
So, - you've seen the
website? Maybe you're
interested in forming a g0ys group of your own. Some guys do this to serve local
interests of g0ys in their area, & others do it because they feel pulled to
serve a particular demographic of the population - sometimes with some minor ideological
distinctions to the primary g0ys group. A method has been designed to allow the
motivated g0y to run his own g0y group - while getting a listing-link from the
MAIN G0Y's group! Whatever your "slice of G0YDOM", we
want you to feel included, but not constrained by the feel of the hard-line'd brand of g0y ideology that
some think exists on the main g0y's site located at
-or the direct group links. However - it takes some effort if you want to make your own group that will meet
our 'x-ref
into cars; -G0YS who are
Kinsey-3's; -G0YS into computers;
-G0YS who are
agnostic; -G0YS who are ticklers;
-G0YS who dig wrestling; -G0YS who are
Latino; -G0YS who are
Libertarian or Tea-Party
Supporters, etc...
This is how we intend to
accomplish this:
This document contains a page of links
- recognized from the Main G0YS site. These links are to g0ys sites that conform
to the basic minimum philosophy of g0ys.org and have done the following:
1) Submitted their URL to the
Main G0YS site for consideration for list inclusion.
2) Have a RECIPROCAL LINK on their "site" back to
http://g0ys.org; -clearly identified as a "GR0UND
ZER0 link to G0YS 0rigin"
3) Contains a LINK to
this URL - available for browsing by members.
4) The group MUST BE MODERATED if it allows member postings.
5) Take some time to flesh out your opening page with a good picture
(Borrow one of
these if you lack an image library of your own)
& a
full allotment of text. If you're not ambitious enough to make your group's 1st
impression attention-grabbing, -then reconsider starting one to begin with.
After all: People only join what catches their interest. If you form a YAH00
group, here are some configuration
If your group meets the criteria for inclusion
in this list, those visiting the g0ys group will be able to locate you on this
list (hub-spoke) approach ... and those visiting any other g0ys group will be
able to find other groups - including the main g0ys site.
G0YS Affiliated Groups
If you
find a group in this list that clearly is no longer adhering to g0y principles,
--please drop us an e-mail to
inform us of the defunct URL.
G0YS Group/s: |
You may
be here because you feel completely alone in your situation. After all,
you're basically a regular guy who behaves like any other regular guy. You
may even date women or be married. But, deep inside, you deal with strong
feelings of real warmth + genuine affection for other guys too. You've
seen the media's take on the "gay" community; & not only do you N0T relate
to that image, but you find many of the practices repulsive to your basic
value system. The truth is, you're a guy who really loves masculinity &
appreciates those traits in other men, while simultaneously finding
actions that effeminize masculine men to be grossly distasteful We are the
g0ys! Join us! |
Supplemental, Satellite & Special Interest Groups below: ARCHIVES
Over a decade ago, Yahoo ran a large
number of groups. G0YS grew explosively thru these often rising to the tops of
categories formerly dominated with "gay" groups in a mere fraction of the time!
However, due to lax internal security at Yahoo, a number of the g0ys groups were
tampered with & defaced from WITHIN Yahoo itself. One day - over 30 g0ys groups
simply vanished affecting thousands of members! Vandals within Yahoo reset
database flags
to hide groups from primary search listings - rendering them invisible. Groups
were sometimes reclassified without authorization and almost all group opening
page graphics were modified without authorization into completely unrelated
theme matter. I warned Yahoo over a decade ago that their lax internal security
was going to cost them and several years later a gigantic class action lawsuit
against Yahoo proved my predictions to have been very accurate. So, g0ys has left the
Yahoo platform. Yahoo is shutting all groups down. It's a testament to Yahoo's internal half-assery & how a
technological giant made itself into a laughing stock of the Internet community
via mismanagement.
eu |
Мы стартуем с нашим g0y.eu
порталом для мужчин. Далеко не всё сейчас работает, как задумано, но
в ближайшее время заработает непременно. Нет предела совершенству, а
сильно задерживаться с запуском нам не хочется � столько важного и
интересного намечено! Тем более, что сегодня � День влюбленных, а
любовь в жизни г0ев играет основополагающую роль.
We start with our g0y.eu portal for men.
Greatly delayed the launch of us - so many important and
interesting things planned! |

Tanto en M�xico como en
diferentes pa�ses de Latino am�rica ha habido un crecimiento en la
pr�ctica del ser g0y en nuestro pa�s. Con tantas variantes como
adecuaciones culturales que ha habido que hacer, pero algo que
define claramente �sta pr�ctica, es la no-penetraci�n anal en la
relaci�n sexual de la pareja. |

Get started right.
Find out about the: g 0 y s. |
