My Bros don't go for Mo!
assertion that most guys are amBIsexual is one that many men may deny as a
knee-jerk reaction. However, when you firmly reject anything to do with the negative "gay" -
stereotypes of GenderFuck and AnalSex, -what steers most men sexually is simply
hard-wired: REFLEX. And many guys discover how
very true this all is soon into their teens on a 1st hand basis!
"Friends w. benefits?" - Yeah, & when masculine respect is the rule; - It
can be awesome! Kinsey's research indicated that well over +35-55%
of the male population found a healthy male physique to be attractive (with
accounts of same-sex experiences reaching upwards to 70% in some populations)!
This makes sense because all mammalian life starts out with the same general
body form: Female by default.
This is why men have nipples (ever ponder that
one?)! Several weeks after conception, testosterone causes the "male"
(genetic y-switch) coded body to masculinize - changing some physical traits (I.E:
forming a penis) & rewiring the brain somewhat. This
differentiation on the
mental level also accounts for why boys are generally more
risk-taking & more aggressive than girls. However, understanding that
FEMALE is the default body template from which the male is adapted
also gives some cues as to WHY amBIsexuality is the normal male
sexual perspective. Testosterone
in-utero upgrades the default brain wiring and when puberty happens the modified brain
biasing becomes more "female-interested" (prior to which, -girls are perceived
as "yucky"). However, due to the nature of the rewiring -the "default"
abilities to appreciate masculine cues are seldom ever completely disabled.
And the stronger -more pronounce effects of "maleness" resulting from the
androgenizing effects of testosterone are more easily recognized by all men &
generally seen as desirable traits. Again: The default
wiring of the brain is fundamentally - female; -And it takes
testosterone and genetics in-utero to bias it
into a 'male'. In most cases, the default mental wiring also persists & as these
men hit puberty - they discover that they can "see" what makes both
genders aesthetically desirable.
men keep this information about themselves private due to 20th century stereotypes &
stigmas about same gender attractions.
does not affect the degree of physical development of everyone in an identical
fashion which is why some men are more preoccupied with women than others.
If you analyze the historical record over the last 3000 years - it turns
out that men loving men is not an oddity at all - but the NORM. What is somewhat strange is a
man who does not love women. I.E: Men who are a 6 on Kinsey's scale. In
ancient cultures - such a man was considered a eunuch - whether or not he is
intact physically. To repeat: historically, the oddity was not if a guy loves
another guy/s but was when a guy didn't love women. Consider how those facts
have been completely skewed in today's popular mythos & you'll understand what a
gigantic mind-job has been pulled on the entirety of society. This is because
what the Greeks knew 3000 years ago is still true & human nature does not
change! Guys loving guys/too is the biological norm! However, this natural
affection does NOT take the form of the androgynous genderfuck &
analsex-orgies portrayed by the "gay-media"! To the contrary: Such friendships
exhibit such respect & camaraderie that people routinely see them & don't
recognize just how intimate the friendship is in private!
realization is becoming more widespread. And, ever increasing are the number of
publications that talk about so-called "straight-men" who hook up with other
men. The reason why this "curiosity" is increasing is that society is
becoming more open in general due to the increased visibility of so-called
same-gender "marriage" and personal topics that people would not have disclosed
years ago are becoming open for discussion. But the current straight/gay
sexuality paradigm (with bisexuality seen as a minority) doesn't explain the
growing number of visible same-gender relationships among men who people presume
are "straight". So the conversation is cloaked in mystery because the
language framing the current paradigm is terribly flawed. G0YS.org has
been trying to explain this for a long while. Once you abandon the current
paradigm of Straight/Gay and adopt Kinsey's research as the basis for
understanding sexuality - then it all makes perfect sense. Guys loving
guys is the biological norm! Why
repeat myself? Because lies told for decades are difficult to dispel! & often
replaced with new lies instead of the truth. However, I do tip my hat to Bill
Maher who aired
this segment (& notice
the stats he starts out with are in lockstep with what g0ys have pointed out
about Kinsey's research. +63% is the approximate number Bill!).
while the brains of most sexually mature men will discover that peak-physical
female anatomy causes erections, urges and erotic thoughts about copulation; -A
percentage of those same men will also experience similar reactions when viewing
peak-physical male anatomy due to the persistence of the default brain wiring
existent in-utero. This is NOT a moral weakness. It's a
society-bonding empathetic strength and it is the MALE-MAJORITY
experience. Human nature does not change; -& once upon a time a culture in
Greece completely acknowledged these facts about men and openly integrated them
into everyday life. In ancient Greece - everyone matter-of-factly (yawn) knew
that men were wired like this and there was
no stigma whatsoever regarding men who loved men (AnalSex was ILLEGAL
in such M/M relationships). I.E: It is well known historically that the
greatest love in the life of Alexander-the-Great was general
Hephaestion! And as I said - human nature does not change. What the
ancient Greeks commonly knew - is still true.
And as it turns out - most men are
selectively amBIsexual. However, many men only realize this attraction for
another guy when the physical cues caused by testosterone are accentuated,
I.E: Lean musculature, cut symmetry, higher-aggression, deepened voice & puberty
induced body hair. The more intense the traits - the more men find it
attractive. It has been an observation that men who are into men often have
higher standards for physical aesthetics then men generally have for women. And
very often, (due to this dynamic) men who prefer men have quite a number male friends
that they have no physical attraction to whatsoever because such "vanilla"
friendships are often with men who do NOT exhibit peak traits of high
higher brain functions such as reasoning, logical thought & volition are not
what make sexual orientation happen. Sexuality is a result of merely
recognizing reflexes and the results of a man's internal sexual wiring.
This is why people can't "choose" their sexual orientations. It's not a force of
will-power. It's pure discovery and the
reasons "why" a person
has these "feelings" are completely outside of a person's control.
is also a secondary reason why men who don't necessarily see men as physically
desirable are still able to enjoy sexual release with certain men. See, male
human sexuality is reflexive because men's genitals are exposed and erections
are caused by a number of factors - not just erotic thoughts. External
stimulation (friction/masturbation) is one cause. And this is often what men who
fall onto the lower numbers of Kinsey's scale discover. So, what causes
Kinsey 1's, & 2's to happen? Sexual release with these guys is usually caused by
(2) factors:
1st is activity that causes an erection reflex. This can be many
things but when with another guy it's usually activity that brings both men into
close contact (such as wrestling) and the physical interactions cause repeated
pressure and friction on the genitals of the man as he interacts. Depending on
how the nerves in the spinal cord deal with the signals coming from the genital
area will determine if the guy experiences an erection. This is literally beyond
his control. He experiences the event. It is a reflex. But once this reflex
begins, it also causes a feedback loop based on blood-chemistry to occur. The
blood entering a man's penis is trapped there because return circulation is
partially prevented (this is what physically causes the man's penis to grow &
harden). The blood trapped
in the penis is soon depleted of oxygen which causes the color of a mans
erection to turn bluish as time passes. To prevent injury, the tissues
inside and near the penis release protective potassium ions which cause a number
of things to occur - including the release of a large number of
neurotransmitters in and around the erection that make the event feel very,
very, very good. The purpose of this release of neurotransmitters is to move the
process along to completion (orgasm) -after which, the blood flow will return to
normal & hence, prevent the injuries of
This is why erections caused by friction over an extended period feel good ...
and why once a man's penis has taken on a bluish appearance - that he often
feels a pressing need to orgasm/ejaculate. Some people hypothesize that
when a man has reached this condition that his state of mind is so overwhelmed
with natural neuro-chemicals & he takes on such a preoccupation of completing
this goal that it
diminishes his capacity for making any decision that would stop or even slow
the process - especially in younger men with very high levels of testosterone.
Defense attorneys should take note. (Personally, if a
woman has given consent, but testifies that at some time after being
penetrated she had a "change of mind";
- as a juror I will NOT render a GUILTY VERDICT in
such a "rape" case! Some men can't stop beyond such a point
(diminished capacity) and I will not
be party to destroying a man's life because some cunt had proverbial buyer's
remorse after she had already inserted the fuel nozzle into her
receptacle & began pumping!). But I digress...
2nd component to this - is the level of trust and emotional comfort
the guy shares with the other man (-minus any
social messages that may be present that would form psychological
The overall aggregate "weight" these interactions create
determines how willing the guy is to letting the event causing his
penile-pleasure to continue. So, even if the man himself does not find
other guy physically erotic, - he may be willing to allow an erection that has
resulted from a friction-reflex be tendered in order to enjoy the experience -
especially if the other man is a trusted friend who does not mind the event
-or- is experiencing a similar event himself. When those dynamics come
into play, it's not unusual for either or both men to ramp up the activity that
is causing the genital-stimulation in order to enjoy the next reflex: Orgasm
(which feels good beyond words). The combination of these activities also
produce the neurotransmitter oxytocin - that causes each man's brain to create
stronger emotional attachments to his buddy. It makes for a more solid
friendship bond that feels more "trustworthy". And once this trust is
established, -men will get together for physical intimacy & sexual release more
frequently - especially when a guy who is low on Kinsey's scale
(Kinsey1-2) finds himself outside of a M/F
relationship & is sexually on edge - needing to climax to regain his
mental/emotional equilibrium. Why jack off when it feels so much
better to have a best-buddy do the deed for you? That's what puts the
"best" in the term "best-friends". Between 22-37% of the male population
(depending on location)
has/will experience this basic, private, bonding, purely reflexive
dynamic with a good, male friend (& many more would like to). Many men will get intoxicated with other men
in the hope that this situation will develop due to the inhibitions of alcohol!
This is why the old joke goes something like: "Q: How do you turn a straight
guy? A:
With a 6-pack." Intoxication does not change sexual orientation. It merely
lowers inhibitions against what is already there psychologically.
what's the mechanism?
mentioned elsewhere, ALL mammalian life starts out with a default body template
after conception: FEMALE. This is why men have nipples. When testosterone
from the testes modify the default template into male shortly after conception -
there are changes made to brain circuitry. This is why boy's interests generally
differ from girls, statistically. And, at puberty, - most teen boys come to
appreciate female aesthetics due to the modified brain wiring made by higher
testosterone levels. However, the default brain wiring is still there. In
most cases, men have little interest in the average male body-form sexually.
However, the male brain DOES recognize the more extreme effects of testosterone
on the male body. And men who have a genetic predisposition to symmetry,
musculature & accentuated male physical characteristics get noticed by BOTH,
women & other men. And it's those increased masculine traits that begin to trip
the default brain circuitry in other men to appreciate
such. If men didn't recognize this then opening a gym would be a lost cause.
Additionally, the more physically developed a man is; -the more dangerous
he becomes. So, his physique commands respect & also represents safety to those
he would protect - such as family & friends. Women innately see this as
desirable for a protector, and men who have such friends can better resist an
army that comes upon them. From the time before Sparta, men have admired & loved
powerful, beautiful, masculine men. But, men of average physiques & appearances
are often not seen in that light nor even considered for any activity outside of
platonic friendships. However, if Chester becomes a "Chad" - he catches more
admiring glances: First from women & then, as the effects of testosterone &
muscular development push the physical form more outside of the "average" and
into elite expression - THEN, men recognize the power of their default brain
circuitry to see men as attractive (which is why "Chads" tend to have more male
friends). +63% of the population experiences same-gender affection to some
degree. And male beauty pulls in more men who are in that statistical group. The
lower on Kinsey's scale a guy is, - requires these masculine traits in other men
be stronger before they begin to draw his attention. However, a symmetrical face
with the most average of ratios (known as "beauty") can increase this
aesthetic-draw substantially. Most men recognize masculine beauty outside of
what is "average". And most men don't make these feelings widely known because
they do not want to be associated with the stigmas surrounding the "gay
community". As one g0y (Greg) said: "I am a normal
guy, who has a bud who is straight. I would like to hold him and kiss him and
massage him and love him but I have no desire to poke my dick in his ass."
& as another observed: "
I was married for 13 years. I very much enjoy being with women but I greatly
enjoy being with a man to be truly free and not have to prove anything to him,
not have to worry about doing the right thing with him, just being a man with a
man in what ever fashion we want wither it be in the nude, hunting, watching a
movie just as long as we can hold and touch each other like a real man needs and
wants. I have made myself try the gay thing to try and fit in some where but it
did not work. I felt dirty, disgusted and very degraded. It won’t happen again!
I am a man, an attractive man, I try to stay in shape and I will be no ones
bitch. I can get as many bitches (women) as I want but that isn’t enough for me,
I want a man too." - FromKY
So, there are (2) primary contributing reasons for male
sexual bonding and every combination of intimate friendship results based on the
unique combinations of perspective both men have. This ranges from: "I'm
not into the male physique erotically, but having a trusted buddy jack me
off feels much better than doing the deed myself"; -All the way to the other: "I
think the male physique is beautiful & desirable and I really enjoy giving
another guy intense pleasure because it's where my loving, emotional & erotic
core is naturally.". The statistics add up to about
+63% of men - a MAJORITY! Most guys are Bi!
& Sexuality Researcher P. Tremblay wrote in a related research paper that:
"In 1960, I was growing up in a working class community where homosexual
activity between young male friends was common, not the exception. Its
predominant manifestation was "sex with equality," that included mutual
masturbation and oral sex, but not anal sex (Bagley, 1997: 183).
The latter was not even thought about, except for eventually learning that
passive anal sex was an activity engaged in by apparently degraded males who
thought themselves to be like women, or were labeled as such because they
were accepting the status of being anally penetrated. Effeminate males with
apparent or perceived feminine manners or characteristics did not exist in our
community. Sexual activities with other males generally reflected our social
relationships: the most sex with one's best friend, and lesser sex with lesser
friends. Boys had girlfriends and knew heterosexual sex, as it was well
understood having learned the word "fuck" and what it meant. An Australian
study (Connell, Davis & Dowsett, 1993) reported that working class male
environments at the time I was a teenager were "uncompromisingly heterosexual:
to be masculine is to fuck women" (126).
Anal sex between homo-sex active males
was also associated with
problems given that "fucking and being fucked in our heterosexist culture
also carries connotations of dominance
and submission, active and
passive, masculine
and feminine; and some of our respondents acknowledged this" (123).
The Australian study might, in part, explain why even the thought of
"fucking" one's best friend was precluded in my community. This kind of
(AnalSex) or related desires was in violation of our equality-based male
bonding friendships.
Sexual activity was also only a small part of our daily life, and it was not an
everyday activity although it was common and at times, enjoyed more than once a
day. In Ref to any Suicide Ideations:
My own adolescent environment, however, precluded having such feelings
(of depression) because desires to have sex with other males, and
engaging in such joyful activities, resulted only in knowing that I was part
of a majority even if, as with masturbation, my sexual activities
with other males were to be private acts. It is also doubtful, given the
information available from Ancient Greece, that adolescents boys of
(that) period would have experienced self-hatred and isolation, with
associated suicidal feelings, merely because they had love and sex desires for older
males. If suicidal feeling existed, they would likely have been experienced by a
male youth who was being ignored by all older males(!)
Therefore, the reported exceptionally high rate of "suicide problems" for
present-day males recognizing their same-gender sexual desires (males who often
identify as gay or bisexual) may be a social construction intimately linked to
another possible social construction: the increasing rarity of males (throughout
the 2nd half of the 20th century) reporting same-gender sexual desires and
related sexual activity in the Western World - a slowly reversing trend." What
Tremblay stumbled onto in his own experience & research are fundamental truths
about male sexuality (widely
known & accepted in antiquity) that became increasingly slandered &
discredited by abusive governments & religions - causing great amounts of
societal damage!
the modern, -the confusion and sense of mystery that so many recent publications
exude regarding same gender intimate activity among men is simply because the
authors and most of the readers - haven't wrapped their minds around the
evidence that Alfred Kinsey amassed during his research into human sexuality
in the 1940's. I occasionally observe Kinsey referenced but often, - the author
goes back to using the terms "Straight, Bi and Gay" - reducing the facts of
Kinsey's sexuality research back into the flawed thought processes of (3)
sexuality categories. If you
really understand Kinsey's numbers then you understand that the people
who are at the endpoints on his scale are in the minority - even when
their numbers are combined!
"People need to wake the fuck up about the facts Kinsey unearthed". -
right: The number of people who Kinsey identified as "Totally Straight" were
under 40% (probably under 35% if the truth be told). The number of people
who identified as completely same-gender-attracted are less than 10%.
Combined, their numbers are under 50% - leaving more than +50% in the
"amBIsexual-to-some-degree" category.
The numbers are there but people don't seem to be able
to generally understand that this means 1 out of every 2 people are selectively
amBIsexual to some degree. And most of these people do NOT find the
CULTURE that is called "GAY" to be something that they identity with.
Often - such as with g0ys - it is quite the opposite. Men who appreciate
masculinity defined by the effects of testosterone - find the concept of "Ben in
a bra" to be repulsive & demeaning. This widespread feeling among so many
men is why the term "gay" with it's gender-bending oddness is often openly
shunned & rejected - even by men who love men/too. It's simply due to
the freak-show of the thing called "gay culture" (watch a "gay-pride" event &
judge for yourself if 'freaky' is the correct term) that causes these normal
guys to disassociate themselves with the term "gay" altogether.
And it's for many of these reasons that explain why most guys are amBIsexual to
some degree and yet, - why so many men are unaware of the widespread nature of
these common feelings and experiences! For a massively in-depth study
about male sexuality & how definitions changed over time,
SO, Bro! Just to let
you know: Your Bros DO GO w. Mo! Stop being so slow!
Ring-Tone! Get it for your Phone!
You were very delightful
to me; your love
was wonderful
to me,
exceeding the love of women."
- Actual BIBLICAL Song
lyrics by King David of Israel! (See: 2nd
Samuel 1:26)
TODAY, The entire concept of "GAY" is one giant
one g0y from Portugal clarified (translated): "We're in that month of the
year where everyone puts "pride" stickers wherever they want so that they can
see themselves as "progressive" and "inclusive" and one of the main arguments I
see from these people is that "Being gay is not a choice; -People are born that
way". Honestly, I couldn't disagree more with this because:
1. "Gay" is not an actual sexual orientation unlike what many
"progressivists" claim to be. In reality, "gay" is a sexual, political and
cultural identity that mixes drag shows, transgenderism, non-binary mumbo-jumbo,
post-progressive politics, ethic nihilism, promiscuity and especially the
dangerous practice of anal sex all into one large term that used to only
mean a person who would be same gender attracted. So, obviously, no one is
actually born with any of these characteristics because most, if not all of
these things that are now synonyms with the word "gay" are social constructions
which have nothing to do with same gender attraction! In fact, the whole LGBT
community doesn't seem to be very coherent in what they themselves consider to
be "gay". In one hand, they claim that all men who exclusively love other men
are gay and that's all; -But, on the other hand, they claim that if a man who
loves other men refuses to participate in anal sex or defend any of the things
their community defends, he's not really gay! And believe me, I know that very
well because I once experienced gay-identified men advising me to ask myself if
I really was "gay" since I refused to partake in such a horrible, disgusting and
grotesque practice that he wanted to do with me
So, if the Gay Community can't actually make their minds up about what being
"gay" actually means, how on Earth can a person be actually born that way? It's
impossible! That's just a huge lie our society has being telling us for quite
some time by now.
2. There is a clear difference between being same gender
attracted and being outright gay!
Same gender attraction is
something most men and women feel naturally; -It's part of human nature, no
matter how much heternormative crusaders try to deny it! Being gay, on the
other hand is clearly a choice and it's clearly socially and culturally
constructed since there's an actual community pretty much teaching people what
it means to be gay and what one should do/how one should behave if he/she is one
of them! It's not something naturally constructed, it's clearly something
cultural because it mixes things like idolizing pop-divas like Madonna, Britney,
etc., being obsessed with Broadway musicals, liking to pretend to be the gender
you're not and to be as less masculine as possible
And this has nothing to do with same gender attraction! I've always been
exclusively same-gender attracted and I never really cared for any of those
things I just mentioned. In fact, most of them I find to be quite embarrassing.
Very honestly speaking and here, once again, is where the incoherence typical of
the gay community comes to show because, on one hand, they keep telling people
that none of those things are a requirement for someone to be gay but, on the
other hand, they keep doing the exact opposite claiming that "gay" is this, that
and that and whoever's not following any of that is not "doing it right"!
So, in conclusion:
Being same gender attracted: Not a choice.
Being gay: A choice that is socially, culturally and politically
encouraged by the LGBT propaganda on many men who love other men and have no
idea how to deal w. that."
I will also note that many of the "studies & surveys" now being reported in the
media as if recently discovered - have been showcased at g0ys.org since 2003!
The media's hesitation to report the g0y source is because
g0ys is brazenly politically incorrect and openly
hostile to the low-brow audience that the mass-media panders to. However,
the g0ys movement has exploded into highly masculine environments such as
military, athletics & college fraternities - because men who appreciate raw
masculinity find the g0ys philosophy to be an attractive, honorable expression
for loving guys (as opposed to the gay paradigm's attempt to dilute testosterone
into obscurity with "estrogen")! For
more insight, click...