The primary purpose of this Web is education
& showcasing personal accounts derived globally from different cultures in order to
sexuality - ancient to modern. Religious moirés are closely &
respectfully examined in light of modern discoveries of ancient texts,
medicine, law, traditional interpretations & long-standing cultural
precedent. Many people feel astonished & enlightened when they discover
what ancient peoples understood about sexuality in light of what we have
learned in the last several decades. Taken together in context, these
facts are stunning & liberating!
If you had a family member or close friend who was grappling w.
sexuality issues; - Would you want to see their life destroyed by
commonly repeated LIES, or vastly improved with the stunning TRUTH?
G0YS: Passionately Loved or Hated, with little for a middle!
Our messages provide life-changing answers while also offending a great number of fools
(on the political left & right)!
So, if you're a guy who
loves guys/(too), but finds aspects of the GLITQetc politico offensive to your
ethos; -Or you are suffering the religious rants & malicious mantras that
challenge your mere existence; - Know for sure that this website is for
Mature content within.
Life-affirming, credible-answers!
wisdom! Genuine peace of mind! Countless men who have looked
into the rapidly growing G0YS
(spelled w. a zer0)
movement found there is a place for men who love
masculinity, but don't feel comfortable with contemporary
"GAY-Male" culture due to the entrenched stigmas & appalling
health statistics surrounding it (I.E: a rate of sexually related
injuries & diseases that [according to the American Red Cross]
is +4,000.00% higher than the general population)! G0YS
represent the majority
(say "majority") of all men (+60%), -who experience affection for
masculine traits & choose to express it in an atmosphere of pure
respect - without any compulsion to promote unhealthy, emasculating
stereotypes. G0YS is a sane, sober, approach to
masculine intimacy, respect & health; -With extremely
comprehensive theological apologetics for those men who have serious
concerns about the actual religious implications about same-gender
intimacy. +95% of the population gets this issue catastrophically
wrong due to rampant, poor Biblical translations! G0YS: Decades of
research & the #1 information resource on this! |
"It's true: -
G0YS ALWAYS respect other guys as
MEN. And
THAT makes ALL the difference!"-
Due to
the extremely serious nature of the content within this website, the
intensity of the language may seem elevated in places. In such, we
encourage you to consider the topic/s at hand & ask yourself the simple
question: "Are
these g0ys discussing a trend/behavior that is dangerous, disrespectful,
demeaning, disease-spreading or deadly?".
The answer generally explains the tone!
take a pragmatic approach! "Seeing then that we have such hope, we use
great plainness of speech"- 2
Cor 3:12
It's like learning Earth has 7 continents -
while everyone else thinks there are
only 3!
As a normal guy who
loves men; -I
Abusive religion,
perilous, AnalSex'd
of the men who discover the g0ys movement are looking for answers
to some serious questions about themselves. Most are shocked when they
learn that
of all men have similar feelings
(Yes, a majority)! Most (but not all) of these men have
feelings for women, but grapple with questions arising from the fact
that they also deeply appreciate masculine
aesthetics & experience deep affections for other men! But, such men simply
don't identify as "(GLITQETC.)"
because that term has been welded with odd,
x-gender behavior & AnalSex; -Activities that most men
consider unhealthy, disgusting, shameful & emasculating. Because of
these core differences - such men (g0ys) do NOT fit into the (GLITQETC...)
alphabet-soup culture & find much of it to be extremely antagonistic to our
masculine ethos. G0YS do NOT sacrifice the
hard, sobering truth in the name of "Political Correctness" - &
ironically, G0YS
make many organized religions look extremely negligent, even callous! Also
within the g0ys main site are many
editorials that give analytical insight into 3000+ years of history;
-showing that it has always been completely normal for men to seek a
deep bond with other men -even on the physical level (a/k/a
"Bromance"+). "G0YS" know instinctively that loving other men has
nothing whatsoever to do with gender-bending, x-dressing, AnalSex
nor otherwise playing the "female role"! G0YS show how natural male
affection has been stigmatized by a group of gender-bending, pro-AnalSex,
sociopaths; --And how the term "GAY" morphed into a term used to push
every perilous sex-act & bizarre behavior under the guise of
"tolerance". And g0ys show how the predominant stereotypes, of the
so-called "gay movement" have actually been denounced for thousands of
years by cultures that also celebrated male/male intimacy! This is because of
a loud immoral, persistent fringe (referred to as "SemiViri"
2000+ years ago) that has shamed M2M affection - tainted in the present
by pornographers, perverts, & sociopathic-personalities -all having
agendas that attempt to link their emasculating & disease-spreading
fetishes - with all Same Gender Affections (suggesting that it's all
part of the same "movement": GLIBTQETC.)
G0YS redraw the hard line where it belongs ethically & logically without
compromise! Compared to the libertine positions of the current GLITQETC.
community; - G0YS is provably the difference between health vs.
-by our very nature, detest the entire notion of AnalSex in any form as
dirty, dangerous, degrading & damn-un-masculine; -& by
shunning casual sexual encounters (& completely rejecting AnalSex), G0YS
avoid the very social-groups & perils that spread +98% of ALL STI's/STD's among men! Among g0ys, STDs/STIs are virtually nonexistent
compared to the STD/STI figures for the so-called "GAY-male
(I.E: a rate of
sexually related injuries & diseases that [according to the American Red Cross]
is +4,000.00% higher than the general population)!
According to the CDC, AnalSex
is +5000% more perilous then even 0ral! So, while so-called "GAY"-men
are plagued with STDs/STIs; - G0YS are NOT (a stunning,
revelatory & remarkable
difference)! While the GAY-male community pushes a death-style as a
buffet of perilous anal-fetishes; -G0YS actively oppose it!
It's essential to
understand how a social movement can be twisted by special interests, &
how important it is to reject that movement after it has been
irreparably perverted by unhealthy agendas.
G0YS understand that when a social movement promotes actions that
indiscriminately harm others, -then it's time to STOP TOLERATING IT.
These massive differences are why the g0ys movement matters! The g0ys
movement centers around germane issues of human behavior: Specifically,
why men of good conscience need to loudly reject the extremely perilous,
injurious actions & examples of history's flood of
old, dead, callous fools who killed themselves by their very deeds
the vestige of shallow cultural progeny who wish to perpetuate those
deadly mantras into the present & future! "If
you adopt the corpse's philosophy; -What caused its end may end you
Even though you may be a guy who loves men /too; -Doesn't mean that you
need to embrace the alphabet-soup naming culture that is called
"GLITQETC". Men loving men is NORMAL; -- NOT gender dimorphic, nor
part of some minority with bizarre & unhealthy fetishes
G0YS reject the entire "Contemporary Paradigm of GLITQETC" & instead,
choose an older, healthier & far nobler path! And for this, we're
often demeaned & slandered by those who
think society should embrace the perils of callous disregard,
physical-injury, sexually-transmitted diseases & even death! Study
our posturing. Decide for yourself. We use well documented knowledge to
transform lives; - Delivering men from deadly voices of confusion! Not
all viewpoints have equal merit! Reality doesn't bow to opinion. Distinctions matter!
Ethical behavior is evidenced by the outcomes of actions!
Got Balls?
Got Truth? |
my 'conservative', religious family found out that my roommate & I were
closer than
brothers; -The apologetics
completely destroyed their sect's theology (using the Scriptures!); - & damned them
(via their theological position)
instead of me!
Their clergy: Stunned & silenced w. no rebuttal! WOW!"-
Religious Abuse Survivor
Many men who discover
the g0ys movement have been abused by
politics, religion, etc; -& told that all physically-intimate
Same-Gender-Affections (SGA) are loathsome. G0YS know that this abuse
(especially by twisted religion) is so severe that a
section of the main g0ys website has been developed to give substantial,
in-depth theological answers from several
sources (including a
Rabbinic PhD
who has thoughtfully written on the subject matter). What g0ys have
proven in the theological section is how relying on the actual
Scriptures represents the real strength of our position (instead of
trying to water-down or deride Biblical texts as others do). G0YS also
go into great depths to explain the rationale behind what was & wasn't
prohibited in the
Torah & more
WHY. G0YS also expose serious, intentional mistranslations in
the Bible and how a gigantic LIE arose over time due to those very
mistranslations - & became the proverbial "beam
in the eye" of many sects! The
theological section is absolutely
liberating & very essential for men who demand solid, in-depth,
in-context answers to reconcile their faith & feelings without
compromising truth, safety or morality. As a theological
side-effect, the ironic result of this in-depth analysis actually paints
those who have falsely accused g0ys - with the same shade of
moral-turpitude that they have been using to accuse so many others for
decades! That's right! Not only do the
Hebraic-Christian Scriptures exonerate people
falsely accused due to mere same-gender attractions; -But actually
damn those who have falsely accused them - and to the exact same
degree! The
[Tenak &
Ha•brit Ha•cha•da•sha] (Bible) both issue dire warnings to those who are
lax, sloppy &
deceitful in
handling the Scriptures; -The astonishing conclusion being that
so much of what claims to be "conservative-theology" is NEITHER! It
appears that
many "religious fundamentalists" are headed toward the very HELL they
threaten others with! The Scriptures explain this irony in detail. In
this regard, G0YS accurately claim to be one of the most comprehensive
resources for defensive apologetically reformative answers on the
planet! G0YS: Freedom for the falsely accused & a damning warning for
those promoting those accusations! God is not the petty douchebag nor
the libertine tort-enabler that false religions have made Him out to be!
Those preaching "HellFire" are often headed there!
See Mic 6:8
g0ys groups also contain a collection of astonishing images of handsome
men (modern & vintage). You'll discover that g0ys aren't prudes &
we have no qualms against tasteful nudity. We do insist that images
never showcase disrespect of a model. We believe that love is
totally awesome & we have no qualms with images that display it between
men. We do not believe that "genderf!ck", abuse, pain or forms of
domination are acceptable content (unless such images are used to deride
abusive principles themselves). G0YS are all about respect. Our
use of imagery tries to relay the clear message that men can totally
love other men without anyone losing his health, respect nor making any
sacrifice of masculinity. G0YS: The timely renaissance of true male
friendship, affection & intimacy!
Within the g0ys main
site you will also find links to other g0y-centric groups that are
growing at a rate almost too fast to keep up with. We've listed
many of them with space to add yours if you decide to become pro-active
as a g0y proponent. We have well over a decade of commentary in
some of the core groups & encourage your participation after you've
taken some time to look over the main site. Doing so will get many of
your initial questions out of the way -so that your appearance in the
groups won't leave you too "green" as to the general posturing of the
members & movement overall.
women - click here.



Special thanks to all of the contributors who
helped make this website possible. Your blogs, essays, stories, images &
edits made it a truly informative experience!
G0YS are Men who
love Men/also. G0YS do Not participate in anal sex!
Some Translation programs do not accurately render this website!