Depressed? Can't find love?
The solution for many of these problems for most of us is
simple: Get in shape. You may indeed have a great personality, but with
men -- love is connected to sex. After all: How is the guy going to get to
know you have a great personality until you hook up? We realize that for some
men - time & circumstance will conspire to remove the beauty potential of youth.
Seize the day. Rage against the dying of the light.
If you have a medical
condition that may regulate your ability to exercise or diet - consult a
competent physician before undertaking any related lifestyle change.
sense: To the right are some before/after pictures of guys who got in
shape by watching a video tape & following along (yeah). You may have seen
them in an infomercial. While G0YS.ORG doesn't endorse any particular
program, these examples speak volumes. Even as low quality, grayscale images,
the before/after differences are remarkable.
Fat is the enemy:
Since everyone is different, you may need to discover your own fat reduction
program. For some, low carbs seem the key, - while for others - low fat
seems the route. What seems to be obvious is that a diet rich in BOTH is
the thing to avoid. Atkins/keto - based diets are currently the
(especially Hollywood) & there is much
to be said about them. Check it out. I know lots of people who are on
it or modified versions of it. Genetics also plays a huge
role in this and the older you get - the more susceptible you are to genetics.
You may be trying to lose weight but be having strange side effects to diet or
extremely low energy. You may want to talk to a doctor about strategies
for energy or be tested for "low-T" or other hormonal imbalances. Such
conditions can make a huge impact on the way your body burns calories. If
you're underinsured or cash-strapped -- this can be a real impediment to getting
medical diagnosis (not to mention real help) for such conditions. Don't
give up looking. Something may come to your attention that works for you.
It's not "Shallow": Being
attracted to a sexy male physique is not a sign of shallowness. A guy who
is in shape is broadcasting a message that he lives in a way that keeps his body
healthy. A guy who is muscular is also broadcasting that he has good
testosterone levels & has the discipline of mind to work his body. These
are good personal traits -- especially the latter. A lean, muscular
male physique looks good because it tells you about the person inside the
Muscle is King: Everyone
has muscle. The lower your fat drops, the more the muscle sticks out.
Been overweight for a while? Consider this: It takes muscle to carry that
weight around. Your frame is probably larger as a result of the extra
weight too. Lose the fat & you'll discover a body that is in better shape
than you thought! However, once you begin to drop the fat, you'll need to be
hitting the weights to keep that muscle mass up. Some people have observed that dieters often seem to lose muscle
mass. Dieting, done correctly -- does not eat into muscle tissue.
However, dropping weight & failing to work out will tend to atrophy the larger
muscles that had developed simply to carry the extra weight around in the first
place. If you're overweight by 20+ pounds, be sure to get active as you
diet so that the muscle you developed "by accident" stays behind as the fat goes
Face Up: As you get in shape,
your face will become more symmetrical too! See how much better the guys
in the pics look after the weight loss? Hard lines in the male face are
what constitute "good looking". Almost every guy with low body-fat can
easily hook up. Those with defined muscles (not necessarily huge) get even
more social action. As a rule of thumb, the older you are, the more muscle
guys expect to see on you. Sexual attraction begins when we discover adult
traits in youth & end when the youth can no longer be found in the adult! In
between the endpoints, we anticipate growth.
What "Active" is: Active
is 30-60 minutes of physical activity a day that raises your heart rate.
For guys wanting to enhance "sexy", it's 30+ minutes in a weight room, & I suggest you
try some supplements marketed to help your focus areas. Hemp protein is gaining
popularity fast!
It Takes Time: None of
the results shown above happen overnight. It does take time, but
the good news is that time passes -- no matter if you want it to or not.
As time passes & you get in better shape, you are going to notice people's
attitude changing around you. You are going to get "admirers" & you will
get hit on by the right kind of guys. Tune your
G0YDAR! Once you're in decent
shape, it'll be easier to figure out who the g0ys are because they'll be a
little bit out of control around you & almost seem slightly off-balance.
It's a great
opportunity to make friends & invite them over for "get-togethers".
Predict his needs too: If you
want a hot, handsome guy-package, -- you should be offering the same in return.
Don't expect the other guy to be interested sexually in a slob. It is a
curiosity (but true) that g0ys seem to have higher standards for appearance than
Kinsey-1 straight guys do for women! You should want to offer your "date" the same pleasures as
you mandate. There are way too many guys posting pictures on-line of their
dicks against an ungroomed & undefined belly, ( -- like maybe the viewer is as
dumb as a fish looking for a free worm). Such displays tell you that
the poster is more interested in pleasing himself than you! Every guy has
a dick (comes with the package). A solo picture of such evokes little more
than a yawn from any guy using his brain. However, -- show a nice set of abs
with a groomed treasure trail, maybe-garnished with a semi looking hungry
for attention, & you've perked my curiosity to know more. Shouldn't
you aim to offer a view that says more than a generic stiffy?
Little Helps: As you work
toward your goal/s, keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with cosmetic
assists. Lots of men are opting for pec & calf implants these days.
If you're working out & are willing to pay the price, -- these can help you get
to the appearance you want quicker. However, -- I've seen implants done on
men who were lazy, & very often -- they look lame. Liposuction is a
procedure more men are having. However, there are complications to such
procedures. Done to augment a man who is battling the effects of normal
aging with diet & exercise, -- these options can speed up the progress toward a
goal. Done is place of dieting & exercise, -- these steps can be a recipe
for ridicule & disaster. Nip/Tuck is an illusion, - & illusions work
best when mingled with reality!
 It's for Life: Don't see
working out as merely a means to get a g0y. See it as a lifetime process that
will give you rewards for years to come & make your overall life better.
After all, if you hook up with a g0y -- he won't want you to turn into a slob
after a year or so. Many relationships break up because each person does not
keep in shape to address the sexual appetites of his partner. So, eyes wander
& relationships fracture. Because sexuality is part of a strong
relationship, you should realize that there is NEVER a time when letting it go
is acceptable. Is is too hard to invest 30 minutes every other day to
insure an active love life? Cum on! People who love each other should realize that keeping
their body sexy is an act of love to the other person. Age will take it's
toll, but have the compassion to go down fight'n at the gym!
You don't need to be a "Terminator" in your appearance.
Get on the health train & the longer you're on, the better the company gets.
Mo Munny: It's a proven
fact that good look'n dudes pull in more bucks -- no matter what they do.
Life isn't fair & if you've got good symmetry, a good form & look like you sweat
testosterone -- you're gonna get hired more. It's a prejudice -- for sure,
but more often than not -- the person running the show prefers good look'n
dudes; -- so when the debate is on as to who gets the job, -- Johnny Hotrocks
has an advantage. For this reason alone, you should be on the health train!
0ff: Being in good shape makes sex better & you get it more often
(proven facts). Part of the most powerful paradigm shift that is "G0Y" is
the perspective we have on sexuality in general. When between men, it's a result
of friendship & a natural part of male bonding. We realize that - as a g0y -
orgasm is not an end to itself -- but part of a process that is much more
fulfilling overall: Deepening, intimate friendships. We realize that - for the
most part - it takes a while to develop friendships that may evolve into
physical intimacy - although there are exceptions (some never will & some move
However, the g0y perspective never treats another guy as if he's
an object. Seeing a person as a 1-nite-ride is a WRONG
perspective & a warning signal that you're thinking like a sociopath. The
proper goal is always an ever increasing number of real friends.
One g0y explained it in this way: "There is a way to be a man, to be a great
man who can draw the kind of friendship that we all want. When I meet a guy that
I click with, I ask myself, how can I make this guy's life better.
all my friends, I want their lives to be great. I want them to have the best and
that means spending time with them, listening to them. It's amazing what even
the toughest guys will share when they feel like they can trust you because they
can tell that you really love them too.". G0Ys recognize that men are
generally polygamous. However - polygamy does not equal promiscuity (a pursuit
of sexual pleasure with gross disregard for the personhood of the other & often
- yourself). And, if some g0ys choose a more "conservative" model for
their own lives -- well, each needs to be fully convinced in his own mind.
Clean Cut: Stay clean & well
groomed. Having a bro help clip the body hair can lead to other fun.
Make the shower your good-friend & make it the thing you do before going to bed.
I could never figure out those guys who bring the day's body soil into the clean
sheets (the same ones they want their date to crawl into) & then shower in the
morning! Don't slime up the bed (shower last at night before hitting the sack)!
Make sure to keep things clean in crotchville. Nothing more
disgusting that getting a whiff of crotch-rot while nibbling on a dude (wrecks
the entire occasion). Hot tubs make great places to gently wash out any
odors by taking advantage of the antibacterial action of the treated water.
Cologne on the crotch-area is a great idea -- but NEVER use it in place of
bathing. It carries odors! If it's been an active day/evening, -
don't take chances with your date: Take a shower & get all the places odors hide
soapy clean! A bottle of witch-hazel added to a bath is good for the skin.
Be sure to use the toothbrush on the choppers with mouthwash or peroxide in your
mouth as you brush. The oxygen in peroxide is an odor buster &
anti-bacterial. If you're blonde, you can add peroxide to the bath without
having to worry about bleaching your hair too badly. Although some guys
claim to like 'manly smells', -- most like 'no smells' or mild 'clean' odors.
Keep your feet clean & your shoes odor-free. Treat the inside of
footwear with baking soda every once in a while to neutralize odors. Why take chances
of being perceived as a pig?
Are you looking for a LTR someday? Start good habits now!
 So you're young:
I've probably heard a 100+ guys say it: They wish they started working out
while they were in their teens. Guys who start early live with an
advantages of looking good -- often never knowing the hardships of the average
or ugly! Have you ever seen a homeless male model?
Thinking about "coming out
g0y"? Hit the gym hard for at least 6
months before you do. If you do
eventually "come out', - do it as a "g0y"
& have some friendships in place that you can fall back on in all the ways that
count. That way, if the sh!t hits the fan, you'll have the body to
help negotiate a new
living space (lots of other g0ys will be willing to take a chance on you) & you'll have
the muscle to cover your arse from the BFT. Remember, being built
physically tells about your personality & ability to discipline yourself.
Anyone thinking about giving you the keys to the condo is going to want to see
those traits. It's a cruel world out there & being a dude who's in shape
with youth on his side is a powerful subliminal negotiating tool -- especially to other
g0ys who are more interested in building quality relationships than one-night
stands. This topic may seem out of place here to some people, but having
helped several younger g0ys who were on the street, -- I can tell you honestly
that being in shape signals self-discipline & can secure you a place & protection without you needing to
become anyone's bitch-boy. There are some awesome g0ys out there who would risk getting
burned to snatch you from the fire. Simply avoid the ButtPhuck Tyranny & the
"God-hates-Fags" Religious
Right. Both will mess you up (each in its own way). Being young &
getting in shape has the advantages above & gives you a jump into life that
keeps you ahead of the curve. I once knew a 14 yo who was picking up 16+ yo's (...in a legal jurisdiction of course ... wink, wink). Don't
let people try to tell you where your dick should point 'because of your age'. If
you're old enough to g0y-hunt, then hit the
gym. You'll find some great guys there - many g0y.
'"P-h-D" is
not pronounced "G-0-D"'
- Dr. G0Y
In the West, we live in a culture where people esteem
Doctors & Lawyers as Gods. Finding a man with ether label who is
willing to share some simple facts, - & by doing do - forsake the all-mighty
dollar, - is becoming more of a rarity. Well, I want to share some rare
advice with you - the reader.
Nature contains the largest pharmacy with the fewest
side-effects. This statement sounds almost like common sense. Consider:
Penicillin comes from a mold. Digitalis comes from a deadly plant.
Almost all vaccines are derived from the very virus families they help defend
against. This has all been true - right up until the last decade of the
20th century.
The "Frankenstein Experience" - as I call it has
resulted from advances in chemistry. No longer content to seek treatments
to disease from nature's pharmacy, - drug companies have embarked on elaborate
projects to create a chemical solution to the problems that arise in life.
Perhaps on of the best examples of the Frankenstein Experience comes from a
class of drugs called "benzodiazepines".
These are drugs like XANAX & Halcion. Although these drugs are
widely prescribed, - long term use is beginning to disclose the Frankenstein
Effect. In 1992, Consumer Reports printed an article that put the
spotlight on this class of drug. XANAX - for example, was shown to have a
fascinating side effect: Dementia!
That, by any stretch of the imagination is nothing less than creating a niche
& then filling it! Grandpa is acting demented! Time to increase
his XANAX dosage! Had Consumer Reports not printed this expose', the TRUE
CAUSE of my own father's mental illness would have remained undetected by the
family. See, dad had a prescription for XANAX - & his behavior was
slowly becoming less social over time. Once we pulled the XANAX, he showed
remarkable improvement. Yet, that was in 1993; -- but today ...
XANAX sales are at an all time high. Why? People don't read the list
of side effects & doctors do not take time to explain the potential
complications. After all: Who would suspect a drug given to help people to
not be crazy - of causing insanity itself?!
Prozac & suicide? Yeah ... there's a connection.
Furthermore ... they knew. It caused "psychotic depression" in
some patients too? Yup. They knew. And ... it's still
prescribed. Got Paxil?
Think the 'government' will protect us? Nope. Consider the massive
evidence now compiled about a mercury based additive allowed into vaccines.
Do you know anyone with a child that has been diagnosed with autism
or similar symptoms within the last decade? Is your head bolted on
The newest stuff: SSRI, SNUI & the list goes on.
See the lawsuit
story list yet? So, while these companies continue to produce, patent
& profit from these man made molecules - the public, overwhelmed by the
marketing & power of which the Doctor's wield their prescription-writing
pens - are not only oblivious to alternatives -- but actually skeptical that
effective natural alternatives exist! "What is this snake-oil that just
anyone can buy without a prescription!", they ask incredulously. I am
targeting the antidepressant market because I'm about to make a point &
needed to contrast of a multi-billion dollar marketplace that is held out to the
public as "treatment" while for most people, a better, proven &
safer treatment exists that your doctor will not write a prescription for &
your insurance will probably not pay for.
Remembering Jack: Do you remember the story
about the guy named Jack who sold the family cow for a handful of beans - that
grew a stalk up to the sky - to a castle of the man-eating giant? Well,
despite the fact the story was written out of time & suffers some temporal
distortion as a result; -- It is, quite true.

Let me show you what our pseudo-friend "Jack"
discovered: It's called 5-HTP; -- & as an antidepressant & mood
stabilizer - there is evidence going back several decades or more!
"Dr. W. Poldinger of the Psychiatrische Universitatsklinik in Basel,
Switzerland (A functional-dimensional approach to depression: serotonin
deficiency as a target syndrome in a comparison of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)
and fluvoxamine. Psychopathology. 1991,24:53-81) in a double blind, multi-center
controlled study using patients diagnosed with depression found that after week
6, both the patients taking 100 mg. 5-HTP 3 times per day and those
taking 150 mg. fluvoxamine (Prozac -an SSRI) 3 times per day, had equal numbers
showing about 50% improvement with 5-HTP proving to be better
tolerated than the SSRI and having about a 11% lower failure rate
than the SSRI group."
So, got depression, anxiety or any number of other conditions that doctors
want to write prescriptions for? Before you hop in bed with
"Frankenstein" - consider natural 5-HTP.
Do the research for yourself & draw your own conclusions. It's your
BTW: I know of people who have effectively used 5-HTP
to arrest the effects of herpes simplex virus. The hypothesis is that the virus
activates when serotonin dips low (caused by stress, etc). 5-HTP is
thought to interfere with the virus by increasing serotonin levels in the nerves
where the virus hides.
Looking to Spread the news about being a g0y?
Check out the G0YDAR
article too...
back the biological clock...
More men are discovering that they can turn back the
biological clock & buff out better than ever. The most natural way to do
this is with a group of substances called "SECRETAGOGUES".
They are chemical precursors that stimulate the body to produce more growth
hormone. More Human Growth Hormone (HGH) has been PROVEN to reverse many
of the effects of aging. Too much & you'll become "Andre the
Giant" & perhaps just as dead.
Of course, some guys skip the precursors & get a
doctor to put them on actual HGH. Expensive. Very.
A more affordable approach is to get a doctor to
prescribe synthetic thyroxin (the hormone made by the thyroid). Again,
the key to success is PROPER USE.
steroids are a controversial topic, but the fact is: If you use them under
the advice of a good mentor -- the positive potentials far
outweigh the negative. Statistically: Using them responsibly is safer
than driving.
I'll leave the research to you, but I did want to
comment that there are some ESSENTIAL SUPPLEMENTS that you will want to use as
you age & especially if you are taking any of the steps outlines above:
- specifically, OPC's are absolutely essential as we age. The body
makes it's own antioxidants, but makes less as the years tick by. As levels
drop, all sorts of maladies set in. Hmmm. Think there might be a link
between cataracts & cancer? Oligo Merrick Proanthocyanidins (OPC's)
are what many are learning can be used to prevent cancer! They act systemically & the benefits are
too numerous & noticeable to mistake for the placebo effect.
Chronic pain, cataracts, precancerous conditions, fatigue, digestive
maladies, nerve disease, arthritis, etc; have all garnered fantastic
anecdotal evidence as more people use OPCs. Furthermore, double blind
studies leave absolutely no doubt as to their general effectiveness.
Collagen is absolutely essential. It is a
widespread observation that many guys who are "on the juice" seem
to age rapidly in the face (& their skin suffers generally). Also, one
of the widest reported steroid related maladies is catastrophic blood vessel
failure resulting in bruising, stroke & death. Roids &
hemorrhoids seem to be related. This is because they ARE. It
comes down to COLLAGEN. As the body grows muscle mass, it needs
collagen to make connective tissue in the fibers stronger. Because of
the growth rate, many men don't get enough in their diet. The body is
literally collagen-starved on thousands of calories a day! What does it do?
Like any starvation scenario - it feeds on itself - robbing from one area to
build another. Without supplementation -- the face begins to wrinkle
& blood vessels weaken! Collagen
is found sold as gelatin products.
Vitamin C. It's like an "old wive's tale"
that turned out to be true! L-Ascorbic Acid helps strengthen the connections
in connective tissue. It will help make the disks in your back act
like firm rubber & regain their shape! I know first hand how
effective this can be after having a back injury & living in misery for
months -- to have the pain gone in 3 days using Vitamin-C mega dosing.
It's benefits are systemic & completely underestimated by the public
(including physicians). Additionally -- OPC's enhance this effect 5-20
fold! This is why scurvy (a nutrition deficiency related degeneration
of connective tissue) is effectively treated by Vitamin C and OPC's.
Colloidal Minerals: These are derived from shale &
contain all essential minerals including the trace. Many
problems -- especially age related are mineral-deficiency related.
EFFECTIVE Supplementation is accomplished by colloidal suspensions -
preferable in an isotonic form. Again - this is an area where the
public & physicians are woefully under informed - resulting in untold
4 supplement types above are MUSTS. As you age, the body loses the
ability to derive these from foods. As you age, the onset of all types of
maladies begins to occur. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the
connection. Ignore it to your peril. I gave up a long time ago trying to
convince people that $3 a day of essentials would do much more for them than
their doctor's $50,000 procedure (which often incapacitates with scars &
If, you are "turning back the clock" with the
use of hormones, steroids, etc; -Be SURE to supplement your diet so that your
veins, & your face don't break! Minerals, OPCs, collagen & essential
vitamins are not even points of debate (unless you're a fool).
What good are abs & arms if your face ages 20 years in the process of
good is getting your body buff'd if your penis doesn't perform? One of the
leading causes of chronic dick-droop is blood-pressure medication
side-effects. Drop unwanted weight and you may be able to ditch the
blood pressure meds too. But, did you know that a common treatment for ED is
also often prescribed as a blood-pressure med? True! Tadalafil can be used
to treat both in some cases! Ask Doc.
Life has risks. These are some primary ways to help
minimize them while actually helping in other areas! Do your own due
diligence. Look into these issues for yourself.
The 2 finalists:
I know of 2 men. Each spent $50,000. One spent it on his
car. The other spent it on making his living room an awesome home
entertainment area. 10 years later, which do you suppose still has the bulk of
his investment intact? A decade later, where do you think more people have
been entertained? The point is, that when you sink money into something - your
investment should go into the places where it will make the best impact for
the longest time. This is common sense. However, when people consider their
health, they often neglect the (2) areas where investment counts the most: Air
& Water.
Buying bottled water is a baaaad investment. "EVIAN",
spelled backwards is "NAIVE".
Do you think the spelling is a coincidence? That is a message that is
a slap-down sent by the bottler: Anyone who'd spend that kind of money on
water is NAIVE! If you are on city water, then it's already
been treated for you. However, it comes to your tap with ozone or chlorine
in it as an antimicrobial. Think of them like the "wrapper" on
bread that keeps it fresh. At
the point you actually eat the bread, you no longer need the wrapper. So is
the case with chlorine. Many people on municipal (city) water can get
bottled-quality right out of their tap with an inexpensive filter.
E-bay is awash with new/old stock gems such as NSA-type units -often available for under $30. They even
sell units for your ice-maker! I have yet to meet a person who can tell the
difference between bottled water & filtered municipal water. As a matter
of fact, some bottled waters are literally filtered municipal water!
So, why on earth would you spend even $33 cents per gallon when you can make
your own for under $.02 per gallon? Fill your own water-bottles from
your own "filtered municipal source"! Why p1ss
money away?
The next area of investment that people often overlook
is that of the air quality in their living space. Unlike treating water, the
best money spent on treating indoor air is not about "filtering
it". Air is dumb. How do you get the air in the bathroom to come into
the kitchen where a "filter" may be? You can't. It won't! Air
requires a different approach. Since many of you live in homes with
centralized HVAC, the approach I suggest is: ionization & ozonation.
Some of you have ozonation built into your air handler already. However, it
does not run when the blower is off, and ozone works the best when you can
send it through your system in concentrated bursts. I
have a small, inexpensive ozonator that I
keep on the inside of my air-handler, -just on the other side of the
air-handler's filter. While the air handler is off, the ozonator saturates
the air within that space with ozone -which eventually spills out thru the
handler's particulate filter back into the room via diffusion.
"Things" that normally might live in your handler's filter do NOT
like that level of ozone (most of which is self contained within the
airspace on the inside cabinet area of the intake. When the air
handler comes on, that accumulated ozone is blown through all of the ducts
& then into my living airspace - where it is quickly diluted -usually
after a few seconds of sending a fresh, clean burst of nature's cleaner into
the room. It smells like air after a thunderstorm. Some people will want a
unit with more capacity - depending on the size of their home & what
they want to use the unit for. As pointed out on EcoQuest's
website: Kansas State University Tested the ActivePure Technology�
in SurfaceGuard and found that, in less than 12 hours, over 99.9999% of H5N8
Flu virus � Avian Influenza � was neutralized. Imagine that kind of
germ-killing power in your bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom. That's
a good place to begin your research on this revolutionary form of air
treatment. Choose a pattern of purification that works for you!
How Does Ozone Work?
Ozone is nature's way of purifying the air we
breathe. As ozone circulates and comes into contact with airborne pathogens,
one of the three oxygen atoms detaches itself from the ozone molecule,
attaches itself to the cell structure and oxidizes it and effectively
destroys microscopic organisms. Ozone is nature's way of self-cleaning
our environment.
Ozone is such a strong germicide that only a
few micrograms per liter are required to demonstrate germicidal action; it
destroys all pathogenic and saprophytic microbes in water. Factors like
humidity, temperature, pH, ozone concentration levels, type of organism and
time, determine the kill rate for pathogens, but its action in water is
instantaneous. After oxidation, ozone returns to its original form of
oxygen, without leaving any toxic by-products or residues! Ozone is a
natural disinfectant and sterilizer, and unlike chlorine, it does not
produce trihalomethanes, chloroforms, or any other detrimental bi-product in
Without dispute, ozone is the most effective
natural bactericide and viricide of all the disinfecting agents. Read
that until it sinks in.
Ozone (O3) or trivalent
Oxygen is one the most misunderstood molecules ever documented. Because
elevated levels of ozone are often found in polluted, outdoor air, the EPA
has "labeled" ozone as being a 'part' of the air pollution
problem. That type of reasoning is like observing fireman at a fire &
concluding that the firemen must be contributing to the cause of the fire!
Of course, the truth is quite the opposite of the government's perceptual
error. You see, when sunlight interacts with airborne particles, gasses
& oxygen, -- ozone (O3) is produced.
This explains why polluted outdoor air contains higher levels of ozone than
"mountain air" (which still has
background ozone levels for your information).
However, to stop looking at the process at that point (as does the EPA),
would be a serious error in analysis. Why? Well, just as shown earlier with
the chemical equation involving ammonia; -- Once the ozone has been created,
it goes about dismantling other airborne substances (which are the
REAL POLLUTANTS) -- breaking them down into simpler substances, --
most of which are then harmless & exist naturally in the air. Ozone does
not neutralize all forms of airborne pollutants, -- but it does many
of them. Ironically then, part of the government is on a campaign to
reduce ground-level, atmospheric ozone concentrations; -- the very
ingredient in air responsible for cleaning it! That's correct: Ozone is
nature's way of making polluted air cleaner! God thought it up (no
wonder government is trying to stifle it)!
Ozone is to air as salt (NaCl)
is to water. Small amounts are easily tolerated & even necessary to
encourage life. Larger amounts can become a nuisance. (However, unlike
salt, ozone will even react with itself leaving only simple oxygen (O2)
over time. That's right: Ozone is self limiting!)
But, without the million+ lumens of sunlight
to recreate ozone indoors, inside air is soon exhausted of this natural
cleanser. As a result, indoor pollution levels are constantly on the rise!
The solution seems simple: Replace diminishing ozone levels in indoor air.
Done correctly, this is a tremendous benefit to indoor air quality.