beginning to observe the dynamics of what makes a relationship work and what
works in the long-term vs. the short; --The one rock-solid observation I've made
is the same one that writers have been noting since writing began: The external
tells you little about what lies beneath.
Now, this isn't an essay that will attempt to get you
to disregard the external-appearances of yourself or others. It will not
attempt to get you to disregard your feelings. What it will
be an attempt to do is (3) fold:
Take a solid look at the man in the mirror and
evaluate his motives & philosophies -especially the way he views other
Take stock of the fundamental g0y philosophy that
advocates strategically building deepening-relationships from existing friendships.
And then examine those (2) points - together vs. the main-stream
message/s broadcast by the "overall gay-male" community. G0YS is
vastly different from "GAY"
The stud-image/s shown (right) are actually a
computer model cast out of light in 3D - with absolutely nothing beneath the
skin in reality. And yet the brain of the beholder tries to ascertain what sort of
man the machine really is. Hmmmm. Trust me: It's the stuff
sociopath's are made of.
You might encounter "him" in cyberspace in
some "game" as "he" comes across the grid with his weapon pointed at
your avatar. But despite the appearance: He has no appreciation of anything;
-And the world he exists in consists of only rules for finding the target and a
drive to engage it. It can't be reasoned with. It can't be bargained with.
It doesn't feel pity, or remorse or pain. And it absolutely will not stop;
-until you're dead. I think that it's the same mindset behind the scripts
of most "gay-porn"! Laugh, --but consider the deeper issues.
Isn't that the reality behind the
mindset of the man who lives for his own pleasure at the expense of
others? He may appear stunning on the outside for a while -but a man who
thinks only of himself will share - only when it benefits him equally or the more.
Such a man may be the carrier of any number of diseases that he caught unaware
from other such men and instead of a gun, -his loaded penis is just as perilous; -And
instead of approaching with a battle cry; --he gains entrance with a mouth
offering flattery & suggested-vulgarity. He's the very form that Satan himself
prefers to use, abuse & lay waste to. It's just an animal-skin. What
sort of creature lies just beneath it - takes discovery.
There is an old proverb that is translated: "Some
men's sins are obvious; -While others trail behind.". It is those
that "trail behind" that are often the most insidious because the
damage they cause is often concealed for some time until afterward. Such
is the practice of Anal Sex. Some +5000% more perilous than any other form of
sexual contact, --those who catch STD's as a result of it are often unaware that
they've been infected or even "killed" until months or years
pass & the symptoms of disease/s finally manifest! And being unaware
during the interim, --they become a party to continuing the cycle of
spreading STD's until the past catches up. And then it's too late.
Damage done.
it's predisposition for AnalSex, -the gay-male community has literally become the
butt of the joke to the left. The irony is that having a fetish for playing
inside the former - leads to being lowered into the latter (big enough to accommodate a
coffin). Hence the illustration takes on a new message: "Playing in
this hole leads to that hole".
course, -once a man discovers he has contracted a disease that is currently
difficult to treat or impossible to cure, --the actual nature of the man beneath the skin will become
known by the course of actions he chooses that affect other people. And
there is no shortage of HIV+ "GAY" men who haven't altered their
behavior a bit since discovering that they're +POS. Such are
self-absorbed, callous
& indifferent. A Hebrew Rabbi described such a person as: "Their
lives are filled with all kinds of sexual perversions, wickedness, and greed.
They are mean. They are filled with envy, callously-disregarding-life,
argumentative, deceitful, and vicious. They are gossips, slanderers, (haters of
authority) - hating God too; -And haughty, arrogant, and boastful. They
think up new ways to cruelly use others for their own ends. They disregard their
parents wisdom, ignore common-sense, break covenants, and don't care to show
love to their own families nor mercy to others. Although they know it's a
righteous judgment: that -those who do such things deserve to die, -they not only
do these things but also approve of others who do them!" That
mindset perfectly describes people who have been
warned about the extreme perils of AnalSex & continue to practice & promote the
act regardless of the deadly potentials! Even the infamous gay-activist, Larry
Kramer, wrote that this behavior
was akin to "MURDER"!
The museum
recording says: "Please Don't Wipe
Your Arse on the Artwork."; -- And all of the Out & Proud 'GAYS' -upon
hearing the command, -recoil in offense and declare the speaker to be
"Intolerant & Homophobic".
The 'GAY'-Male community seems preoccupied with making
the beautiful, -hideous. Seriously. If I'm lying, -then why all the
preoccupation with trying to make anal- acceptable? GAYS play in SH!T and
call it "sexuality". Then they try to understate the
extremely well-documented medical outcomes of
that bizarre fetish (& others). Anyone who points this giant culture
of sociopathy out is denounced with the use of any number of off-point terms -
from "homophobic" to "self-loathing". And that's Fuck'd up. It's just so,
eh: GAY.
The G0Y predisposition is very different. And notice
be Alpha/Sigma Males in the regard that we who do not tolerate SH!T on ourselves, our
buddies nor our beds. The G0Y predisposition is toward RATIONALITY &
RESPECT; --So G0YS do not try to twist what is vulgar into some sort of
"fetish" for the sake of having a faux self-esteem. If you're
playing in SH!T and ripping out your collective AssHoles
while spreading diseases explosively --then any "pride" you may have is
grossly misplaced & undeserved. The term "FAGGOT" is quite
literally, reserved for such -as a warning to others.
As soon as I was old enough to enjoy the
naked-aesthetics & company of a hott buddy all night, --the mindset that
accompanied the closeness & affection was one of extreme respect &
appreciation. To say that I LOVE my buddies is an understatement,
-but in the spectre of what "GAY" has done to taint M2M friendships,
-I feel a need to qualify the term "LOVE" so that the victims of
misinformation understand that "Love Works No Ill". It's patient
& kind. It's forgiving and unselfish. It seeks to build up the other person.
It does NOT rip out arse-holes, nor does it smear SH!T all over others, nor does
it P!SS in another person's face, nor casually call those close-by demeaning names
("girl", "bitch", "queer", etc), nor
does love spread diseases nonchalantly. Love does not wipe it's proverbial arse "on
the artwork of humanity". And people who do disregard those
principles are NOT acting out of
a lot of guys, I discovered "sex" early into my teens. I came
from a conservative household where there was NO pornography in the house -so my
realization of what was going on between myself & a few good friends was a
realization arrived at in the aftermath of watching a buddy's soapy erection in
the hot-tub seize his complete attention & rob his composure as his
ejaculation reflex forced a gusher of creamy man-sauce from his lathery dick
head into the air and all over my gently gripping hand upon succumbing to
The experience motivated him to gently grasp my dick &
it took about 3 seconds to bring about the same experience. At first, it simply didn't dawn on me that it was
"sexual". I only knew that the less clothing my buddy was
wearing & the more of his naked skin I got to feel provided some sort of
intense motivation to extend the time & intensity of the experience.
He obviously was feeling the same way. And what I felt was that what
we shared as friends was completely private & was absolutely
The ability to stay overnight at each other's houses
unsupervised in the same bedroom all-night was like being able to have unlimited
access to somebody's credit-card, --only waaaay better. I'm not too sure
but I think that I did actually lick some of his freckles off over the next year
or so. People knew we were "best friends". Strangers asked
if we were "brothers". In public we were high-5's & handshakes
with casual welcoming hugs with those palm-to-palm buddy handshakes that guys
occasionally do. But at night when we were alone-together, -it was
locked-doors, pulled-drapes, shared
showers & sleeping together in the raw with lots of cock-rubbing while
cuddling & when truth-or-dare turned using the mouth in place of a hand
while gently jacking the other guy; --things just were never the same once we
discovered fellatio. The guy was priceless and we both knew to the core of
our beings that what separated us from the "gays" was the fact that we
knew that it was completely wrong for a guy to bitch another guy and that
willfully crossing that line meant that a person had fallen into some sort of
morality wasteland that made a guy into something less than a man. Anal-
made a man an enemy of humanity itself; --
It was the moral boundary-line & sooooo obvious. And the diseases the act transmits so readily have been
known about for decades. The thing I would never want to do was hurt any
person I made love with by taking stupid chances and the fact that I was so
naturally opposed to anal-anything never made those sort of risks a serious
concern. I've only been with a handful of guys during my lifetime (but
sometimes, -it was with 4 a week). A few of my best buds attended the same
college and by that time -I rented an apartment & had my own room.
Between existing buds, parties and college-athletics I made a lot of friends and
a few of those were friendships that became "best", too. But
what it never was - never - never was it "casual sex". Every new
buddy in my bed was like an opportunity to discover the hidden gentle
awesomeness of another guy from the way he responded to being touched to how his
composure broke down as he'd spill his seed in climax (& then how he'd relax
in the afterglow of it). I loved learning the feel of different skin and
the different textures of hair that covered each guy's body.
From the
smell of a signature cologne on a sweaty passionate torso - to the shape of a
guy's fingers & toes (even the amazing variations of different guy's dicks);
--It was all like the ultimate art lesson with living statues that responded in
kind & appreciated being loved, admired & respected by another guy whom
they felt likewise about. Like priceless artworks that were also my
friends; --There was nothing "casual" about getting naked with a
stud-bud. They were the buddies that I shared their hopes & dreams
with & friends that inspired the content of my prayers --even till this
day. And
it's that deep set of feelings of respect, trust, discretion & appreciation
that seems to be missing from relationships today --especially in the so-called
"gay-male community". If
you see people as a meat-market on parade, and other guys as just 1-nite-scores;
--Then you're probably a sociopath - a waste of skin & inevitably
self-interested, absorbed & likely - arrogant as sin. You probably
give & take 'it' up the arse, too. Anathema.
But about my very 1st bromanced-buddy: As time would eventually tell; --he
liked both sexes
-while I only loved guys. He has played the "straight" card
-even into the present, --but is actually very "G0Y" in the way he
interacts with a guy on an intimate level. He'd tell you that the
"GAY movement" has damaged what best friendships can naturally become
because "GAY" tries to reframe the content of best-friendships in a
context that most men do not relate to -often quite the opposite. Fully
appreciating a buddy from balls to brows has nothing to do with gender-bending
nor AnalSex; --And even the mere hint of mixing the concepts is grossly
offensive & disrespectful to masculinity. And that is the gut-feeling
of most men -because it's simply true.
And in teenage guys -where social status
& the perception of their image is 2nd-to-none; --The notion of being
grouped with a bunch of arse-pounding girly-guys (image below) is on par with cutting your
social-balls off. Some may say that I'm merely creating a straw-man out of
a stereotype, --but look for yourselves & you'll see that the so-called
"stereotypes of gaydom" are actively & loudly promoted by the
"gay-community" itself. If you don't want people to associate
your group with x-dressers, gender-benders & arse-fukkerz, -then perhaps
your membership should stop promoting those very things first.
Unless, of course, the stereotypes are the TRUTH.
And if they are the TRUTH, -then you can't complain about the debasing use of
distorted stereotypes. In metaphorical terms, I tell a lot of the gAys who
criticize g0ys: "Quit trying to sell everyone on how good your pig
sings by bashing his critics as being "biased & intolerant".
Your pig (like most) has repeatedly earned his tuneless-reputation, and men of
common-sense grow tired of your appeals to ignore their own ears."
Can you imagine how society would react if
we treated children on par with how the gay-male community treats men? Imagine
mealtime: "Just eat around the
sewage, Billy. Maybe you shouldn't take that out of the bag before you eat it.
Use a plastic bag every time! Gotta wrap that rascal hot-dog! You don't want to
get sick ... again..." And
then, -they'd wonder why kids were terribly ill & malnourished! They'd
probably throw fund-raisers to raise the awareness of how eating food should be
done while it's still inside of a plastic bag & then try to sell everyone on
how good it tastes that way! They'd have a name for the practice, such as:
"Full Mandible Maturity". Eventually, they'd probably get to the
point where they'd want people to shove thanksgiving dinner up their ass as the
"gay way to eat". This absurdity about proper form &
function, - being perverted into a "cultural oddity" is precisely what
EPISODE OF SOUTHPARK. And please take a moment to recognize
that it was an ASSociation with "GAY" priests
that framed the entire absurd episode. Of course, -a thinking person gets the
point and will reason, "If
it's a bizarre notion to stick food up my arse; --Why would I put a dick there?"!
The bottom line ... is simply recognizing
the contrasts between a group of men who love men & reject acts that put men
in peril, -vs. the group of men who choose to proxy the arse as if it's a vagina
("mangina") & as a result, --have (by several magnitudes!) the highest levels of sexually
transmitted infections of ANY demographic and the most medical-need for arse-surgery
to repair trauma resulting from such UNnatural act/s.
Moral behavior is
NOT an abstract principle. It can be clearly gauged by the outcome of certain actions
and groups can be likewise labeled - based on the outcomes of actions that they promote.
It really is that simple to discern.
Sociopaths don't change; -- It's
beyond their nature:
Sex by itself is about pleasure - connected to a biological "reset" mechanism
that takes the "edge off" for a while. Since pleasure is a factor - the same
dynamics can & do occur that are feelings connected to drug use and MISUSE. Sex
can be associated with feelings of euphoria & "power". Because of these well
established facts - g0ys believe that sex for the sake of itself moves in one
direction only: ABUSIVE.
The "sexual revolution" that characterized the 60's & 70's had several faces.
Some of those faces were masks that concealed an old form of evil - now ready to
go on a rampage among the indiscriminate. It was UNRESTRAINED LASCIVIOUSNESS:
LUST. Let's not be melodramatic. This has been around since the dawn of human
history in many forms. Sex, however, like drug use, -provides a platform for
this form of excess to root itself deeply. It literally says: "Hurray for me as
I screw you"!
When inhibitions are totally removed - what manifests itself
is every form of BDSM you can
& can't visualize. It's appetite has no limits. And, those who are snared by the
practices it spawns are ALL hallmarked by a single characteristic: The pursuit
of pleasure outweighs the value they place on the humanity of those around them
-& even their own well-being! This is the mindset of the sociopath.
It is, quite literally, without conscience.
The "gay" revolution WAS and still IS punctuated by sociopath commentary.
the pinnacle of the "gay" message is the lie - that men who love men,
ass- -fuck as the predominant expression of M2M intimacy.
To the sociopath - the one who esteems his own pleasure above all else, - that
message needs no discerning voice. Because sociopaths don't care about
respecting the humanity of others.
However, anyone who looks at the statistics
surrounding related health issues soon discovers the acts of the
sociopath are not the ideas nor inclinations of the vast majority of the public. However, as any
study of mental dysfunction will reveal: the sociopath is an expert manipulator
and skilled liar. The sociopath has an insatiable appetite for destruction,
- and you are on the
Unleashed from the prison of moral compasses - the sociopath has
flourished in the pornography business & at the art of human exploitation.
The goal of the sociopath is to get his way -& this is accomplished by
sending a continual message that morality is an abstraction -so he insists that
"His way is right & so is your's; - Pay no attention to who gets hurt"! And because the sociopath knows no restraint - his menu extends all the way
to children - cutting right thru the teenager as well. Sociopaths long to make
complicit drones. Those who know no moral restraint seek satiation by the same.
They thrive best in situations that foster INequality: BDSM. Dom/Sub.
Top/Bottom. Prostitute/Jon. Clergy/Laity.
"Love is the mortal enemy of the sociopath and empathy is the window love
views the world thru."
-Gimmel Yod
Love does not work ill toward its neighbor. Therefore, love always
acts on knowledge that actions may need balance. Love cares if hurt
is being done - even inadvertently. Sociopaths may mislead & skew an education; --
but love will take steps to correct the course. It is this reason why some men
who have considered themselves "gay" for some while often embrace g0y principles
upon hearing of us. I.E:
"I completely had an epiphany...Granted I bought into the anal sex thing and
have been doing that for the past 10 years w/my partner but NO MORE. I always
found it gross but I thought that is what you did, geez I didn't know but I do
now I always felt awful about myself b/c of it. Again thank you, you've gotta write a book man!!!!!!!!" -
What g0y-converts will tell you is usually the same message with some subtle
differences within the subjective life of the teller: "GAY" is a
paradigm that
has been shipwrecked by sociopaths and those naive enough to
"tolerate" the lies of
the sociopath without challenging them.
Since the beginning of time, civil societies have labeled AnalSex as
a tort - even criminal; - Yet the sociopaths of pornography have spun the lie
that AnalSex is merely another form of "sexual expression.". In the "gay
revolution", the sociopathic peddlers of porn & smut now insist that "GaySex" is
on par with "AnalSex". Dissent of their death-message is met with accusations of "hate speech" &
"homophobia". Unfortunately for the sociopaths: G0YS are immune to such
accusations and our existence exposes the lies and liars for what & who they
are. After all - you can't yell "Homophobic!" at [two men arm in arm] who
just happen to be denouncing AnalSex!
And the result? For the 1st time since the "Sexual Revolution", men who
experience Same Gender Attractions (SGA) have a giant option called "g0y" set
before them! G0YS are the "moral high-road" for both health & perception
reasons. We provide the context in which men can reframe their entire
thought process regarding masculinity without needing to accept the
gender-confounding lies of the sociopathic "gay male community's"
self-anointed spokespeople.
For example: G0YS know that it is a FACT that +60% of all men experience some
form of Same Gender Attraction. Since +60% is a MAJORITY, g0ys can quietly
presume that it is the statistical NORM for men to love men & that
those people who expend the energy to "come out" are wasting their time -
believing a lie that they're some sort of "minority". G0YS know that men have no more need to "come out" then they
have need to announce that they possess a penis! G0YS are subversive. We often
pull others aside & quietly let them know that +60% is NOT a "MINORITY". G0YS
can undo a life of shame & denial with a single statement of truth (because the
truth can set people free).
G0YS reject "gAy" because the "gAy" sociopathic spokespeople cannot
regulate their very own behaviors! G0YS reject gAy because it is dominated
by pleasure-seeking, disease-spreading, immoral arse- -fucks. Our position is based on over 4000
years of legal precedent. Theirs???
So, to the teenage guy who is beginning to realize that he has feelings for
his buddies; -- the FACT is that a substantial number of them probably feel the same things back at ya! They're
not afraid of loving their buddies... They're afraid of being associated with a
bunch of gAys who have embraced the faux-paas of a woman by adopting an active
or passive interest in anal- -sex
as a "defining gay act".
Specifically denounce the buttphuckers
loudly; -- & your buddies will relax into your gentleness when directed toward
Again, to the teenage guy who is beginning to realize that he has feelings
for his buddies: Get some insight. Gain some understanding. Grow your confidence
- knowing that you are in the MAJORITY. Gather into your personal group of
friends those guys, - eh, g0ys - who are willing to embrace the truth. Read the
g0ys website. This
website is a great link to send to them from a "private" e-mail address you
establish -not in your name.
To the older guy who has been dealing with these feelings for a bit longer:
Read the g0ys website. Process those ideas that resonate the best with you.
The epiphany is an extreme one. Undoing years of self-loathing & undeserved
abuse, judgmentally & often religious persecution as g0ys lifts a weight from the inner
being that - even many words can hardly describe. CERTAINTY of the WHY
gives MORAL CLARITY & SELF CONFIDENCE. We hope to empower you. Join us.
It doesn't matter how well manicured the
outside is. Because if the inside of the man resembles a demonized pig's
mentality, the actions will likewise follow; --Making the beautiful, hideous!
The lesson is: Don't underestimate the destructive power of large numbers of
stupid people!
The extreme irony that exists within the so-called
"GAY CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY" is that they tolerate violence & call it
"acceptance" -& they expect everyone else to tolerate it too.
If you don't tolerate their callous, undiscerning "GAY" version of violence
--you get labeled as "UnLoving". They're fools.
You see, Anal- -Sex is ALWAYS a VIOLENT ACT. ALWAYS. And
did I mention that it's VIOLENT 100% of the time? The FACT (say
"FACT") is that the human rectum (whether male or female) is
NOT designed to be used as a dick - dock. AnalSex always injures the recipient in some
manner as well as creating a conduit for
disease that is some +5000% more contagious than even 0ralSex (according to
the CDC). It's +5000% MORE
CONTAGIOUS on top (pun) of ALWAYS being INJURIOUS to the physical structures
in the recipient! At this
juncture I'll need to point out that AssFuckers will belittle and try to
dismiss this major point. They will DENY that they are causing
physical injury to each other via this act. That denial is part of a
pathological lying nature of self deception. It is medically undisputable
that is physically perilous. And yet - 's will try to
dispute it. That's how depraved these sociopaths are. They'll jump up and
down red-faced while screaming that the truth is a lie!
G0YS know these things by instinct. We KNOW that it's
disgusting & wrong for a guy to another person because of the
connected to the act. And we also know that those who
promote the are criminally minded because they are promoting a "tort". Those who promote TOLERATING IT
are CRIMINALLY MINDED (the legal term is "COMPLICIT").
GAYS argue that it's all just "sex". But, the FACTS
(say "FACTS") prove (say "PROVE") otherwise. is
ALWAYS an act of violence as EVIDENCED (say "EVIDENCED") by decades
of well documented FACTS about physical injuries caused DIRECTLY by that act.
Explosive disease spreading is only part of the issue. Physical injury is the
other and a FACT (say "FACT") that AssFuckers want to ignore,
demean, disregard & dismiss. But FACTS don't go away, and if even a
billion people call the MOON a star, --it does not make it so. Likewise,
--trying to position the on par with other acts of intimacy does not
make it so.
And this analysis, by extension,
condemns so-called "churches" that do not draw a distinction between actions
that cause harm vs. those that are inherently benign. Churches like the MCC
that defend all things GLITQETC... without
using discernment that would protect their members from the perils of injury
& sexually transmitted diseases.
Scripture is crystal CLEAR that those who eat/drink at the communion table
of the lord without making these critical discernments eat & drink DAMNATION
upon themselves! By failing to carefully investigate the Scriptures -
they actually push the lies found in sloppy translations of the Bible! G0YS
describe these corrupted Bible translations in-depth
0ur MINDSET (say "MINDSET" ... and say it
again) is a primary distinction between g0ys vs. gAys. G0YS know that
LOVE WORKS NO ILL. The gAy male community -by "tolerating
everything" -by admission disregards that simple TRUTH (say
"TRUTH"), and by default -embraces a LIE that pretends that doing
what is EVIL (say "EVIL") can somehow result in good. Gay sentiment
sounds like this: "I
fukk'd his arse out over a long period of time - forcing incontinence &
the need for rectal-surgery - because I love him..."! And that
insanity is tolerated as "par" within the so-called
"enlightened minds" of the GLITQetc community. I say they're fools, criminals
& sociopaths. And "churches" that tolerate such civic malevolence are
I'm being Harsh? Why not be harsh on Fools, Criminals &
Sociopaths? They
push a DEATH-style under the guise of "tolerance". What they
tolerate are the life destroying acts of Criminals & Fools. I choose not to. I choose to
love with a philosophy that says that "LOVE WORKS NO ILL."; -&
I'll put my philosophy up against the Ass-ripp'n gay-mantra any day.
This issue is NOT about sexual orientation! This issue is about actions that
routinely maim & kill other men!
You see, -I know what it's like to comfort a man who has
been incapacitated & AssFuck'd. I know what it's like to comfort a
buddy as he tells about his experience of being turned into a pseudo-bitch
& expresses the emotional pain about being so completely disrespected
& injured. It happens all the time because society
"tolerates" the AssFuck. And why is it that the same guy all
busted up about being AssFuck'd can be relaxed in the extended hug of another guy -share tears with that same guy & sleep with that
same tendering guy? Oh yeah: It's because his buddy is N0T an Arse-Fukker &
seeks to do N0 violence against him. He won't wake up with a bleeding
rectum or an STD as a result of sleeping with a g0y buddy! The ability to be NAKED & WITHOUT SHAME is the most
fundamental expression of balanced intimacy wrapped in love and is the
ground-state of friendship that most men know by instinct.
But, who is it again who LOUDLY promotes the
injurious & disease-spreading act of the on a
regular & chronic basis? Oh yeah: "GAYS". Gays
call their media that glorifies AnalSex with "unwilling" guys to be
just a "sexual fantasy" ,--but what it really is -are the maiming
& murderous rape fantasies of the criminally minded & sociopathic. Say
"Sociopath". Promote the thing & you'll become one
of them: Consciences seared ... morally bankrupt. Bad company really
does corrupt good character. G0YS don't fit in whatsoever with such an abusive
my life, I've been with a number of awesome guys: ALWAYS STRAIGHT -
--Lots of "straight" guys discover that they can bond so solidly with
another guy that they'll share nakedness, extended physical-contact, frottage
& even fellatio -all encapsulated in a
level of shared intimacy that society wants to label as "GAY".
But, "GAY" is a term that now promotes routine violence by "tolerating
everything" and making the = "Defining Gay Sex
Act". G0YS don't want to march in "gay-pride" parades;
--We don't want to
be associated with Ass-Fuckers!
Guys with a moral-center & respect for
masculinity want nothing to do with "GAY". However, -many
(+50%) of those same guys -have a part of their psyche that is open to being
genuinely loved & respected by another guy who puts friendship first &
know instinctively that "Love works no ill". It's NOT a MINORITY
NEED as the gay-mantra asserts. It's the MAJORITY MALE experience. G0YS
simply recognize that fact & reject the predominant gay
ASSertions about M2M
intimacy. GAY has become a term not unlike cancer. It wants to
crowd into healthy cells of humanity & marginalize them while spreading a deadly
message (venerating AnalSex) throughout society. And cancer is so dangerous because there is
something about it that convinces the body to "tolerate it".
And g0ys simply point out that the curse of "GAY" is not
the affection for one's own gender, --but the mindset of disrespect &
disregard for what is so self-evident about perilous acts like
And "gays" can't seem to understand this simple Fuck'n message -
which is why
they endlessly try to distort what g0ys believe.
But what is the mechanism that makes
the proverbial "GAY-CANCER" so prolific? It's a combination of something very good
and common to lots of people: Same-Gender-Attraction; -Mixed with something
very bad: The notion that "AnalSex" is "ok" & a
message that promotes "tolerating" it (& everything else);
-hence divorcing the term "gay" from the notion of healthy moral
The dynamic this sets up is that LOTS of people (+63%)
living under the shame promoted by corrupt right-wing philosophies (driven by bad
religion -that purports that Same Gender Affections are a "sin")
-they will at some time in their life come to the conclusion that bad-religion
is the actual "sin" & that their natural affections for their
own gender are not inherently evil. However, there to greet these people
once they come to that epiphany, -is the "tolerate everything"
mantra of the "gay" community that will proceed to deceive many of
those people into "tolerating" the most dangerous perverse-sexual-fetish ever
to hit the planet: AnalSex.
You see, "EVIL" plays all sides except the truth. The "conservative right" &
"liberal left" are merely poles on the same diabolical magnet
that would capture all within its lethal field of deceptions.
Even Yeshua (Jesus) identified the religious "experts"
of his day as being offspring of the Devil (who do you think it was who
set him up to be crucified)! So on one side, -you had Satan's
proverbial offspring representing themselves as the very ambassadors of
God (HELLO...).
On the other side, --you had the pagan nations who knew nothing of God
& were continually destroying themselves with cult practices that
spread plagues across whole continents. And between the two evil-extremes, Christianity began - that preached a
message of repentance from acts that lead to death; -& instead - to
love one another (love works no ill).
Today, the dynamic is the same -- just the player's names have changed
somewhat. The "Religious reicht" consists of those
hypocritical & lying Imps who claim expert legal-knowledge on what
the Scriptures allow & forbid. Such are embodied in countless
personalities like Dr.
Laura Slushslinger, CBN/TBN,
Falzflatass'o, Focus-on-Your-Family,
NARTH'n, etc. (say "ETC"). On the other side you have the Porn-Pushers,
& Act-Up, etc. And in between this deadly evil lying morass,
--the g0ys movement was formed that takes the message of 1st Century
Christianity & simply applies it to human intimacy without regard to
gender (See Gal 3:28):
"Reject acts that lead to death; -& love one another (work no
ill).". The more things change ... |
G0YS' sources for these statistics
are the CDC, WHO
& Red
This is why the ban on "GAY" blood donations is still in
place. As one official noted: "That anyone dares suggest lifting
this policy and intentionally exposing Americans to a dramatically
increased risk of potentially fatal diseases is evidence of a politically
correct insanity that borders on criminal negligence," said Gary
Glenn, president of the American Family Association of Michigan. Glenn
cited statistics that affirm that sexually active male homosexuals have
HIV infection rates far higher than the general population. According
to the Centers for Disease control, the rate of new HIV diagnosis among
gay males is more than +40 times (+4000%) that of other men! "We
strongly support the (committee) vote to maintain the ban and marvel
only that there were any votes at all to lift it and knowingly expose
Americans to greater risk of infection," Glenn said.
Note that sometime around 2020 the
American Red Cross made the claim that the donations of "Gay blood"
are no longer forbidden. Technically, this statement is "true".
However, information provided from a confidential informant,
disclosed that the Red Cross has been dealing with people LYING
about their sexuality (& high risk activities) for decades - prior
to this "change in policy". Those lies were causing serious perils
in the blood supply because men who practice AnalSex are +4000 more
likely to be harboring serious STD's (this fact has not
What the ARC now (allegedly) does is use their "gay friendly" health
survey questionnaire as a guide to track & apply greater scrutiny on
the donations of certain people within higher-risk demographics.
Such blood often is rerouted & ultimately used for other purposes
other than transfusions; - Such as lab work & methods to better
detect pathogens. If this is the case, then the ARC has acted in
wisdom - using the impression that "gay" is no longer a factor (pun)
- in order to silence the stupid & improve the quality of the blood
supply for people who aren't "Friends of
Mary ".
Contribution from Scandanavia G0Y:
of my earliest experiences was with a guy named Johann -who had come to our
School from an eastern country. He was quiet, athletic, friendly &
appalled at (2) things:
1) How the "Gay" community tainted the
perception of close male friendships.
2) How forming the types of friendships that were commonplace in his home
country were eyed suspiciously because of "GAY" stereotypes &
the innuendos around them.
Let me explain this seeming contradiction: His home
country has a high percentage of Muslim people. AnalSex is a capitol crime
(prison or death) & interfemoral sex (between the thighs) is criminal in
many places. Why? Because the law prohibits men from using men in the place of
a woman and both anal & interfemoral contact are considered violating that
principle (the former as a direct assault & the latter as having a mindset
that would like to do so -but stops just short). Homo-repressive? No.
And here's why:
Because men know that the law is so harsh regarding
those (2) ACTS, --men generally feel confident that another man is not scoping
them to proxy them as a woman.
As a result, nobody considers close
male/male contact as a threat. The boundary line between moral & immoral
is clearly drawn by defining specific ACTS as the crime. Close contact,
skin against skin & emotional bonding are not seen as immoral --just very
private. And lots of maturing guys can bond, explore & love each
other as the very best of friends without the stigmas of "GAY SEX"
being implied for merely being extremely closely bonded.
Johann explained that in many non-Muslim locations --the
concept of intimate male friendships had been contaminated by the implication
that AnalSex was somehow acceptable and part of those same
relationships. To him, that notion was appalling (as it is to ALL
g0ys). He said that many of the guys back home had their "best
friends" and shared a level of acceptance & physical love for each
other that he could not imagine living without. But, "GAYS"
spread a message - that "tolerated" acts that should not be tolerated,
& thus threatened it all. He went on to say that what was
beginning to happen was that a form of Islam was arising that was critical of
all close male friendships -as a knee-jerk reaction to what "GAY SEX
(Anal)" implied. Johann was clear that someday he wanted to get married
& have kids. He was also open about the fact that he thought some men were
beautiful & desirable for friendship & physical release as well.
But he would never use a man in place of a woman by even considering
penetration -as that would be very disrespectful.
He was apprehensive at first & then
relieved when I invited him to stay over that 1st weekend and then put my
arm around him while watching TV in my room. After a few minutes of
not moving a muscle, -he rolled toward my side -wrapping his left arm around
me as he relaxed into the nape of my neck sliding his left leg over my
right. I applied a gentle squeeze to his upper body as I planted a
light kiss on the top of his head. He sighed in appreciation as I
began to use my knuckles to softly tenderize his back. I worked on him
for about 5 minutes or so & then told him I was going to turn the light out
& get "ready for bed" (in other words "undress") - & he could sleep with me
if he wanted & I'd keep "hammering" on him (thumping him gently with the
hand I was rubbing him with as I made the offer).
After I turned the main light
out, he undressed
-completely. Not to make him feel awkward, I followed suit (birthday-suit that
is). I slid under the covers and Johann crawled right up beside me
-pushing his knee between mine & forcing me over onto my back.
Then he
crawled on top of me
-pec2pec, rod2rod with his knees resting on the mattress between my slightly
spread legs. All that little dark, muscular, handsome dude
wanted to do was cuddle & cumm balls2balls -all night long. For such
a quiet dude, -he was unusually high-energy -even for a teenage guy.
Over the course of an 8 hour night, he shot 12 times! The little machine
didn't even roll off me between sets. For the 1st half of the night, -he
was losing his nutt about once every 30 to 45 minutes -which grew to
longer refractory periods toward the end. He told me that the way I kept
my body-hair stubbly on my chest & lower abs - abraded his nipples &
dickhead making them crazy with "sex hunger" -which is why he was
grinding his bod continuously on top of me all night. Having that virile muscled guy bodd of his
passionately writhing around -& then every half-hour or so - finally stiffen all over -& pant deeply frantic sounding lungfulls of air
as he jizzed; --That made my nipples & dick-head just a little bit 'luv-hungry' for
him, too.
By morning -- I wasn't sure how, -but I was gonna see if
I could adopt him or something (his parents would understand -right?)!
To say that we became "tight" as friends would be an
understatement. The following 3 day weekend, he stayed over again &
due to a week of brutal athletic drills --he was massively sore.
So over
the weekend he received a lot of massages -all with happy endings (sometimes
all night long - repeatedly). To Johann, -this is simply how best friends
bonded. The notion that it was a "strange thing" called
"gay" was simply preposterous. It was generally the viewpoint
held by all where he came from. The way M2M relationships were portrayed
in the west was astigmatic in his eyes. And having been enlightened by
him, -I agree. "GAY" culture took what was a natural &
widespread inclination, -and skewed it into a dirty, undiscerning freak-show
promoted by
gigantic lies.
Once a guy realizes that having lots of empathy for
other guys is the norm, -then the social spectacle of "gaydom" loses it's
credibility completely & becomes exposed for the giant folly of fools that
it is. Johann was among the 1st, -but certainly not the last of my
best-male friendships. And the simple viewpoint he opened my eyes to was
the same that I used to relax every one of my best-buds into my extended
hug. "GAY" is a circus-tent of side-show distractions. "G0Y" is
where natural affection finds genuine respect & acceptance.