The "K-Rush": A Layman's 0verview of the Effects of Potassium Ions in the Human Body
No information herein shall be construed as medical advice.

Many of us have seen it: A person buried under tons of debris is found still alive -- sometimes in surprisingly good spirits.  Upon being dug out & freed from the crushing threat, - many of these people subsequently lose consciousness, enter a shock-like condition & often die -- usually with no serious traumatic injury.  For years, this baffled the medical establishment.  The answer lay in understanding the element Potassium & what effect it had on the systems of the body during a "crushing episode".

My name is PAUL LEE ACEBO.  My Associates call me "Dr. Krush".  Several years ago, I was at a medical symposium in Germany that changed my life.  Since that weekend, my studies have been focused on the element Potassium (Periodic table symbol: K) & the effects the ions have on the human body.  Several colleagues suggested I pen a paper for the layman, which is what this site is about.  No information on this site shall be construed as medical advice of a treatment.  I always suggest each person have their own physician.  While no procedure listed on this page should be considered a "controlled medical treatment", I would also advise against characterizing any of the techniques as "Massage", "Chi", "Circulatory", or any other type of medical or holistic treatment.  You may refer to my techniques as "KRush"(pronounced: "crush") therapy or the "KRush Technique". 

Caveats: While I know of no detrimental effects resulting from the use of KRush Therapy; -- Be advised that elevated levels of potassium can stop the heart, & there are many instances on record where elevated levels of potassium did, indeed kill a person.  Although most people would experience discomfort before this became a life-issue, -- the KRush technique augments an endorphin cascade by helping Potassium ion formation within a person's body.  Due to the well documented effect of endorphins, someone practicing the KRush technique should always tell their client about the very limited risk, - not yet quantified. 

KRush Zones & General Procedure Overview:

The KRush technique is a natural way to reduce or eliminate pain (including forms of depression - mental pain) by helping the body to produce free potassium ions that result in increased endorphin production.  The effect convinces the body that it is being crushed & it prepares to deal with associated trauma by releasing natural pain killers.  This technique seems to be so incredibly effective with many people because it takes much less pressure to release potassium than would actually harm tissues in the short term.  However, it does require some deep pressure, - which is why the effect is applied more effectively by men (who have a statistically tighter grasp) than women.  A person effectively using the KRush Technique should be able to apply between 75-100 lbs of squeeze-power per hand.  This may sound like a lot, but spread over 5-10, -- the effective pressure is only 10-20 psi. 

The KRush technique is best utilized in places where nerve density is high, & where deep pressure triggers endorphins (KRush Zones).  For most people, ideal locations are both the feet & hands.  The X-rays here show metacarpals & metatarsals in juxtaposition with phalanx (fingers & toes) arranged so that the 1st, 2nd & 3rd, etc phalanx on the foot X-ray correspond to the thumb, fore, middle & ring finger of the hand X-ray on the right.  On the hand, the 1st, 2nd, etc MT shown in the left X-ray, of course, correspond to carpals.  Other than semantics, hands & feet can be treated equally -- although about +66% of recipients of the technique insist that the KRush zones on the feet generate substantially more "rush". Speaking of "rush", this technique produces a literal flood of neurotransmitters within seconds after being started.  The recipient should be told in advance that they may experience a "rush" and that the entire limb being worked may feel extremely fatigued or "heavy" during the process.  The process is also extremely addictive (in the short term), which means that you should be able to give a recipient some quality time after beginning.  It is my opinion that we could reduce or eliminate much of the pain & anxiety medication prescribed if more people became aware of the KRush Technique.


The soft-tissue in & around the bones is where KRush force should be applied.  It should be very firm but never should hurt the recipient.  Again: Pain receptors should not be triggered during the process if at all possible.  A common technique is to grasp the limb with the hands of the 'KRusher' palms-down on top of the limb w. fingers wrapped around so that the tips apply even pressure between the 1st & 2nd PP, and the 4th & 5th PP (MC when dealing with the hands).  Alternate between 1st & 2nd, 2nd & 3rd; -- And 4th & 5th, & 3rd & 4th -- with respective hands.  Apply deep pressure and HOLD.  Wait 10-15 seconds & release.  Move up or down the limb slightly & repeat.  If connected to monitoring equipment, -- within 30 seconds of beginning: breathing, blood pressure & pulse should begin to drop and vasodilatation in the upper body should increase.  This is often accompanied with a "rush" feeling in the head & the onset of lethargy not unlike opiates cause. 

Other Areas to Consider KRush'ng:

As shown in the diagram/s , all major sites that have large muscles that you can get a hand around to apply deep pressure to are KRush possibilities.  However, the effectiveness varies with individuals so you may need to ask the recipient of the technique what locations cause the best "rushes" of endorphins.  Also, if you can't get a hand around a muscle group, but can apply force using your weight -- evenly distributed across the soft tissue, then KRush can be applied using that approach.  When applying body weight to a KRush Zone, you must take extreme care not to hurt the recipient. It can often be a fine line between deep pressure & pain.  Large groups of muscles that are often KRush Zones are trapezius, deltoids, pectorals, rectus femoris, gastronemius & latissimus dorsi.  A number of people also report that the ears & head are excellent KRush Zones because of the extreme nerve density in the scalp.
Obviously, there are areas that should not be KRushed -- such as the eyes; -- & rather than name all of the spots where pressure trauma may be a problem; -- The easier approach is to give a rule-of-thumb: If it hurts, don't go there.  If you are pregnant, KRushing may indirectly stimulate labor because of the potential of elevated oxytocin levels.  Keep that in mind.

Finally: Once again ... please do not confuse KRushing with "other things".  There may be similar "things" out there of which I cannot address.  However, KRusing is specifically designed to drive up levels of potassium ions which have many great side effects (right up till the point it kills you)!  The chemical cascade is not to be underestimated or taken lightly.  You should wait 15-30 minutes after being KRushed before you attempt to drive or operate heavy machinery.  I wish all of you a KRushing experience.  

--  P.L. ACEBO