of the word g0y but sure am glad to find out about other men like us."
- F in TX
to know I'm not alone - I am a "Gay man" in the sense that I am a man
who pair-bonds exclusively with other men, but I reject absolutely the
Hollywood/Madison Avenue dictum of what I am to be! "Gay" does not
describe any individual, it is the name of a collective whose goal is to
impose its social and political agenda on the world under the guise of
"minority rights" - it demands
conformity and abdication of one's own thoughts, tastes, judgment,
reason, etc. I for one am glad to stand hi-to-hip with y'all against
them!" - JJ
"There is a lot to sort out with being g0y, especially when you have the
baggage of a conservative
church upbringing. I've spent years in both conservative and more
liberal churches, and find there to be confusion on both ends. Today I
love my wife and my kids, but I also have affection for many of my male
friends, and I am trying to be as open as possible within those
friendships. How to express that affection is problematic at times, but
I have stopped fighting the feelings inside, where I used to think that
it was wrong even to feel that affection inside. For some of my male
friends I have very strong intense feelings of love and affection. This
group has helped me learn to embrace those feelings much more than I
ever have." - Jeff
"So, finding out about this whole idea of g0ys has been pretty amazing
for me. I've not had this message portrayed before of such strength,
integrity, and passion. It has always
been tainted for me by the gAy community and a model I thought was so
sick - even though I loosely identified myself there since I saw no
other model. But with this story of g0ys - I have a new story to
consider - one that resonates with me. I am especially drawn to
in the military because of what I experienced when I was in the Air
Guard for a short time. It was such an amazing bond that was so natural
and all male!" - MH
new to this g0y thing but thank god I found it! I always new that I had
a special appreciation and a sense of wanting intimacy with my close
male buddies but I have lived in confusion for so long because I knew I
wasn't what
society labled as gay." -PR33
"I just joined this club today. So glad I found it!! I'm so excited
because I 've always had "feelings" for guys but wanted to be more than
just "friends", if that makes any sense. I'm a very masculine guy & look
forward to making & hopefully meeting some new great friends here." - GW
"As a g0y now, I am a extreamly happy person with no-self hate and a lot
of respect for myself and my masculinity. I have been able to devolp a
relationship with god and know that I will not be going to hell becouse
of my same-sex attractions. Through the glory of god, I have been able
to find inner peace through finding the g0y website." - Sam
"I have always had same sex attractions but never wanted anal sex. It
seems gays always want that but I never felt comfortable with it. I
didn't know that groups like this existed. I didn't know anyone could
respect each other like this. It is great." - Sonny S
"This isn't to anyone specific, but I am a 45 year old married guy with
kids and have always had this attraction to other dudes that I have
always felt guilty about. I ran across the
g0ys.org website and it was as if someone was emptying my head onto the
screen. I just want to say that, for me, I am now completely relieved."
"I have been dealing with this question since I was a child. I was always
in love with my athletic and other brothers, but in the 70s when I was a
teen I got mixed up in gay culture and hated it, when I tried to back
out, the bitches tried to have me killed and raped in Newark, NJ only it
backfired on them, over 30 years later I was still conflicted about this
until I read about g0y groups in Yahoo looking for something like this,
and GOD bless, I found it, I hope we can have a supportive dialog and I
can do whatever I can to help......thanks." - J Campbell
liked your article ... I feel liberated. I didn't realize that men like
us are around. I feel like I've been converted ... I am a "GOY" Thank
you ... I've been a clergyman for my entire life and recently retired
early so that I could discover the real me. I did today ... because of
you. Thanks!" - Bill
recently learned about what it meant to be g0y. For many years I have
been confused about what I felt for guys because i admire other guys and
sometimes wished i could cuddle with one of my bros, however i knew that
i didn't fit into what is called gay. I have never wanted to have anal
sex, or act like a girl or any of those things. Because of all this I
tried to not think of guys at all and tried to only think of girls, but
it felt like i was fighting a losing battle. honestly there were times
when i felt so bad i thought about suicide, however because of my moral
values i could never do it. I felt so lost and broken. This battle
inside of me has kept me from enjoying a lot of things in life, and has
distracted me from actually having a life. However when i first read
about g0ys i instantly felt better. All i've ever wanted is to be close
to another guy, but in a masculine way." - UnK
"Hey bud, saw your post and wanted to say hey. It's an interesting
concept with the g0ys movement. I have always felt that as a guy who
likes guys, I shouldn't be classified the same as other guys who act
like girls, wear makeup, wear women's clothes, or don't act like guys. I
was raised on a farm, have played sports my whole life, am masculine,
athletic, work out . . . and I just happen to like the feel of a hot guy
next to me." - CJ
you for your posting. I have googled g0y and am sitting here stunned. I
have felt the way I have since I was in my early teens, and to have it
all translated for me is an extreme epiphany. I have always been turned
on by masculine looking guys, pictures of guys in their underwear and
watching guys in the locker room. I like to get intimate with guys
without the anal part of it. I'm a divorced guy who went through all of
this because my ex-wife found out about my relationship with my best
friend growing up and couldn't deal with it. Funny, she had her own same
sex experiences as little as 8 years ago and continually made comments
about how hot certain women were. But I guess that's her loss. Thank you
again for your enlightening post. I am forever in your debt." - TX
"When I stumbled upon this site I was in shock. I couldn't believe it’s
real! You’re redefining the concept of male/male bond! I’m 28 years old
and would love to experience a true bond with a guy. I don’t believe
that male intimacy could be reached by sex only. The greatest thing is
to have a friend who appreciates outdoor activities, sports, nice book
or a movie as much as you do… a person you feel comfortable with and you
can learn new things from. For years, I couldn't understand these
feelings I have and now everything make sense and I'm not alone!" - Jay
"What really spoke
volumes is that I have never, in my life, met a "gay" man who knew the
origin of the term "gay". Not one! Yet, they all wanted to promote
themselves as experts on "being gay"! Then, you stumble onto the
g0ys - a group of men that tell the "gay male community" to get its
disease-spreading head out of its collective ass; -& what can this g0ys
thing do that NO gay group has done - but
explain the very origin of the word "GAY"! It seems pretty obvious
who the real "experts" are!
"Greetings, My Bro! I love this site. It took me 40 years of my life
struggling between my faith and thinking I was supposed to remain a closeted
gay. Thank God I never fell into that lifestyle, and thank God I found your
site. Your site helped me figure out I
do love the beauty of the male body, and seek the natural affection only a
bro can provide, but most importantly that
I am NOT gay. Because of my faith I've always sought truth above feelings.
That means I scour the scriptures and history to align myself to the truth
of my faith." - Chris
We're making a difference! Would you consider
Helping G0YS continue to
do that?
Where the G0YS are:
Those who've taken the time to read at "G0Y
Story" probably have realized that most G0YS
are well hidden because they are N0T part of the "gAy" scene.
G0YS are all around us & most are totally invisible by choice.
They're N0T "0UT", & they'll never be "0UT" because they
are N0T "gAy". Many have never heard of us or "G0YS.ORG", &
those that the concept rings true to, are going to be very cautious
because they don't want to be "gAy"-identified, - for
good reason. Most
G0YS are N0T interested in having gAy "friends" ...
because "gAy" friends might "OUT"
them. G0YS want
str8 friends or G0Y friends (who don't point "OUT"
G0YS). They often describe themselves privately with
language that almost seems conflicting, I.E: "I'm a str8 guy who
happens to prefer other guys in the bedroom."!
It's N0T gAy; ... It's "G0Y"!
So, how do we find them? Likely the same way you found this
site. Banner links, E-mail links, & forums like chat rooms, dating
portals & ads. We just put it out there & let them find us!
If you're a G0Y & you have some friends who you've happily
discovered are G0Y too, -- then you owe it to their peace of mind to
send them here! As the incidence of these links increases, so will
the number of on-line G0YS to hook up with. They, for the
most part, do not know who they really are ... or that we're even here!
When they find out that there IS a place for them, -- they get excited
about it! And many of us know how good it can be to be in the
vicinity of an "excited G0Y"!
Hooking up w.
Since this site started, the hits have been
increasing & the questions keep pouring in: Namely, "How do I get involved
with this?" There is an old saying: "Many hands make light work".
After doing some preliminary testing, there is a strategy that is
working. Guys who are discovering G0YS are beginning to hook up with
other G0YS using this technique, so here it is:
- If you already have an account on
one of the major dating services, edit your profile to
include the fact that you are
G0Y. Be sure to point at this website
& be clear that you are seeking other G0YS for
relationships. If you don't have such an account,
build one.
Most are free for basic membership.
- There is also a
page on this site that
has a couple of banner-links that you can rip to add to your
own webpage. You can also create an HTML signature for
your e-mail with the same code - complete with working
hyperlink! The banners link back at this site.
Let this site educate men & do the work of explaining what
"G0YS" are all about. There is no need for you to rewrite
the book! Point them here!
- This technique is working! There are G0YS
sending feedback about how they've updated their profiles on all the
dating engines their on & are getting hits & hooking up! If you
want to find these clean, masculine men who are more interested in the
"whole" you (& not your anus): Then take the steps outlined. It really
IS that simple!
Meeting Sites
being a great way to plug g0ys.org,
it also lets guys know what you're about before they waste your time or theirs!
Some systems don't allow URLs in ads - so write something like "G00GLE G0YS"
to learn more.
Picture ads get lots more hits.